Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Participation can, as always, earn you a glorious stamp!
Players can earn the SWP stamp by completing three of the following. Character accounts can be combined.
Complete a thread in which your character is campaigning, being campaigned to, or deciding who to vote for.
Play a Ministerial candidate (announced in DP.)
Complete a thread in which your character is discussing the election.
Write an article for The Daily Prophet or Witch Weekly on the election
Write letters to three separate individuals about SWP-related matters.
Complete one thread at each of two SEPARATE campaign or candidate events.
Complete three threads related to the dragon incident
Challenge for involvement: contact Beanie with a series of other related things that are not on this list, but that you think should count as one of your three requirements.
"Complete" threads are 10+ posts, with 3+ belonging to the character in question, and have been archived.
1. Are threads that are open now eligible, or just those from now on?
2. Any suggestions for those with Hogwarts characters to participate? As far as I know, there's no Junior Tories of Britain club at Hogwarts yet, or a meeting thread for the Young Whigs to crash. Beyond creating those, I'm looking for some other ideas to take part.
(September 6, 2023 – 9:34 PM)Millie Potts Wrote: 2. Any suggestions for those with Hogwarts characters to participate? As far as I know, there's no Junior Tories of Britain club at Hogwarts yet, or a meeting thread for the Young Whigs to crash. Beyond creating those, I'm looking for some other ideas to take part.
Writing a DP/WW thing is something you can do OOC regardless of how old your characters are! And some summer campaign events are open to kids (see Nichole putting Sobie all over them).
(September 6, 2023 – 9:34 PM)Millie Potts Wrote: 1. Are threads that are open now eligible, or just those from now on?
2. Any suggestions for those with Hogwarts characters to participate? As far as I know, there's no Junior Tories of Britain club at Hogwarts yet, or a meeting thread for the Young Whigs to crash. Beyond creating those, I'm looking for some other ideas to take part.
1. Threads made after the election was announced (July 18) are eligible
2. Like Lynn said, anyone can write an article! In addition to events set during the summer (and potential events on Hogsmeade weekend days/at Hogwarts), anyone can send letters/discuss the election (which I just added to the list!) (And, students who are 17 or older can vote, and be hassled by other students on politics — as can most professors. ;) )
On September 14, 1893 at approximately 5:40 pm in the middle of the Ministerial Debate, ships headed for the Magical Port of London on the Thames river will be attacked. A ship illegally transporting ten rogue Peruvian Vipertooth Dragons will lose control of the animals, who then go on to wreak havoc on the River Thames waterfront.
Along with the ship transporting them, the Vipertooth dragons will lay waste to two passenger ships headed to the Magical Port of London; one coming from Italy and another coming from Stockholm.
Among the other ships affected are three cargo ships carrying various goods. The specifics are left up to y'all, in case you'dl like your shop owners inventories to be affected!
A map of the locations of magical london along with the ministry's barrier can be seen here
Quote:"This is the smallest of all known dragons, and the swiftest in flight. A mere fifteen feet or so in length, the Peruvian Vipertooth is smooth-scaled and copper-coloured with black ridge markings. The horns are short and the fangs are particularly venomous. The Vipertooth will feed readily on goats and cows, but has such a liking for humans that the International Confederation of Wizards was forced to send in exterminators in the late nineteenth century to reduce Vipertooth numbers, which had been increasing with alarming rapidity."
Department of Magical Transportation
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures w/ the Restraint Bureau
Department for Magical Accidents & Catastrophes
Department of Magical Law Enforcement
Auror Department
Healers from Hogsmeade Hospital
Healers from St. Mungo's Hospital
Anything near the Magical Port of London will end up within the barrier
A magically-erected site near the Magical Port of London - Emergency Headquarters for Department of Int’l Magical Cooperation, Magical Transportation, Regulation & Control of Magical Creatures, and Magical Accidents and Catastrophes
The Crowdy Memorial Library: Triage/Evac Site for healers & wounded
The Ministry Floo and the Floo between the Emergency Headquarters, the Library, and both hospitals will be the only floo “online” in London 60 minutes after Mr. Armstrong bursts in at 5:45 PM
If you set your skin to Blood in the Water you'll see we have a special treat for y'all
Preliminary List of Voting Accounts & Exception Requests
As part of an election, one should be voting! You can find a preliminary list of characters (& OOC accounts) that can vote here.** What are Magical Britain's voting policies, you ask?
**This was last updated as of the September AC, it will be updated again after the October AC, it is not an exhaustive list right now!
Men of any class over 17 as of Oct 19, 1893; who are 1) alive, 2) wizards, and 3) were born in Britain; or fit the first two qualities and have lived in Britain for 8*-or-more years
Widows who are witches, with sons under 17 who would be eligible to vote under the above parameters.
If you do not think your character has a mailing address or the stability to vote, they don't have to — but tracking that is up to you!
This list includes all male characters that were eligible from Beanie's quick scan, all members who can cast votes on their OOC accounts**, and any characters I identified as maybe-eligible from a quick scan. (They're all men.)
Some OOC notes -
Any member that does not have at least two characters who are eligible will have 1-2 "OOC" votes. OOC votes are weighted the same as IC votes.
New characters must have 5 completed IC posts in order to vote. Reactivated characters must have 5 "new" IC posts in order to vote.
There will be a maximum # of times you can vote for your own character.
To request that a character who isn't listed be eligible to vote, please post the below form by no later than Oct. 12, 2023.
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Character D.O.B.:</b>
<b>Reason for exception request:</b>
I will get back to you shortly after the request is submitted.
Info on voting processes will come later!
MJ made this!
September 18, 2023 – 1:26 PM
Last modified: September 18, 2023 – 3:32 PM by Timoleon Maxime.
Assistant Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
34 year old Pure
5 ft. 9½ in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Gin
158 Posts
Character Name: @“Timleon Maxime” Character D.O.B.: Nov 4, 1860 Reason for exception request: not sure if I should post here, but Leo has been in Britain since 1881.
Character Name:Cleander Huxley Character D.O.B.: 7 January 1857 Reason for exception request: Wizard, over 17 and born in Britain. Plus even when he didn't live in the UK, he lived in a British Colony (Egypt has been a British colony since 1882)
Character Name:Kayin Adebayo Character D.O.B.: 28 September 1866 Reason for exception request: He's over 17, a wizard and has lived in Britain since 1884 - I didn't add this to his app but he started at Uagadou at 1877 and assuming the school runs for 7 years, he'd graduate in 1884 which is 9 years ago. Plus he was born in Lagos after it was declared a British colony, so not sure if he counts as a ~British citizen?
Character Name:Nephele Lestrange Character D.O.B.:6 Jan 1858 Reason for exception request: Widow and mother to a boy under 17 - Phrixus Lestrange - 2 months old, and no other sons
(September 19, 2023 – 6:24 PM)Nephele Lestrange Wrote: Character Name:Nephele Lestrange Character D.O.B.:6 Jan 1858 Reason for exception request: Widow and mother to a boy under 17
Can you include the boy's name & whether or not the father has any other/older sons?
(September 19, 2023 – 6:24 PM)Nephele Lestrange Wrote: Character Name:Nephele Lestrange Character D.O.B.:6 Jan 1858 Reason for exception request: Widow and mother to a boy under 17
Can you include the boy's name & whether or not the father has any other/older sons?
1) So just clarifying for those that didn't catch this tidbit and/or arent in the Discord but all dragons were caught within 72 hours?
2) Are people are able to leave London from the triage site? For example, Elsie & Timothy were at the library but live in Hogsmeade. They were both helping out with the emergency but Elsie has to get home to check on her children. Is Elsie able to floo home using the library aka triages floo in the middle of everything?
(September 24, 2023 – 11:31 PM)Tycho Dodonus Wrote: 1) So just clarifying for those that didn't catch this tidbit and/or arent in the Discord but all dragons were caught within 72 hours?
2) Are people are able to leave London from the triage site? For example, Elsie & Timothy were at the library but live in Hogsmeade. They were both helping out with the emergency but Elsie has to get home to check on her children. Is Elsie able to floo home using the library aka triages floo in the middle of everything?
With all dragons caught within 72 hours, does that mean the floo network resumes operation and the barrier comes down? I.E. can wizard-folk now come and go freely from London?
(September 26, 2023 – 10:42 PM)Millie Potts Wrote: With all dragons caught within 72 hours, does that mean the floo network resumes operation and the barrier comes down? I.E. can wizard-folk now come and go freely from London?
Yep, the floo was back online everywhere by 12PM 9/18.