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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

This is a Heist
May 20th, 1893 - Podmore Zoo

Alvin was always looking for ways out of the house and looked for places where none of his family were going to find him. He was safe here until summer anyway, until Sloane and her hoard of friends were running around rampant and he was stuck trailing around behind him. Rufus has his own life, Harry and Wally had real jobs and that left him to be the default chaperon. It wasn't so bad, but they had far more energy than he did. Maybe he was getting sour in his old age. Life events spoke a little too loudly.

Still, he could find some quiet here and as usual he had his sketchbook with him. It was rare for him to be seen without it these days as it was generally the only thing that kept him sane. The drive to find something to fill his time with was unyielding and since he couldn't do what he'd always wanted, he was lost in the abyss.

And feeling particularly existential, apprently.

He was still wondering where he could sit and work on sketching some of the magical creatures, when something came streaking by, grabbing the laces of his canvas roll, the supplies went sprawling everywhere. The diricawl responsible grabbed one of his brushes and took off with a pop! Disappearing before Alvin could even blink. "Hey!"

Maddie found herself at the zoo on a regular basis these days - between work and the genuine pleasure she felt visiting the zoo she was here a few times a week. Maddie observed a young man nearby whose distraction seemed to be almost palpable. She couldn't help but notice the weariness in his eyes. Curiosity piqued, Maddie couldn't help but observe him. He appeared deep in thought as if contemplating time, space and the meaning of the universe - as defined by the creature he was drawing. She understood the need for solitude and introspection, especially when life's demands seemed overwhelming. The zoo had started as that for her too, and now it was part of her life.

Her attention was abruptly drawn to a sudden commotion as a streaking blur darted past, snagging the laces of his canvas roll. His supplies scattered in every direction, and before he could react, the mischievous culprit, a diricawl, vanished with one of his brushes. Maddie couldn't help but stifle a giggle at the chaotic turn of events, covering her mouth with her hand.

With a friendly smile, she approached him as the commotion settled. Gathering the supplies that were closest to her, she offered him a hand. "Well, that was quite an unexpected encounter, wasn't it? It seems the diricawl has taken quite a liking to your sketching supplies," she remarked, her voice filled with amusement. 'Will you be able to finish without it?' proferring the fallen art supplies back to him.

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Torn between his scattered supplies and the culprit making off with his paintbrush, Alvin hesitated just a moment too long and by the time the diricawl reappeared, it was fifty feet down the path, standing there, taunting him. He scowled at it, but the expression was wiped from his face by a nearby giggle. Alvin rearranged his features into something more neutral, but his distinct lack of amusement lingered in his eyes.

Still, he wasn't one to be rude and she had gathered some of his brushes, so for that at least, he could be grateful. "Always my luck," He managed with a grimace and a shake of his head. "Thank you," Alvin tried for a better smile. "Haven't started anything, so I suppose one brush won't set me too far back." There was that at least. Not that Alvin could really spare it. He wasn't exactly flush with coin these days, without steady work. "I wonder if I can lure it for an exchange." It wasn't a niffler though, no easy seduction with something shiny.

"Well, what about this or this?," Maddie suggested, her voice filled with a touch of mischief. She reached into her bag and retrieved a small box filled with sweet cakes. "I happen to have a box of these delightful cakes. I only have my hair pin with me, and I'm not sure it's fancy enough to entice much, but perhaps they have a sweet tooth. And one for your inconvenience?" the last with a flashed, sympathetic smile.

Maddie extended the box towards the gent, the tantalizing aroma of the cakes wafting through the air, a honey laden confection shaped like a bee, complete with delicately fluttering spun suger wings. "You never know if we can lure it close enough, you'll have the opportunity to retrieve what's rightfully yours." She didn't think an accio wouldn't work, the creature would disappear before the spell could hit it's mark, unless the gent was a faster caster than she was.

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The woman before him seemed to be far more prepared for a situation like this and Alvin eyed the diricawl warily, waiting for it to pop away again. Instead it started to pick at the hairs of the brush and Alvin sighed, somewhat dramatically. If it was ruined what was the point?

"I'm afraid I don't know much about magical creatures, that is my sister's department." Sloane would probably know what to do here, she liked the subject if he remembered right. Alvin collected the rest of his scattered things and tucked them haphazardly back into his case.

Looking at what was offered as a distraction, Al supposed food never went amiss. "It may like the treat?" He shrugged as he straightened up. "Are you sure you don't mind?" He didn't want her to waste her food on something like this. Frustrated, he ran his bad hand through his hair, even though it didn't do much.

Maddie extended the box of sweet cakes once more, offering it to Alvin. "I don't mind at all" she said warmly. "Besides, consider it an icebreaker, don't you think? There is more than enough for you and the diricawl to have a treat." she said with a warm cat eyed smile

As Alvin ran his hand through his hair, frustration apparent in his actions, Maddie's gaze softened. Placing a hand on his arm in a comforting gesture, she said, "We'll entice the diricawl with the treat, and I have a feeling it won't be able to resist."

Maddie glanced toward the mischievous creature, still engrossed in picking at the brush. she approached it slowly, making a chuffing noise between her teeth and gently tossing small pieces of cake in it's direction. It turned one eye towards them and snapped up first one and then another piece of cake, allowing Maddie to take small steps towards the creature.

She gestured with her head and mouthed for him to cut the creature off at the pass, to go around the otherside while it was focusing on her.

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Alvin started at the hand on his arm, eyeing the young miss curiously. She was being awfully cavalier about this whole thing; the bizarre situation, his surly attitude. He wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

Fortunately he was spared from having to reply as the blonde enacted her plan to lure the bird away from its treasure. He watched in mixed amusement and intrigue as the diricawl went for the bits of cake. Alvin caught on belatedly that he was meant to circle round the back, but as he tried, another brush fell from his case and the diricawl, startled, rushed toward him, intent on grabbing the new trinket. Alvin dove for the brush, trying to keep it from being swept up, but he wasn't quick enough.

Swearing lightly under his breath, he watched in dismay as the flightless irritant skipped off with its newest reward, disappearing and reappearing a few yards down the path. Alvin glowered once more, sitting flat on his ass in the dirt now, watching as the diricawl began to pull this brush apart too. "I think I admit defeat." Two brushes was not worth this aggravation, he was pretty sure.

Her gaze was drawn to the spot where the diricawl had vanished with the brush. The creature left behind a handful of it's soft feathers as if in payment for the stolen items. Maddie gathered them delicately and offered them to Alvin. "Apparently he wanted to pay you yourself. Inspiration for your art or as a memento perhaps?"

She did wonder how on earth the zoo kept any sort of control over the birds given their tendancies to vanish and pass through walls. Maddie turned her attention back to the gentleman. She reached into the box of sweet cakes and selected a particularly delectable one. "Perhaps a cake in consolation?" she said, trying to distract him. 'My parents are bakers, they are fairly good, I promise - even if they didn't quite work on a diricawl.'

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
Well, that was that then. Alvin stood up and brushed off his dusty pants with his good hand, shouldering his supplies with his bad one. He didn't have much a grip on that side these days, but the overall function of his arm was fine. The skin on his hand was too tight to grasp a paintbrush or gouge or even hold a broom tight so he could work with the other hand. At least he was righthanded to begin with.

Balking at the offered cake, Alvin smiled wryly. "Very kind of you, but I'm not much of a sweets person. Thank you though." He really didn't have much of a taste for it, he preferred savory flavors, even sour ones. Sloane was the sweet tooth in their house. "And thanks for your help, it was worth a try." Perhaps he'd stop by the aviary and see if the people who ran it were around. Maybe the could get his brushes back. By then though they would likely be destroyed.

Maddie watched as Alvin stood up and brushed off his dusty pants, a sense of sympathy washing over her as she observed his limited grip on his bad hand. She nodded in acknowledgment of his thanks, her smile warm, even as a touch of disappointment lingered. "I understand. We all have our preferences," she replied graciously. Maddie tucked the box of sweet cakes back into her bag. It wasn't often when that someone refused, even if only out of politeness.

"It was my pleasure to assist, even if our efforts did not yield the desired outcome," she said, her tone kind and understanding. Maddie observed Alvin's contemplative expression and the mention of the aviary, understanding his desire to seek out alternative solutions. She reached into her bag and retrieved a small notebook and a pencil. "Here," she said, extending them to him. "Its not quite the same but..." she trailed off with a lame shrug.

'I hope you're next painting fairs better' she said with a sheepish smile, and a small wave. She was sure Cane would be most interested in the news of the bird - and she made a mental note to double check her supply of dirigal feathers, she didn't remember where she had last seen them.

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Alvin almost regretted not taking one of the offered sweets, judging by the hint of disappointment in her expression. He didn't want to waste her food though and her help had been more than enough. He did realize he was being a little petulant and sulky, which seemed to be his general mode of operation these days. Rolling his shoulders, he tried to let go of some of the tension in his shoulders and passed her a better smile.

"I couldn't possibly. I have plenty," he motioned the full supply roll in over his shoulder. "Just didn't want to have to replace them if I didn't need to." Being out of work, or spotty with commissions was tricky. He had a little income, but it hadn't been nearly worth it. "My sister interns here in the summers, she might be able to salvage the brushes." He wasn't exactly sure if that was realistic or not, but it was worth asking. "I really do appreciate the help, though."

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Maddie observed as Alvin seemed to loosen up a bit, his tense demeanor giving way to a more open expression. She appreciated his attempt at a better smile, recognizing the effort he was making.

Curiosity piqued at the mention of Alvin's sister interning at the zoo during summers, Maddie's eyes met his with interest. "Your sister interns at the zoo? How fascinating! I breed magical equine, and own the shop in town. I wonder if our paths have crossed?"

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Well that was interesting. "Truth be told I'm not exactly sure what she does here, but her name is Sloane Bixby. She interns here with Mr. and Mrs. Miller, I believe." At least he thought that was the name of the married couple who worked here. Truthfully, besides the quiet, Alvin liked coming to the zoo because he had never been very good at drawing animals and this was good practice.

"I suppose I never thought of the fact that there must be magical horse breeders out there, that's quite fascinating." How did one get into that? Alvin had rarely looked beyond the realm of brooms, he was forced out of his comfort zone when he'd lost his passion and occupation. He supposed that any interest could be made into a living if one worked hard enough at it.

[Image: AlvinSig.png]
Maddie's eyes widened with surprise as Alvin mentioned his sister's name. Sloane Bixby—a name she knew well. A smile played at the corners of her lips as she realized the connection they shared. "Oh, how delightful! I know Sloane. We've crossed paths before," she replied, her voice filled with a touch of excitement. "She's a lovely person, She will make a fine mazi-zoologist one day."

As Alvin expressed his intrigue about magical horse breeders, Maddie's smile grew warmer. "Yes, magical horse breeding is indeed a fascinating field. There's a certain magic in nurturing and working with these majestic creatures. They have such grace and beauty," she said, her eyes sparkling with genuine admiration.

Maddie leaned in a little closer, a subtle amusement gracing her words. " I came across a magnificent unicorn foal last year, abandoned in the wilds. It was injured and needed care, and it was the Millers who helped me in nursing it back to health. It was a remarkable experience that truly sparked my passion for magical creatures and inspired me to work in this area."

She glanced at Alvin's art supplies and offered him a playful suggestion. "He's since left me, to join the herd in the forbidden forest, but I have a wonderful herd of Abraxan and Aethonan. I'm sure they would make a fine subject for a painting?" Her gaze held a touch of innocence and teasing amusement - 'and not a dirigal in sight I can promise!' she added.

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Alvin nodded along as the young woman explained her field. Truthfully he sort of tuned Sloane out when she started rambling about creatures, maybe he should have paid better attention. "Sounds like you've found a calling," Of which Alvin could be a little bitter about as he was trying to find his second passion.

Unsure as to whether or not he was reading the situation right, Alvin decided to go the self-depreciation route. "I'm afraid I'm not very good at animals, part of the reason I come here." Aside from escorting Sloane around. "Still working on the skill, but hopefully someday I'll be that good." Because Merlin knew he needed some sort of occupation that could support him.

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Maddie listened attentively as Alvin shared his thoughts on his own artistic journey and his attempts at capturing animals in his paintings. His self-deprecating tone tugged at her heartstrings, and she couldn't help but find him endearing in his honesty.

"You have a wonderful talent with your art," Maddie said gently, offering him a reassuring smile. "Your painting did look good before the diricawl decided to have its playful mischief. It's evident that you possess a keen eye for details and emotions."

She glanced toward the path where the diricawl had disappeared with its new "treasure." "Perhaps one day, you'll find yourself comitting this encounter into a charming work of art." She smiled. Maddie's gaze held a warmth that conveyed her genuine belief in his talent and potential. She had no real artistic ability herself, she could sketch passably enough, but without the real flaire that made someone a true artist.

"Finding one's passion is a journey, and sometimes it takes time to uncover our true calling. It has taken me long enough to work out what I want," she said, her voice soft and encouraging.

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