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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Sister Sleepover
January 7th, 1893 - Daffy's Flat

Now that the holidays were over and things had settled down, Daff felt like she'd finally found a good rhythm. Christmas had been such a lovely evening spent in the company of her family and her favorite people that Daff had realized just how much she missed seeing her sisters, now that she wasn't actively hiding from them like she had been all autumn. No, she was in a far better place and so it seemed, that Dahlia was too. The news of Mr. Honeyduke's offer of courtship had come as a bit of a surprise, but then again, Daff had been disconnected. He was always such a pleasure to deal with for business, that Daff rather thought he would make a nice addition to the family. Not to mention Dahlia shared a love of baking and everything in the kitchen, so they seemed like quite a good match.

Not to mention, she was sure her sisters had questions about Elias' presence at Christmas eve, which she should probably answer, lest they start fabricating their own stories, so Daff rather thought it was time to host a little slumber party at her flat. She had indeed gotten some sweets from Mr. Honeyduke (without telling him of course!) and from the bakery up the street. They had such delectable pastries and tea that it was hard to pass them up! Daff was in there daily at this point. She had transformed her sitting room into a giant seas of pillows and cozy blankets, the furniture pushed aside and a warm fire glowing in the hearth. They would do this picnic style like they had when they were young girls.

Daff was curled up with Winston among the pillows, playing with a lone carnation flower that had fallen out of the vase in the windowsill as she surveyed the scene before her. The corgi was sound asleep, stretched out against Daff as she lounged. They had eaten and had some tea and were settling into the comfy part of the evening now. Conversation had ranged from everything they'd gotten for Christmas, to Daff's business and the Christmas tree event and how their mother was certainly starting to lose it, but now Daff was too curious to leave it for any longer, even if she knew it opened the door for questions to be turned around on her. "Dahlia, I can't believe you hid Mr. Honeyduke from us!" Daff chuckled as Beatrix made herself comfortable in the middle of the fray, the large Maine coon unphased by the gaggle of girls surrounding her.

@"Dahlia Potts" @"Zinnia Potts" & Thistle Potts
Two days/two posts? Sorry school-bound Potts ladies!

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
It was comforting to be among her sisters this way, nestled into blankets and pillows, Beatrix nestled on her feet as she leaned against Zinnia. In some small way it made her feel like a child again when it had been just them and Calla who remained at home. They'd all snuggle into one bed and in the end manage to find themselves nestled on the floor instead. Conversation flowed easily among them hardly missing a beat. This was what Dahlia loved the most about sisters.

And then Quin came up and Dahlia found herself blushing furiously and pointedly not looking at Zin who was the only one she had told. "Oh," she mumbled reaching forward and snagging a cookie from the tray, "It wasn't exactly intentional..." Her defense trailed off weakly. More that she hadn't really wanted to admit how the whole thing had started - it was, after all, rather embarrassing to be writing in response to lonely hearts letters.

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   Daffodil Grimstone

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
Zinnia was thrilled to have finally made it over to Daffy’s, as every time she’d tried recently something had come up. It made for some very awkward encounters with a handful of people, but she’d rather forget about those, thank you very much. Visiting Daff was even better when most of her sisters were here. The conversations flowed easily, and she felt a pang in her chest. Most of them spent time outside of the house, and after living with them for so long and finding that they weren’t there as much anymore, Zin found she missed them immensely. She was going to soak up all the time she could with them.

With Dahlia leaning against her, Zinnia turned toward her with a sly grin because she had know about her budding relationship with Mr. Honeyduke. They were a good match, but she still wanted to find a time to threaten him, just so he knew what was coming if he hurt Dahlia in any way. (Although he probably wouldn’t take it seriously.) “What a hard secret for you to keep! We want to hear all about your courtship.” Zin giggled quietly as she knocked her shoulder gently against her; of course she knew all the details, but it was still fun to tease her sister.

“At least now we’ll have two bakers in the family.” Zin was not going to be sad about that. "And a broom maker?" She asked, turning her eyes back to Daffy.

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   Daffodil Grimstone, Dahlia Honeyduke

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

Daff didn't intend to make Dahlia squirm, she was genuinely curious to know how Dahlia and Mr. Honeyduke had gotten along and met one another, but she didn't have to share if she didn't want to. Daffy had opened up the door for the question to be turned on her on purpose after all, if Dahlia wasn't in the mood to share.

Pursing her lips to contain the smile, Daff did not resist a pointed look at Thistle, who certainly had an idea that something was going on. After meeting her older sister's eyes briefly, her gaze traveled to the little arrangement of twigs and hazelwood flowers that sat right atop her mantle where she smiled at them every day. "I cannot say for sure," Daff was intentionally taking things slow, especially now that Dahlia's courtship was official; the last thing she wanted to do was take away from this exciting time in her sister's life. "But Mr. Grimstone and I are certainly enjoying getting to know one another." In the many aspects that entailed. She became a very familiar fixture in his workshop and she was starting to lure him into spending time in her greenhouse, slowly but surely. Plus she sincerely enjoyed invading his space and he didn't seem to mind.

Fortunately the many Potts sisters had never been concerned with doing things in birth order, otherwise they would all be waiting on Thistle who appeared to have little interest. She did wonder about Zinnia though. "It is certainly Dahlia's time to shine though." Mr. Honeyduke seemed equally enamored with her next closest sister, as Dahlia had been with him, so Daff could only assume an engagement and wedding were due sometime this year. She could certainly wait that long to see where things with Elias went. He had said he would wait and she would undoubtedly explain this desire of hers, so perhaps she would be next, but she was not about to count her chickens before they hatched.

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Since the moment they'd gathered it had been a constant struggle for Thistle to hold in her grin. The party had given them so much to talk about and now that they were here, free from the gaze of their parents and any other outside judgement, it felt like could finally let it out. She was both thrilled and delighted by this sudden appearance of so many suitors... one of which she had a hand in encouraging. Quite at home in their little pillow nest, she sat with both arms wrapped around a pillow in her lap as she listened keenly to whatever her sisters might divulge.

"I am glad to see neither of you have suffered from my poor example." she said with her poorly hidden amusement written clearly across her face.

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   Daffodil Grimstone

[Image: BJWeo7.png]
Set by Bee <3
"Well," Dahlia drew out, "I suppose it's only fair." Afterall she didn't typically keep things from her sisters and did feel quite terribly for having blindsided them with the sudden appearance of Quin among them. The least she could do was confide in them over their courtship.

She leaned forward and ran her fingers through Beatrix's fur waiting for Daffy's reply to Thistle. It was what they had all been curious about, she felt sure. "Oh, but do tell us more about Mr. Grimstone." She pressed waving away the thought they should focus on her. Before she could consider that the same question might be asked of her she propped her elbows on her knees and asked, "How ever did you first meet?"

But then her gaze swung to Thistle, "Thistle! You aren't a poor example!" She scolded, wanting to throw her arms around her older sister, if it wouldn't have upset Beatrix at her feet she likely would have.

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
Daffy's tut of disapproval came right after Dahlia's exclamation. Thistle was just being her usual self, but Daffy could easily understand where her older sister was coming from. In between ending things with Noble and starting what she had with Elias, spinsterhood had looked quite appealing. There was a freedom to it, to be able to do what you wanted, when you wanted. Truthfully though, Daff was pretty sure Thistle just hadn't met the right person yet. "And it's not just you," Daff stuck her tongue out playfully at Zinnia.

Before she could start a teasing war, she pushed on to tell the story of how she and Elias met. "Besides the universe simply hasn't dropped anybody into your life like it did for me." Daffy giggled at the memory of Elias falling into her pumpkin plants. "I mean that quite literally by the way. Eli— Mr. Grimstone was testing a new broom model and crash landed into the garden at home," It had been nearly two spring seasons ago now, but things had only progressed to where they were in recent months. "So I patched him up and then offered to get him some pumpkin plants of his own for cushioning and the rest, well, here we are." Daff rather thought the drama of last summer wasn't necessary to share.

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
A smile tugged at her lips as she listened to Daff. She couldn’t say for sure, but her face seemed to disagree and showed that she was quite smitten with Mr. Grimstone. Maybe it was time to pay a visit to both Mr. Honeyduke and Mr. Grimstone, although it wasn’t like she had much bite to her bark. She just didn’t want either of her sisters to get hurt. (Plus Dahlia and Daffy would probably be angry with her if she did it…)

She also wanted to know more about him, so Zin nodded along with Dahlia. “Yes, let’s hear all the details.” She knew about Mr. Honeyduke or she would have been peppering her with the same questions. Her eyes shifted to Thistle and she grinned at her. “Not true. We are very good examples.” Then Zinnia turned back toward Daffy and stuck her tongue out at her. She was holding out for prince charming who was going to sweep her off her feet; a fairy tale, and if it didn’t happen… she was happy with where she was.

“Aw, Daff, that’s so sweet!” Zinnia sighed. “I hope he’s the one for you. Although I believe it’ll be wedding bells soon enough for Dahlia?” She glanced at her other sister from the corner of her eye. By the end of the year was her guess, but who knew how slow they wanted to take things.

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   Daffodil Grimstone

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

"Oh I wish I had seen that." Dahlia giggled, a hand pressed over her lips. It wasn't nearly so many details as Dahlia might have wished, but Daffy had never been one to share more than she wanted and so Dahlia deicded she would be contented with this small tidbit for now and then ask Mr. Grimstone when he eventually became part of their family.

"Zinnia!" She scolded, playfully pushing her sister's shoulder. "Don't jinx me." Despite her scolding Dahlia blushed, "I do hope so, though." She admitted, cheeks warm with the admission. "I'd so dearly love a summer wedding." The thought alone had a dreamy sigh escaping over her lips.

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   Daffodil Grimstone

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
"Oh, I'm sure mother would disagree." Thistle also stuck out her tongue, mostly to keep the silly little exchange going. She might be past her prime marrying age but she was certainly not too old to be childish for fun. If her mother had had her way she'd have been married long ago. "There's still hope for you." she directed at Zinnia, with a dramatically solemn tone tone.

"Mr. Grimstone seems a good sort." she decided, though she had minimal evidence either way. It would be up to Daffy to figure it out for certain. "Do you remember? He was the one I ran into when I got stuck out in that fog years ago." She reached for a pastry, casting the youngest a mischievous grin. "Of course, if I'd known we'd have two new suitors coming around I would've gone shopping for sweets more to get the measure of your candymaker." Summer was an entirely reasonable time frame - ideal even, if one was measuring success in debutante terms. But Thistle was barely used to the idea of her younger sister being out, let alone being married.

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   Daffodil Grimstone

[Image: BJWeo7.png]
Set by Bee <3
Daff hoped Elias was it for her too. She was certain she wouldn't survive another heartbreak of that magnitude and she somehow thought if she and Elias ever parted way, it would be far more devastating than last time. She said none of this of course, nor did she even consider it a possibility, given everything they had discussed so far, but nothing was guaranteed she supposed.

"A summer wedding would be lovely, very fitting for you, Dahls." It wasn't something she had ever truly put too much thought into. "You and Mr. Honeyduke can make your own wedding cake." And of course, the flowers would be all taken care of.

At the mention of everyone going to buy sweets to harass poor Mr. Honeyduke, Daffy quipped, "I'm glad none of you are in the market for a new broom." Though she was fairly certain Elias popped by the florist every once in a while, just judging by the flowers that sometimes showed up for her. Thistle had gotten to converse with him before, which was enough for Daffy. She of course knew Mr. Honeyduke quite well, at least professionally, and he was very sweet and quite enigmatic.

"If you've all this free time, perhaps we should start looking specifically for you two." Finding a love for Zinnia and Thistle was their mother's job for sure, but perhaps they could start putting feelers out as well. Mr. Honeyduke and Elias had to have friends, right?

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
“There’s hope for both of us, Thistle.” She grinned at her. Maybe it was time to convince her to put on their finest dresses and go parading around the town, just for fun. They were both still fun and youthful, so surely they could turn a few heads, even if nothing came from it. She made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Giggling then at Dahlia, Zin leaned against her. “Sorry, sorry.” She absolutely didn’t want to jinx her sister, especially when she was as happy as she was. She nodded in agreement with Daff’s statement about a summer wedding being fitting for her. Oh, and the cake they’d make? It would be delicious. “I would have gone with you, Tis. Just to scope him out a bit more.” There was still time for that though, along with catching Mr. Grimstone had the most opportune moment. Then she flicked her gaze toward Daff and grinned. “Calla could be though, and I’m sure she’d be happy to report back to us.”

Zin straightened as she took a pastry before taking a bite. She had a lot of free time, but it was about to be occupied with getting to know two gentlemen attached to her sisters.

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

Fortunately for Daff, Calla was tucked away at Hogwarts for a few more months. She supposed that did not stop her youngest sister from pestering Elias by owl, but hopefully that would not be the case. "I'm afraid when they meet again, I'll be left out of the conversation entirely." Daffy was working on flying, but she still didn't know much about brooms themselves. She had only one book on different woods that she had read. Perhaps it was time to head to the library again and see what else she could dig up. Perhaps Mr. Hillicker could help, he was connected to a magical tree farm after all.

She was glad however, that so far their impression of Elias was favorable. Their situation seemed to be progressing nicely and she rather thought it had a clear path, which was a refreshing change from the past. The thought brought a smile to her face as she ran her carnation down Winston's nose.

"Shouldn't you be focusing on your own love lives?" Daff teased, now brandishing her flower toward Zinnia playfully. Daff would of course, never push the issue, as long as her sisters were happy. The jury was still out on Thistle's intention to actually get married, but Daff had always assumed that was what Zinnia wanted.

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
The idea of making a cake with Quin and the praise her sisters gave it made Dahlia bashful with delight. To cover up the need for a response she stuffed a cookie in her mouth.

"Oh, we should!" Dahlia agreed with Daffy enthusiastically. The idea of playing match maker to her sisters a very appealing prospect now that Dahlia had her own beau.

"Perhaps Qu- Mr. Honeyduke has a friend who might be a suitable match?" She suggested. Which reminded her, "Daff, Mr. Grimstone and Mr. Honeyduke seemed to know each other at Christmas, do you think they are friends?" Oh how wonderful it would be for Quin to already have a friend in Mr. Grimstone.

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
Zinnia couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her; Daffy was right, as soon as Calla walked into the quidditch shop that would be all she her mind was focused on. It wasn’t like she could send her youngest sister in with a list of questions to ask and even if she did what was Calla supposed to do? Write his answers done? No, she’d have to do it herself; Zin just wanted to make sure that Mr. Grimstone was good enough for her sister, and she’d do the same with Mr. Honeyduke. (Although he seemed to be the easier of the two to access.)

Daffy wanted to play matchmaker and Dahlia seemed to board that train without hesitation. She blushed, broke a cookie in half and tossed it at her sisters before glancing at Thistle, silently asking her for help on this matter. “Well, I did meet someone a couple months ago. He’s very handsome, but neither of us have really gone out of our ways to reconnect.” She met a couple people, actually, and she wasn’t sure which she wanted to tell them about; neither, really. The conversation flowed to how the two gentlemen in question knew each other and Zin breathed a small sigh of relief.

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

"Oh, do tell us Ziniia! Who is it?" Dahlia's gaze swung to her older sister with excitement. Perhaps there might be three weddings before the year was out! Oh how wonderful that would be. And maybe if they could find someone for Thistle too.... Well then all that would be left for mother to worry about would be getting Calla settled once she graduated.

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3

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