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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Ori's Omphalos

❧ 30 • GMT -5 • SHE/HER ❧

Plottage Preferences

CONTACT: Reply here if any of my characters strike your fancy! I can also be reached through the Discord or by PMing Eleanor Woodcroft, but a reply here works just fine <3

POSTING: I try to get back to people within two weeks at the absolute latest, but I don't have a problem with prioritizing more plot-important threads if asked! I generally err on the side of shorter posts, and am truly not concerned about post matching from my partners as long as I have something to respond to.

PLOTTING:  I'm open to winging most things/having some light pre-plotting, but I'd generally like a heads-up if something big and earth-shattering is in the works for a character of mine or those closely connected. In terms of subject matter, I'm generally open to just about everything, but I tend to prefer fade to black for sexual content; I'm honestly just not that comfy writing smut and would prefer to skim over the sordid details LMAO. Violence is fine as well as long as it's not brutally graphic.

updated: 18 march 2023

The Cast

Eleanor Woodcroft
22 | WCHB
rep » 7 | unattached
Seamstress at Gladrags Wizardwear

— A B O U T —

Better known to her peers as Ellie, she's a sweet, patient soul despite her family's difficulties. She attended Hogwarts from 1882 to 1885 and though she was unable to return for her fourth year, she may have friends she kept in touch with from that time. Ellie's been a seamstress at Gladrags Wizardwear in Hogsmeade ever since (a quite good one, if you ask her), and she might have regular clients who come to her for tailoring work. In general, she's friendly but not overly boisterous; and something of a workaholic given that she can't trust her family with money -- so she needs friends to get her to lighten up a bit! As far as romance goes I'm open to just about anything: past flirtations or future prospects are all welcome! Ellie would want someone reliable and, frankly, probably boring -- but I think it would be hilarious for her to get mixed up with a disaster gremlin that she ends up drawn to in spite of herself. Throw your men at her!

Gabriel Torres
26 | MCHB
ravenclaw class of '84
rep » 9 | unattached
P&PP Healer, Hogsmeade

— A B O U T —

A shy youngest son with an inferiority complex, but also with a skeleton or two in his closet.
Friends: As socially awkward as he is, Gabe is generally a polite and kind sort, though it may take him a while to truly warm up to people. Friends from his Hogwarts years or from work are most likely, though most likely they would have to take the initiative to really become close!
Romance/Hurling: He's the last of his siblings to get married, so his mother will likely be trying to matchmake him hardcore during this year's season, as she's convinced he's too useless to find a match on his own. Throw me your MCAB girls, although they might have to be the more assertive sort to really get anywhere with him. He's also a closeted bisexual who hasn't really explored that part of himself, so if you have any bi/gay men to throw at him I'm also down to torture him in that way LMAO.

[Image: Rk5rBjF.png]
pretties by mj!
starters I owe:
- daffy + ellie
- benji + ellie

[Image: Rk5rBjF.png]
pretties by mj!
Yasss hello Daffy's new bff come get in on my drama llama

Gemma Simpson is also close in age, a little older, but still loud and enigmatic. She's been away for was couple years finishing up hey herbologists apprenticeship, but she's back!

Quincey Honeyduke is still there on high street, though unavailable for hurling finally.

Available hurls are Rhys Gallagher Caspian Virani & Jack Collins in order of appropriateness xD

The following 1 user Likes Daffodil Grimstone's post:
   Eleanor Woodcroft

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
I would LOVE to thread her with Benjamin Woodcroft her trash bag of her brother!!

appropriately aged friend potentials: Ivy Sandow - was two years above her but also WC/a Hogsmeade resident/probably goes to Gladrags?

my only flirtation option is maybe Noble Greengrass, who is kind of difficult and kind of a disaster (his family is secretly broke and he sometimes sells sketchy potions) - I would love to see if they mesh for those reasons?

The following 2 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Eleanor Woodcroft

MJ made this!
Potential recurring clients: Juliana Ainsworth who used to work at the House of Lytton but would have been in the market for an unaffiliated seamstress after she quit in 1891.

Clara Wakefield whose needs mostly consist of re-tailoring hand-me-down dresses and stuff to fit her numerous "wards."

Annnnnd that's it because I have no WC people, no young people, etc. >> Closest social connection is probably Ford, who is Noble's brother and also acquainted with the Potts family if she's friends with Daffy?

Set by Lady!
Wheeeee Oriiiii <333

K so my working class girls are:
Hestia whose world is very much in the underbelly of Hogsmeade, so I'm not sure how likely it'd be that Ellie and her would know/run into each other.

My next candidate is Irene Crawley who, if Ellie is Daffy's friend, she'd know/know of Irene! She's an artist and conservator at the Magical Portrait Gallery in London. She and Ellie would bond over being workaholics, and likely stories of their more snobby clientele. She's very friendly, and I could also just see them knowing each other within working class circles despite the age difference. Oh, also she's in love with Elias Grimstone, Daffodil's beau >D

My middle class girls who would be around Ellie's age/potentially know her:
Mabel Brighton is a medi-witch at St. Mungo's but she lives in Hogsmeade!
Malice Wakefield is the opposite lol she lives in Hogsmeade but lives in Hogsmeade - a part of the Wakefield Clan. She's a crime reporter for the DP, so for anything that's happened in the past, she would have been a bit nosy!

Everyone else on my roster is also free game for threads, but these are the ones that are most likely I believe! Lmk what you think <33

The following 1 user Likes Faustus Prewett's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone
@'Daffodil Potts' Yess Daffy + Ellie friendship <3 I'll get their thread started asap! As for hurls, I feel like she and Rhys would possibly already have a connection through Benji, and I think they might get along pretty well! I'm down to throw them together and see how they get on :3

Cassius Lestrange SIBLING THREAD YES. Ellie is thinking about trying to move out of the family house so they'll have lots to talk about! I can get something started for them this weekend <3 ALSO I kind of love the idea of throwing her and Noble together and seeing if they mesh – If they do and Ellie is unaware of the history between him and Daff, that could lead to some interesting drama!! Let me know if you'd like to start something for them, or I can if you want :3

Fortitude Greengrass My brain is not working right now but I kind of love the idea of Clara being one of the regulars, purely because I love her history and her foundlings' ridiculous names LMAO. She and/or Juliana are definitely welcome to come pester Ellie for tailory things. Ford is definitely a possibility too, we can keep him in our back pocket and revisit once I have a better idea of how she and Noble get on!

Faustus Prewett Girl gang girl gang girl gang Irene and Ellie could def be friends! Ellie has an interest in aesthetics and fashion that I think could extend to art as well, especially if she had someone knowledgeable like Irene to share it with! If things are awkward between Irene and Daffy I could see her trying to be a buffer and smooth things over for them too. Mabel and Malice both are good possibilities as well – maybe she and Malice have crossed paths before while Mal was working on a story, given her brother works at the constabulary? I'm down for threads with any/all of the above, let me know who you're more in need of things for!

The following 2 users Like Eleanor Woodcroft's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Faustus Prewett

[Image: Rk5rBjF.png]
pretties by mj!
Weeee let's start with the Daff/Ellie thread and we can circle back to Rhys!

I'm so glad you picked right up on the Noble situation. Also the Irene one, you're so good lol. You clearly get what I mean by my drama llama. Re: Noble, nobody knows shit about that, so maximum awks >D

The following 1 user Likes Daffodil Grimstone's post:
   Eleanor Woodcroft

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Well if she knows Daffy and Irene and co she probably also knows Elias as an extension tehe. Also as a Hogsmeade local! He is def reliable and boring so I hope she approves, loool xD

Vanity Wakefield is one of Clara's wards and if they knew each other through tailoring things she would secretly plead for Ellie to make her things a little prettier. She's a little snobby at heart so would internally think herself a little bit above being super close friends with anyone WC, but also wants to be liked.... and her father was also a fraud and scandalous speculator so if Ellie wants to talk money issues, Vanity gets it. xD

@"Jemima Farley" was a Hufflepuff two years below, but a little too society-minded to hang with WC girls. Augusta Robins is a fair bit older so they might not have known each other at school, but might have gotten to know each other around Hogsmeade since!

I basically only have weirdos to hurl, but my "theoretically available" WC/MC men include Howell Howell, Savino Zabini and William Blake Abrahams?

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
(March 3, 2023 – 2:55 AM)Eleanor Woodcroft Wrote:  Cassius Lestrange SIBLING THREAD YES. Ellie is thinking about trying to move out of the family house so they'll have lots to talk about! I can get something started for them this weekend <3 ALSO I kind of love the idea of throwing her and Noble together and seeing if they mesh – If they do and Ellie is unaware of the history between him and Daff, that could lead to some interesting drama!! Let me know if you'd like to start something for them, or I can if you want :3

I love this! I can add a starter for Ellie/Noble to my list (she wouldn't know the Daff thing.) >Smile

The following 1 user Likes Zelda Darrow's post:
   Eleanor Woodcroft

[Image: xXXD462.png]
(March 3, 2023 – 5:17 PM)Elias Grimstone Wrote:  Well if she knows Daffy and Irene and co she probably also knows Elias as an extension tehe. Also as a Hogsmeade local! He is def reliable and boring so I hope she approves, loool xD

Vanity Wakefield is one of Clara's wards and if they knew each other through tailoring things she would secretly plead for Ellie to make her things a little prettier. She's a little snobby at heart so would internally think herself a little bit above being super close friends with anyone WC, but also wants to be liked.... and her father was also a fraud and scandalous speculator so if Ellie wants to talk money issues, Vanity gets it. xD

@"Jemima Farley" was a Hufflepuff two years below, but a little too society-minded to hang with WC girls. Augusta Robins is a fair bit older so they might not have known each other at school, but might have gotten to know each other around Hogsmeade since!

I basically only have weirdos to hurl, but my "theoretically available" WC/MC men include Howell Howell, Savino Zabini and William Blake Abrahams?

I like the idea of Vanity+Ellie! They could possibly bond over liking pretty things, and though Ellie probably wouldn't take it well if Vanity was outwardly snobbish towards her, I think she would have kind of a soft spot for the wards tbh. Could make for an interesting dynamic even if they aren't besties! Augusta is also a good option as long as she doesn't mind the crappy Woodcroft reputation LOL.

As for your boys, I could see her taking an odd job modeling for Bram for extra cash? She has an interest in art as well although she's never been able to pursue it, so there could be something there!

[Image: Rk5rBjF.png]
pretties by mj!

so Elsie Kirke and Angie Swan were classmates, Angie also a Ravenclaw. She was a bit of a snooty bitch in school, but has clearly mellowed out. He would probably know her with the last name Sinnet. Elsie may have been more his speed in school, as she hasn't changed too much, just gotten a smidge more confident.

Tabi, obviously. I need to noodle that one a bit more, not sure how best to start their letters. XD

Gemma Simpson was a couple years behind, but is super outgoing! She's been away studying plants in South America, so they could have plants in common!

Daff obviously likes plants lol

Caspian Virani is heteroflexible if that interests you!

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Cleon here is part of the "For We Have Sinned" friends group! He is Gluttony and also Persy's brother that couch-surfs. He is also gay. He was a year above but in Hufflepuff.

Hallo again my beauty!!

A lot of this is going to be vague, cause you never know what might stick xD folks I have for Gabe that are all around Gabe's age: Agrimony Macnair, Hestia, Irene Crawley, Mabel Brighton, Malice Wakefield, Meredith Edgecombe, Philomena Sprout, Rowan Yaxley, Tilda MacFusty

AGRIMONY is a part of the London Association of Potioneers, so might have run into Gabe if he is too — however he's not the best company, and tends to put people off just with his presence lol

Hestia, Irene, Mabel, Malice and Meredith are all Hogsmeade residents
HESTIA might not be the best company for him as a con-artist and member of the more seedy parts of Hogsmeade, but she's there all the same if you need someone for theft xD IRENE and MEREDITH are my most approachable of the bunch. You know what Irene is like, and Meredith will try to feed you look even remotely hungry or down in the dumps.

Mabel, Malice, Philomena, Rowan, and Tilda would potentially have contact with Gabe professionally!

MABEL and TILDA are Healers, though MABEL works in London. TILDA is a Creature Induced Injuries Healer, so i could see her and Gabe being good friends! PHILOMENA'S family owns Evergardens which has a Poison Garden that they allow people access to if they have the right credentials. I could see Phie pressing Gabe asking if he wants access, if he might be too shy to ask! ROWAN would likely encounter Gabe for work, but she might be the least likely of the bunch! MALICE would go to him if she needed to ask any questions about potential victims of crimes that he's treated. He might see her as a nuisance though xD

Lmk what you think of the above or if any particular idea strikes you! Out of the above to start out with, I'd love to have a thread with maybe him and Phie, Tilda or Meri!

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