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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

finding the second star
January 16th, 1893
I hope you'll forgive my writing, as this is a professional question.

Have you knowledge of any ships with a port of call in Morocco? Their ministry is proving difficult to requisiton a portkey home from and I have a client to meet there. I would appreciate any leads you might offer.
Jo Smith

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]
18 January

It's not a bother. I did tell you you could write if you needed anything.

I haven't been in touch with anyone since we set out, but you might inquire about The San Andreas or Merlin's Familiar. When I last spoke to their captains both were planning Africa escorts this winter. The London harbormaster would have more recent information, but no telling whether or not he'd give it to you.

I told Zelda. It went okay.


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
January 21st, 1893
The London harbormaster has been less than helpful. I think all of the arguing I did over loss parcels and trunks has finally taken its toll on his opinion of me. I've written to those two captains, hopefully one might be helpful. Thank you for the help.

What does "okay" mean?
Jo Smith

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]
23 January

I'm not surprised the harbormaster isn't helpful, to be honest. He's the sort who's slow to build up trust and even slower to forget when he's been grieved; not an easy type to get along with.

Zelda wants to talk about it more when I'm back home, but she didn't say no. There's - a lot of complicated feelings, you know, with everything that's happened, but I expect we'll get to the other side of it easily enough once we talk it through.

Let me know how it goes with your letters. I don't know what your timeline is, but we'll be in Morocco in February, if you

(if she what? If she wanted, if she needed, if she could stand the thought of being onboard the Voyager with him for five days while they sailed back north?

— he probably oughtn't to even offer, because Zelda would not like it, but — )

can't find a better alternative.


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
January 27th, 1893
No, definitely not an easy type to get along with. It'll work out eventually.

Okay. If it doesn't work out, I understand. It's not like she and I are on the best of terms.

Do you know what dates approximately? I have a lead on a ship sailing in in March, but this client is rather antsy. If Zelda's okay with it, I'd appreciate the help.
Jo Smith

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]
31 January

It's not that she doesn't like you I don't think. There's just some things we haven't really talked about since the blizzard, that we probably need to talk about. It'll work out — Zelda's not like a lot of women. She's not going to lay down some ultimatum just because she can, or anything.

We're pulling into Agadir on Februrary 14th, out again on the 15th. Back in London on the 19th. Assuming no delays between now and then, of course, but I don't expect any.

I don't have any women onboard, and I couldn't have you sleeping in berthing with the crew, so we'd have to put a cot up in one of the store rooms, I suppose. Let me know.


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
February 9th, 1893
I appreciate your offer and willingness to help me. However, I think it's best if I go with the other captain. I wouldn't feel right joining you without Zelda being both aware and agreeable to it.

I hope you understand.
Jo Smith

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]
12 February

It's not as though I wouldn't have told her. But yeah, I understand.

I'll be back in England next week. See you sometime soon, maybe.


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
21 February

Had a proper talk with Z. She mostly just doesn't want us getting too drunk together — so if you think you'll still like me well enough sober, guess we're on.

I've missed you. I know it's going to be weird to try and start things back up between us and it's not like we can just pretend none of the past two years happened, but I'm glad we're giving it a try.

If you still want to, that is — if you don't, then, you know. It's fine. I just — miss you.


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
February 22nd, 1893
Sober (or mostly, anyway) is preferable for me as well. Parenting whilst hungover (or worse) isn't an experience I'd like to have. Zelda has nothing to fear on my part. I am glad to know she is okay with our friendship, though. It's a relief to know I won't be the continued source of any contention.

I've missed you as well. I'd still like to be friends again, I'm just a bit hesitant on where to start. There's much we both don't know now about the other that sharing trivial details feels a bit awkward (for lack of a better word).

I have a few weeks of travel in front of me, but should be back come late March. When I'm back we should plan to meet, it would be nice to see you again without the dark cloud looming over our heads.
Jo Smith

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]
23 February

Yeah, it would be nice. I'll admit I don't really know where to start, either... I haven't done this before.

I was going to suggest we try and do something we used to do, to make it a little easier, but I don't rent that old flat anymore and trying to picture us anywhere else felt odd. I suppose we had drinks and things out in London at the beginning but we really spent most of our time together in my flat, didn't we? Thinking about it like that suddenly it made sense why you reacted that way when

We could try and do something totally different. Pick a sleepy English village and wander the moors, or something? Anyway, we can figure it out. Let me know when you're back in town.


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
February 24th, 1893
We did, yeah. It felt safe there, I guess. I still miss that flat sometimes. I don't  have anywhere li

I actually know of a town perfectly befitting that description, it was where I stayed when I first came back. Unless you'd rather find somewhere completely neutral, I'm open.

Is it alright if we continue with letters until I get back? I leave again tomorrow, so my responses will be a bit delayed, but I'll still try to reply when I can.

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]
It felt safe, she had written, and Alfred thought about that for a long time. There was nothing special about the flat; it was a bare-bones two bedroom with a few windows that stuck and a roof that sometimes leaked, in a part of magical London that was passable at best. The most that it had going for it was that it mostly kept out the elements and his flatmate was out more often than not. Still, when he read Jo's words they resonated with him and he felt nostalgic — not for the flat so much as for the times spent in it. It wasn't the flat that felt safe; it was Jo.

25 February

Yeah, let's keep writing. I'm working on getting the Voyager ready for long storage but by March I'll be moving on to taking all the Sanditon boats out of storage so I'll have plenty of time on my hands. It's not hard work.

We can meet up in the town you know. Send the name whenever you've got a date that you'll be back. When did you come back? To Britain, I mean, when you left before - not the little trips you're taking these days.


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
March 1st, 1893
Johnstone, it's in Scotland. Zach was based in Hogsmeade when I left, so I tried to find a town that was near enough that magical travel wouldn't be too difficult.

As for when I returned, the ship docked towards the end of December of 1891. I don't remember the exact day, as Ilona was only a month or so old at the time and the trip with a newborn was challenging to say the least. She's since begun to learn to enjoy traveling, but that was to be expected with her parents both enjoying it as well.

Do you enjoy your summers at the Sanditon? I imagine it to be very lively in the warmer months.

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]
3 March

I like the summers well enough. The weather is nice (invariably), the work is fine (like the sailboats more than the socialites, as you guessed last time we talked about this). I don't feel like I've gotten a "normal" summer yet, though — summer of 1891 we were getting ready for the wedding, and I was trying to get the house set up and living there by myself, and then summer of 92 Zelda was pregnant and we were getting ready for O.

My son's name is Orion, by the way. I don't remember if you already knew that. Orion Horatio Darrow. He was born in August.

Are you and Zach —? Together? Married?

(I'm sort of glad I can ask that in a letter rather than in person. You're right that not knowing these sorts of things is terribly awkward.)


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
March 7th, 1893
I don't envy you having to deal with debutantes on a daily basis. Have you encountered any that have a talent for sailing? I can't imagine many of them are suited for that type of life.

I don't believe there's much normal to be had when sharing your life with someone. There's always going to be something that is occupying most of your time. I do hope you have a quieter summer if that's what you desire, or a less anxious summer at the very least I suppose.

You didn't tell me but I knew his name from the announcement. Is he crawling yet then? Once they become mobile they never stop moving. Ilona loved to chase Ivan around when she first learned to crawl, it was all I could do to keep her from pulling his tail.

The situation between Zach and I is complicated. We've yet to work through some of our larger issues (to the point that I've begun to wonder if we ever will) and yet we're living together for Ilona's sake. His livelihood is dependent on him having a favorable reputation, and up until recently there was his sister's prospects to consider (not that I care much for her but she is his sister). It's a mess and I sometimes wonder if we would be better off remaining friends rather than trying to pursue something romantic. He is Ilona's father though, so we have to continue working through it somehow. She deserves someone as loving and considerate as him.

I don't think I would've been able to explain that in person without drinking. The way I left and what I intended for Ilona caused me such guilt that I

For what it's worth, I'm sorry for leaving the way I did. I don't think I've told you that.

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]

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