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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Where I Find a Glimpse of You
He could see the moment the true meaning of his words hit her, and it tugged at him. He never wanted her to think this wasn't something he would ever regret. It was part of being in the DMLE, and everyone knew it. But this was one of the reasons why he had left in the first place. It eventually took a toll on not only him, but his family and those he loved. Looking into Marie's eyes, Faustus knew he would always count her as one of those people. In fact he had no idea if she even felt the same; sure there was a great probability of it, but he had read things in the wrong way before, and he would never want to force her into something she didn't want. "You have no reason to be sorry, Marie," He murmured, turning into her hand. He would have taken it and kissed it, but then she leaned forward and he felt her lips upon his.

Immediately, his good arm came up and curled around her waist, pulling her close as he responded with a kiss of his own; firmer, filled with a sense of urgency that he hadn't felt in quite some time. His ribs screamed in protest, but it was nothing compared to the warmth that bloomed in his chest as he held her close.

The strength of his arm wrapped around her, surprising her, his kiss reminding her of their first one Christmas Evee. It comforted her, pull her closer to him, made her want to never be seperated. But while she felt safe and comforted, her mind immediately began to calculate his injuries. "Faustus -" Her voice was breathy against his lips, "Stop, your injuries- you'll hurt yourself." There was an attempt to scold him, to be the dutiful healer, but all Malou wanted was his arms around her. It had become the place that she felt safest in all the world.

She moved her face slightly away from his, intending to reprimand him, but instead her words were gentle and quiet. "You need rest."

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
The sound, the sensation of her voice against his lips would have done him in if it hadn’t been for the slight panicked tone that it carried. Merlin, if she knew just exactly how much power she had over him — but that would have to wait for another day, and Faustus withdrew, loosening his grip around her waist so she might sit back up again.

His eyes moved to over her shoulder and their surroundings. He should have been chastised by the degree of privacy they had, that despite not seeing anyone in their vicinity, he should have been more careful. But no, instead a mischievous grin was on his face, and he chuckled at her concern.

She was right, of course. She always would be, and so he laid back, feeling the protesting at his side lessen. “Forgive me,” He whispered quietly, his eyes on her once again. “I couldn’t resist.” He still felt the elation rising in his chest, and attempted to sober himself further.

His arms loosened and Malou leaned back reluctantly, instantly missing his arms around her and the warmth and security they had provided. She expected a look of worry or seriousness on his face, but instead that boyish grin was across his lips. The sound of a chuckle made Malou smile in response. Hearing him chuckle after the stress of the day was almost as soothing as his arms had been.

"You're forgiven." Malou tried to answer primly, even though there was a soft smile still tilting her lips. "But you really do need to be careful." This time some of the worry slipped into her scolding. But she wanted him healed and whole so that they could have these moments without guilt. It was rare that they did in the first place, Faustus was always so cautious and careful with her. Or at least he was relatively guilty when they found themselves in a position like this - as they had at Christmas and Valentine's day.

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
Despite the fact that he’d felt emboldened (by what, was still a mystery, be it the fading adrenaline from his wounds, or simply the fact that he hadn’t seen her in quite some time), Faustus felt some relief that she’d accepted his apology. The last thing he wanted was to make her feel uncomfortable. Thoroughly chastised by her second admonishment, Faustus’s grin sobered and he nodded. “I promise I will,” He said, wishing he had the strength to lean over and give her one more kiss.

He held back, and instead gave her a wink. “I’ll be extremely careful, and I’ll rest as much as I can in these next few days.” Despite the playful nature of his response, his promise was as good as law. Faustus knew he had given her a scare, and he had absolutely no desire to cause her any further worry.

She acknowledged his promise with a solemn nod, as if it were another patient in the room, but her heart felt relief at the thought she wouldn't need to worry about him say sneaking out of the hospital as Mr. Hatchitt had once tried.

But then he winked. Malou didn't think she'd ever seen him wink and she found herself smiling back. She rarely saw the playful side of Faustus, normally he was solemn and sometimes cheerful - but was different. The unexpected attitude had her smiling as well. It told her that he would be okay, comforted her more than, she expected, his solemn words alone would have. "I'm going to hold you to those words." She told him, reaching out to caress his face again. "But for now you should rest. Do you want me to stay with you?" Her shift had ended already, she knew that, but she wasn't about to leave the hospital with Faustus in it. If he wanted her to leave she'd simply go to her office and rest on the cot she kept there for emergencies.

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
He knew she would - there would be a world of hurt if he didn't heed her instructions when it came to healing. Her admonishing even when they had only been acquaintances was discernible enough; he shuddered to imagine what she would do if he tried the same thing now. She was within reach, and so he raised a hand to her, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes which only fluttered back down, refusing to stay in place. It was of no matter given that was never the reason why he reached out to touch her in the first place.


And he meant it too — wanted to let her know exactly how much he meant it and how much he wanted to take her in his arms and never let go. But this was not the right place. He wanted it to be, wanted to leap out of the bed and kneel in front of her and ask her to marry him, but a hospital setting - as much as she was devoted to her work - was not what Marie deserved to be proposed to in. No, he would do this properly. For now, he would have to be content with her staying by his side as long as she was willing. "Make sure you get some rest yourself, though. You worked hard, and you must be exhausted."

At his touch her eyes fluttered shut softly for a brief second, leaning in the affection such an action held. The fact that he could move his arm without wincing only serving to make her feel better about his healing.

How was it that just one word could warm her, comfort her? Malou didn't know, but she smiled softly at it. "I'll stay then." She murmured, "So long as you promise to rest." The concerned healer in her couldn't help but gently insist.

But then he was considering her and her own rest. She waved him away with a graceful flick of her arm. "I'll be fine. You rest for now." Malou couldn't always rest when she knew that Faustus was arlight. For now she was simply grateful that another patient hadn't needed her after Faustus had, that her colleagues had taken care of the rest of the aurors who had come in. One of the nurses had told her once they had healed Faustus's arm.

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
"I promise, darling." The words came without struggle, yet he found it increasingly difficult to keep his eyes open. He wanted to, if only to watch her, to keep an eye on her. But of the two of them, it was her turn to be the guardian while he rested. Faustus hoped she would keep to her word and rest herself, however if their past encounters were anything to go off of, it was likely she would stay until the last possible moment. So with the last bit of strength he had, he reached out to lay his hand on top of hers and give it a reassuring squeeze before the world closed in and he fell into a deep sleep.

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September 5, 2023 – 3:25 AM
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