Gifts 2021!
From Kit to Bree!
Happy holidays Bree!
From Bree to Kelly!
From Kelly to Lady!
Happy Holidays Lady!
From Lady to MJ!
Dear MJ,
I can't believe we've both been on Charming for as long as we have - you longer than me, but it still feels both like an eternity and like just yesterday. I am so grateful for your friendship and I hope when this whole godforsaken pandemic is over (will it ever be? who the hell knows), I'll be able to make it over there again so we can have a proper catch up!
I'm so excited for you and your book, and I know you'll crush it when it debuts. Just don't forget us when you're a famous, best-selling author ;)
Happiest of Holidays to you and yours <3
p.s. let me know what you'd like the set to say and I'll have that over to you ASAP!
I can't believe we've both been on Charming for as long as we have - you longer than me, but it still feels both like an eternity and like just yesterday. I am so grateful for your friendship and I hope when this whole godforsaken pandemic is over (will it ever be? who the hell knows), I'll be able to make it over there again so we can have a proper catch up!
I'm so excited for you and your book, and I know you'll crush it when it debuts. Just don't forget us when you're a famous, best-selling author ;)
Happiest of Holidays to you and yours <3
p.s. let me know what you'd like the set to say and I'll have that over to you ASAP!
From MJ to Fallin!
Merry Christmas Fallin! You deserve all the gifts, you are so thoughtful and lovely and kind, both a great friend and an amazing thread-partner! Here's to many more in the new year. <3 Hit me up anytime for 3x priority threads, where replies will always go to the top of my list, and also have...
Aaaand, for Galina, who is one of the most interesting characters and one of my very favourites to thread with!
Lots of love <3
From Fallin to Elaine!
From Dante to Jen!
Merry Christmas Jen!
Offering a free thread seems like a gift for me because they are always a treat!
Lots of festive love, Dante!
From Stef to Beanie!
Merry Christmas Beans! I'm really looking forward to plotting and getting into shenanigans with you during this next year! We shall bake many a whore pie. <3
From Beanie to Stef!
Dear Stef,
HAPPY HOLIDAYS GF!! I am SO EXCITED to have you back on Charming and for all the threads and plots. You're one of the funniest people I know and I'm excited for another year of chaos and villainy. Here is your gift:
From Jen to Olive!
Dear Olive,
You are one of the most amazing people I know. You are the life of the cbox and every conversation seems with you seems to put a smile on my face... even if you've done something new and inadvisable. I wish our timelines matched up more rather than reading cbox history.
However you are so amazing that it makes it hard to decide what to get you since your graphics are so amazing that everything I could come up with would just not compare to what you have and I have no idea if youd like a moodboard or not so this year I'm giving you 5 House Elf Coupons to use however you see fit. These coupons can be used to for whatever you what - character creation, thread priority.... ANYTHING AT ALL.
From Bee to Amy!
Merry Christmas darling. I hope 2022 is kind to you and I hope you like this little moodboard for Hermia!
Merry Christmas darling. I hope 2022 is kind to you and I hope you like this little moodboard for Hermia!
From Amy to Nichole!
Dearest Nichole,
Thank you for being my late night study buddy, always down to plotter, and dear friend. I wasn’t certain what to give you for Christmas so, in honor or year two of Charming friendship, I give you: 2 custom character playlists, two threads, and as always, 2 late night study sessions or designated Nichole times of your choosing. Merry Christmas, friend!
From Nichole to Kit!
This past year I've gotten to thread with you far more than I have before and I am being honest when I am saying that utterly greatful to get to so, and get to know you more, it is the truth. You are amazing ad wrote such wonderful characters! I hope you have such a wonderful holidays this year. Feel free to message me whenever about your present.
From Elaine to Dante!
That's it for this year loves! Thanks to everyone who participated!
Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!
Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!
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Aldous Crouch, Clarissa Cosgrove, Elias Grimstone, Tilda MacFusty
Aldous Crouch, Clarissa Cosgrove, Elias Grimstone, Tilda MacFusty
MJ always makes her so pretty