He seemed intent on offering Ford a drink. This was the second time he'd offered, which meant it was more than just a polite comment he'd thrown out at the beginning. Perhaps that should have made Ford suspicious of whatever he was drinking, but this man seemed too wholly unmalicious for worry. And he'd just agreed to stop flaunting his ghost friend through crowded rooms of Muggles, which meant the two of them were no longer going to have any problems. It was late enough in the work day that Ford wasn't going to do anything else after this, except filing the report on it.
"Oh, all right," he ceded with a shrug. After a beat, he continued, "There's plenty of ways around that, for your show. Being able to get information as you go," he explained, in case it hadn't been clear which that he'd been referring to. The problem of how to conduct the show without spiritual assistance had been the only point Ford had really been particularly interested in; the reference to the man had gone straight over his head. There were a dozen ways to manage it with magic, of course, but Ford wasn't sure they were any more approved by the Ministry of Magic than the use of Mr. Williams would have been (since magic in Muggle areas wasn't his department). Besides, he thought Dodonus would want to avoid magic anyway, since he’d gone out of his way to avoid it so far... and it was a much more interesting problem to solve, Ford thought, if they weren't relying on magic.
"Can you read lips?" he suggested. "You could have an informant in the back row of the audience, or hidden in some stage curtains."

Set by Lady!
"Oh, all right," he ceded with a shrug. After a beat, he continued, "There's plenty of ways around that, for your show. Being able to get information as you go," he explained, in case it hadn't been clear which that he'd been referring to. The problem of how to conduct the show without spiritual assistance had been the only point Ford had really been particularly interested in; the reference to the man had gone straight over his head. There were a dozen ways to manage it with magic, of course, but Ford wasn't sure they were any more approved by the Ministry of Magic than the use of Mr. Williams would have been (since magic in Muggle areas wasn't his department). Besides, he thought Dodonus would want to avoid magic anyway, since he’d gone out of his way to avoid it so far... and it was a much more interesting problem to solve, Ford thought, if they weren't relying on magic.
"Can you read lips?" he suggested. "You could have an informant in the back row of the audience, or hidden in some stage curtains."

Set by Lady!