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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

March 1891
March 1891

This month, the full moon will be on Thursday, March 25th. Those who play/plot with werewolves should plan accordingly.

In this thread, you'll find and add events for the month of March.
You can also check this out in calendar view!

Click below for directions on adding your event to this month's list!


— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

What: Transfiguration Teacup Trials
Who: Sponsored by Excalibur for primarily U/MC male competitors, but tiered seating is available to all
Cost: Sky box seats: accessible to UC
Competing, stands seats: accessible for MC
Standing room: Free
Where: Padmore Park & surrounding areas
Why: More silly magical events :]
When: March 13th

See thread for details, to coordinate seating, or to enter the competition!

Contact Player(s): Lynn (Reuben Crouch)



What: Transfiguration Teacup Trials Tryouts
Who: Sponsored by Excalibur, open to WC males
Cost: N/A
Where: Padmore Park
Why: More silly magical events :]
When: March 5th

See thread for details, or to claim sponsorship and enter the main competition!

Contact Player(s): Lynn (Reuben Crouch)



What: Ladies' Dueling Tournament
Who: Hosted by the Hogsmeade Witches' Institute for anyone who would wish to partake (see below)
Cost: 1G3s per entrant. Evening reception is included for participants and their +1s, as well as all judges (+1) and healers (+1) helping with the event.
Where: Hogsmeade Memorial Ballroom

  • Self-defence is important, especially when one's virtue might be at stake
  • A competition in which a gentleman actually attacks a woman is problematic as far as optics are concerned
When: March 6th - 7th
dueling tournament info

Rounds 1 & 2 will take place on Day I, with subsequent rounds occurring on Day II.

On the evening of Day I, a reception will be held at the Hogsmeade Memorial Ballroom. Hors d'oeuvres will be served and music played, but the main order of business is low-stakes (1k to 1s, depending on the table) card games, tabletop quidditch, and indoor croquet matches to benefit charity.

Contact Player(s): Aldous Crouch



What: Moony-Wormtail Boxing Match.
Who: Organized by Peregrine Umbernauld, and advertised heavily in London/Hogsmeade. While targeted particularly to MC/UC men, a WC man who wanted to pay the ticket price (or collect bets/sell alcohol for Peregrine, get @ me if you're into that) could feasibly attend, and women who don't shy of violence could feasibly attend with A Man. (Keep in mind this isn't the most proper thing in the world to spectate, though!)
Cost: Tickets are 8s. If placing bets, the minimum is 1G.
Where: A wizarding boxing arena behind a hidden door in muggle London
Why: probably Bridgerton
When: 3/20, afternoon

Cornelius Wormtail, famed boxer who in 1890 bested the "Pride of Prussia," is facing off against boxing-newcomer Kit Moony in a London match. There will be waiters selling drinks and collecting bets in the stands, so there is plenty of room for poor decision-making while you watch violence. Hooray.

Contact Player(s): Cassius Lestrange | Aldous Crouch


The following 1 user Likes Aldous Crouch's post:
   J. Alfred Darrow

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

What: Departure Ceremony for the Santa Antonina Cruise Ship
Who: Friends, Family, Etc of people departing on the cruise (more details about that to follow)
Cost: N/A.
Where: Aberdeen, Scotland
Why: Self explanatory.
When: March 26th

Guests and their friends and families are welcome to board the Santa Antonina that morning for tours, then a reception will be held on the pier involving drinks and light lunch items. The ship is spelled to prevent Muggles from looking at it too closely or too long, but no magic will be permitted on the pier. The Antonina departs at noon & after doing that thing people in this era did where they stand around waving handkerchiefs at departing ships they can go back home; the Antonina will return in April.

Contact Player(s): Lynn J. Alfred Darrow


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER

What: Wedding of Xena Fisk and Tristan Bixby
Who: Are you related to the Fisks or the Bixbys? You're probably invited. MCHB notables + close friends of the bride and groom are also likely to be invited; ping me if you're not sure this includes you.
Cost: No
Where: Ottery St. Catchpole
Why: Xena Fisk is escaping spinsterdom by marrying a widower (b. 1839)
When: Monday, March 29th (Easter Monday, the nieces/nephews are invited.)

Vows, rings, breaking of the glass (Jewish/agnostic wizard wedding, people!) followed by a reception at an outdoor facility in Ottery St. Catchpole. Feel free to think that Xena could have done better, if that's your vibe.

Contact Player(s): Cassius Lestrange


The following 3 users Like Cassius Lestrange's post:
   Adrestia Dantés, Gertrude Brownhill, Minty Scrimgeour [Sofia]

MJ made this!

What: {OOC} "Et tu, Brute?" Ball
Who: Some NPC rich lady who wants to troll people and stir drama.
Cost: ---
Where: Hogsmeade Memorial Ballroom
Why: For the potential of having fun threads?
When: March 15th, 1891

Inspired by how Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by his friends, I wanted to do an event which involves backstabbing and betrayal.

Some NPC lady, who grew sick of how two-faced people are, decided to host a ball where some people's backstabbing ways will be revealed. During the course of the ball, servants will drop notes to the guests, which will have "secrets" on them. Things like "Your best friend was talking shit about you with your other best friend" or "Your fiance has a hidden bastard". These will all be things Mrs. NPC Lady suspects or has heard etc. They can be true or untrue, basically use this event as a reason to stir drama in your characters' lives.

Contact Player(s): Ellory Lestrange


The following 1 user Likes Minty Scrimgeour [Sofia]'s post:
   Madeleine Backus


What: Brownhill-Baker Wedding
Who: Friends & family of Walt & Gertrude, work friends/peers, neighbors (S. Bartonburg / Swallowbury), etc
Cost: N/A
Where: Church of St Fergus, Irvingly
Why: Self explanatory.
When: 30 March

In theory this was a small intimate wedding, not a big society to-do, but since both parties come from large families and are generally personable it quickly became a massive event. (Bakers are Muggles but if you have a MCHB family you would like to have ties to the Brownhills, let me know and I'm very open to that!)

The ceremony itself will take place in the morning in the church, with a reception to follow in Hawthorne Hollow with a picnic/county fair sort of vibe. No magic, since it's Irvingly. The newlyweds will depart around sundown and the party can dissipate at its own pace afterwards.

Contact Player(s): Lynn Walter Brownhill and Rosa @"Gertrude Baker"


The following 1 user Likes Walter Brownhill's post:
   Gertrude Brownhill

What: An Afternoon of Board Games
Who: Hosted by Ellory here. Invited are people she and Claude are friends with. Ellory very pointedly didn't invite Tig, though Tatiana Lestrange can come if she wants.
Cost: No.
Where: Ellory & Claude's Wellingtonshire home
Why: To play board games and hang out with friends.
When: March 19th, 1891, evening.

Ellory is inviting a small (think like 20-30 people) company of people so they can hang out and play board games. It's meant to be very chill and relaxed. I have no secret plans for this event, it's kinda meant as a "instead of setting your thread in a generic event, they can be at Ellory's".

Contact Player(s): Ellory Lestrange


Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

[Image: spldSej.png]

What: Divination Club Event
Who: Hosted by the Divination club. Open to anyone, member or not, who wants to get a tarot reading/crystal ball look(?)/tea leaves reading by the Divination nerds.
Cost: Nah.
Where: The classroom where Divination club meetings take place.
Why: Hogwarts students deserve some fun too!
When: March 20th

Another open-to-all event by the Divination club! Come to have your future told by the Divination nerds. The Divination club resembles an ~oriental~ cafe, so your character can simply come and chill there, really.

Contact Player(s): Ruby Urquart


set by MJ

What: Games in the Park
Who: Hosted by a group of older widows and married women, including Mrs. Basiltree, and open to all respectable members of the working class.
Cost: N/A
Where: Padmore Park.
Why: General enjoyment and fun as well as potential matchmaking on behalf of the organizers.
When: March 17th, 1891

Games will include lawn tennis as well as croquet and are open to both women and men. "Chaperones" to keep things respectable will be provided in the form of the various meddling organizers, though it might be easier to sneak away should you find yourself enjoying company with someone they consider to be a 'good match.'

Contact Player(s): Addison Chatham


The following 1 user Likes Christopher Basiltree's post:
   Ingrid Rowle

What: Oxfordshire Spring Steeplechase Weekend
Who: Weekend sponsored by Ingrid Rowle with her acting as the hostess of the ball that evening
Festival: MCAB - LCAB
Steeplechase: ACAB, Lower Classes will be separated and on the other side of the field where it's slightly muddier.
Ball: UCPBs & Ingrid's fam/friends
Cost: Festival — Free
Luncheon — Pay grade level 3
Steeplechase — Free
Ball — Donations encourged!
Where: Oxfordshire Stables & Eventing Grounds
Why: Spring is in the air, wheeeee
When: 20 March 1891

SCHEDULE: The festival starts early in the morning, with the luncheon starting a few hours later. The festival and luncheon end at the exact same time with the race beginning not long after. A few hours are in between the steeplechase and ball so people can get home to rest and change only to come back at night. The ball will last until the morning. #PartyHardBenches

This festival starts early in the morning and is for the local community but can also attract those attending the steeplechase later in the day since the steeplechase is right after the festival. Local vendors include bakeries, ribbon and fabric boutiques, grocer suppliers and more. Activities include typical arcade games like tug o' war, strength tests, fortune telling etc.

Long, lavishly decorated tables are set out in the eventing grounds. The tables are decorated with local greenery bewitched to have a light, fresh scent complete with a charm to prevent the leaves from breaking off. The tables themselves are covered by a large tent which is decorated in multicolored bunting flags that occasionally transform into birds that soar around the air.

After the courses are served at luncheon, guests will mingle for tea and coffee. This is the part where bets will likely be made under the table ;) This is also around the time when anyone who can't afford a ticket will arrive from the festival and be escorted into the properly marked area. After everyone is situated, the race will commence!

The ball is hosted by Ingrid and will commence much later that evening, and go all throughout the night. The Rowle Estate consists of two massive gardens representing both sides of Ingrid's heritage.

On one side resides botanical gardens with arched bridges over winding brooks cumulating in ponds filled with koi. Paths that follow the stream branch out into rock gardens with carefully carved pearl white sand. Foliage and greenery are always planted according to season.

On the other side is a traditional English garden with winding paths that eventually lead back around to the entrances, all centered around a small octagonal lake with a monopteros in the center. Guests can get to the rotunda by stepping onto the large lilypads, which will magically grow in size and float peacefully to the center. Seasonal flowers are often in bloom and never wilt.

Inside, the ball's main centerpiece is a marble 3 tiered fountain filled with leprechaun gold. Guests can make "wishes" by tossing in coins which will be collected and donated at the end of the night. Wishes are granted in the form of little trinkets. At midnight, the fountain will give off a mini firework display.

Contact Player(s): Amelia Evans


[Image: jokZ9m.png]

What: Hogwarts Leisure Club Luncheon
Who: Hosted by @"Adrienne Selwyn" & "Male Leisure Club President" / chaperoned by Octavius d'Orsay & Constance Sykes (if your teacher/matron wants to also chaperone there lmk and I can put them down!)
Cost: Nope! Anyone who's in Leisure Sports or who wants to find out more about joining the club.
Where: Hogwarts Lawn right next to the Herbology Greenhouses
Why: to kick off the spring season!
When: 20 March 1891 // Sat Afternoon

Students who desire will be able to participate in mini-games and sporting events from early afternoon to just before dinner. A light lunch will be served. Tables and picnic blankets will be spread out, making this a bit more of a relaxed affair. Mini-games include archery, lawn tennis, badminton and croquet.

Contact Player(s): Amelia Evans


The following 1 user Likes Adrienne Lestrange's post:
   Madeleine Backus

[Image: VIzcNLA.png]

What: Last Taste of Winter Garden Party
Who: Hosted by Zandra Malfoy for primarily UCPB/UCHB people but also MCPB families that might vibe with the Malfoys.
Where: The Malfoy cottage in Cumbria.
Why: The seasons are changing and there is a terrible lack of party-type events in early March.
When: March 10th

Spring begins on March 20th, 1891, so naturally the Malfoys are squeezing one last winter-themed event into their social schedule. The labyrinth-like gardens have been enchanted to look like a winter wonderland, but without the harshness of the cold. Flowers have been enchanted to look like snowflakes, all of the stone statutes have been charmed to look like ice instead of stone, and a complicated weather charm has been placed on the property to make it look like it's flurrying, except it disappears the moment it hits anything solid.

The only exception is the hedge maze, where at the entrance the snow begins to stick to the ground, and all the hedges look like walls of compacted snow. The further you go into the gardens the deeper the fake snow on the ground becomes, except the transition has been made so smooth that attendees won't notice how deep the snow has gotten until it's ruined their hemline or pants; and on top of that, the harder you try to escape it the harder the fake-snow begins to fall, inhibiting vision. (And if you're a bad sport about any of it, prepare to get teased.)

Contact Player(s): Holly Scrimgeour


The following 2 users Like Raphael Malfoy's post:
   Elladora Black, Meserimus Valenduris

set by lady <3

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