She smiled brightly as he accepted her invitation. A conversation with a fellow traveler always did wonders for her spirit. Plus, he may have journeyed to places she had yet to hear tales of, which too gave her such joy. Yes, a drink with Mr. Darrow was the best way she could think of to forget the evilness of her last captain.
"Jupiter Smith. Everyone but my mother calls me Jo." She had insisted upon it upon the discovery of Jove, another nickname for her planet. Jo had long since forgiven any grudges she might have carried over her name choice, but that didn't mean she wholly accepted the oddity of her family. Especially not Mars' strange naming choices. How her twin thought the name Lawyer appropriate Jo would never understand.
"Jupiter Smith. Everyone but my mother calls me Jo." She had insisted upon it upon the discovery of Jove, another nickname for her planet. Jo had long since forgiven any grudges she might have carried over her name choice, but that didn't mean she wholly accepted the oddity of her family. Especially not Mars' strange naming choices. How her twin thought the name Lawyer appropriate Jo would never understand.