Nicknames: 'Sax' by his siblings
Birthdate: February 6th, 1877
Current Age: 12 years
Occupation: Second Year
Reputation: 8 - Is a little too loud and boisterous and has delusions of his father being a ghost
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 10 1/4 inches, Driftwood, Merrow Hair, bendy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle class
Family: He has family, and they're living
Appearance: An average child, Saxon stands at 4ft 8in and has short, dark brown hair with matching hazel eyes. He is right handed and prefers to follow in his father's footsteps when it comes to his fashion choices, taking inspiration from the clothing his mother has kept.
Whilst at Hogwarts, he wears his uniform when required though prefers not to (often being scolded for not adhering to the uniform guidelines).
History: 1877 | Saxon is born to the Goshawk family, who currently have two sons. There's nothing very special about them; they live up north near Birmingham.
1878 | Saxon's younger sister is born
1881 | Saxon's younger sister displays her first sign of magic by setting fire to one of his toys. Saxon reacts the only way any child would, by screaming down the house. His father is quick to reprimand his noise though gets him a new toy.
1882 | With his brothers off to Hogwarts and his sister too young to be fun, Saxon decides to spend his time with his father where they form a strong bond. He watches his father work quite often and is intrigued. All Saxon knows at this point is he does something to do with magic, though doesn't know what.
1883 | Saxon begins to adventure outside of his house by sneaking out. He is reprimanded for this on more than one occasion though seems to have gained interest in bringing home new 'pets'. Saxon's father is adamant a cockroach and dead rat do not make for good pets though Saxon is inclined to disagree.
1884 | During a visit to Hogsmeade for his work, Saxon's father contracts the laughing plague and promptly keels over. This hits the family quite hard, especially Saxon, who - a few months after - whilst his mother is tidying through his father's things to sell, manifests his own magic by animating his father's clothing. Saxon takes this as his father's ghost and refuses to believe anything else.
1885 | Saxon spends most of the year talking to his 'ghost' father, though it's simply his father's clothes.
1887 | In order to ensure the safety of the family's future and to enable Saxon to go to Hogwarts, Saxon's mother remarries and moves the family to Hogsmeade to be with her new husband. Saxon does not like him and thinks he is a horrible person.
1888 | Saxon starts at Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor. He makes a few friends during the course of his year and is excited about his future. It also allows him to escape his nasty stepfather for a bit.
1889 | Time for the second year at Hogwarts!
Other: Often talks about his 'ghost' dad though when questioned, is very reluctant to show you to his father
Sample Roleplay Post: See everyone else :D
Age: 25
Contact: Discord, Skype, PM
Other Characters: Too many!
How did you hear about us?: RPG-D