December 19th, 1894 — Ancient Studies Classroom
Whether as a last resort or a brilliant idea, Themis found herself on the second floor of the castle, not quite certain when her feet decided to lead her here. The idea had bubbled up the day after Samuel disappeared. Disappeared. It was the only word she could give to the situation. He’d taken all his conflicted feelings, hollow body, and despairing eyes with him when he exited her tower. She refused to call it ‘leaving her,’ resisted the ghosts at the fringes of her mind that mocked “this is the last time you’ll see him.” Yet, the ghosts did whisper, the nights seemed longer, and her beloved stars colder.
Her scar itched now. She told herself it was healing, that the pale pink would fade further and there would be little evidence of the actions that caused it. Themis did not regret her exploration or its evidence, she regretted not understanding what she walked into. There was no blame to assign, her curiosity had sparked, her heart decided and her mind approved. And she would do it again. Perhaps that was why she was now standing in what had once been a simple classroom. She felt the prickling of magic here as strongly as she had in Samuel’s laboratory, but the sensation was different, the magic existing on a different frequency. The magic here was fluid, liquid and vicarious. It felt closer to her own magic, nothing like the heat and weight she attributed to Samuel. But her understanding was too simplistic and lacking words, identification not complete at her current stage of knowledge. This might be what she resented most – her unknowing. She would remedy this. She went to the best source she could think of, even if it came with hesitation.
“Professor Crowley, thank you for agreeing to see me.” The woman before her was almost a paler mirror of herself. Both woman tall, angular and pale, Miss Crowley looked as if the sun had never seen her, the paleness of her striking, making Themis appear warm and vibrant by comparison, the sun consulting the moon. Themis did not know the younger witch well, was married and raising her son by the time Miss Crowley was at Hogwarts. She also came from pure blood and ancient money, things that neither impressed nor endeared anyone to Themis. But, the slender rod of a witch was eccentric, blunt and brutally honest in her assessments. More than once Themis had bit her lip to keep from laughing at Miss Crowley’s comments during staff meetings. She appeared to have no regard for convention or societal niceties and that, Themis could appreciate. Maybe that was why she was testing the waters, curious to see just how clever Professor Morrigan Crowley could be. “I would like to inquire about some magic I’ve encountered in my research. I admit, it is beyond my experience.”
Her scar itched now. She told herself it was healing, that the pale pink would fade further and there would be little evidence of the actions that caused it. Themis did not regret her exploration or its evidence, she regretted not understanding what she walked into. There was no blame to assign, her curiosity had sparked, her heart decided and her mind approved. And she would do it again. Perhaps that was why she was now standing in what had once been a simple classroom. She felt the prickling of magic here as strongly as she had in Samuel’s laboratory, but the sensation was different, the magic existing on a different frequency. The magic here was fluid, liquid and vicarious. It felt closer to her own magic, nothing like the heat and weight she attributed to Samuel. But her understanding was too simplistic and lacking words, identification not complete at her current stage of knowledge. This might be what she resented most – her unknowing. She would remedy this. She went to the best source she could think of, even if it came with hesitation.
“Professor Crowley, thank you for agreeing to see me.” The woman before her was almost a paler mirror of herself. Both woman tall, angular and pale, Miss Crowley looked as if the sun had never seen her, the paleness of her striking, making Themis appear warm and vibrant by comparison, the sun consulting the moon. Themis did not know the younger witch well, was married and raising her son by the time Miss Crowley was at Hogwarts. She also came from pure blood and ancient money, things that neither impressed nor endeared anyone to Themis. But, the slender rod of a witch was eccentric, blunt and brutally honest in her assessments. More than once Themis had bit her lip to keep from laughing at Miss Crowley’s comments during staff meetings. She appeared to have no regard for convention or societal niceties and that, Themis could appreciate. Maybe that was why she was testing the waters, curious to see just how clever Professor Morrigan Crowley could be. “I would like to inquire about some magic I’ve encountered in my research. I admit, it is beyond my experience.”