Nicknames: N/A
Birthdate: March 5, 1852
Current Age: 41 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Vampire’s Wife
Reputation: 6
Siobhan married a vampire before the marriage ban, and still shares her home with him and her half-vampire children. The Hanrahans are at best lower middle class, only able to employ a single live-in maid.Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Yew, 10½”, Norwegian Ridgeback dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
daughter: gabrielle hanrahan [b. 1874]
son: elijah hanrahan [b. 1877]
son: josiah hanrahan [b. 1880]
ward/live-in maid: eliza mitchell [b. 1874]
father: michael curren [b. 1828]
mother: saoirse curren [b. 1834]
brother: cillian curren [b. 1853]
sister: aoife curren [b. 1856]
brother: aidan curren [b. 1859]

ethnicity: white
height: five feet and five inches
build: rectangular and long-limbed, altered with corsetry
eyes: hazel
hair color: wheat blonde
hair style: long and straight when unbound and unstyled
scent: nothing more than rose water and sachets of rose and lavender potpourri
demeanor: with her family, both natal and marital, siobhan is an open, caring person, gentle and sweet, with a dark temper lurking under the surface, when she has cause to be truly angered. with others, stranger or acquaintance alike, siobhan is still a kind-hearted soul, though she keeps a guard up, concealing her true emotions and intentions.
fashion: her wardrobe may not necessarily be the finest of clothing, and she may not have the fine clothing of her upper middle class lifestyle from before her wedding, but she tries to follow modest day-to-day fashion as closely as possible. she keeps to muggle fashion more often than not, though she does have a couple old robes available to her.

i've always been the hunter, nothing on my tail
1852 - 1863
1852: siobhan is born, the last of her parents’ children. she is an easy babe.
1859: at the age of seven, siobhan expresses her first sign of magic, turning her older sister’s hair bright, toxic pink.
june 1863: siobhan’s acceptance letter for hogwarts arrives. the curren family can easily afford to send their fourth child to school.

but there was something in you, i knew, could make that change
1863 - 1870
1863 — 1865: siobhan’s gleeful acceptance of her placement in hufflepuff is the beginning of her future. she is an eager student, and makes many friends.
1865 — 1868: not wanting to overwhelm herself, siobhan only signs up for ghoul studies as an elective. her owl studies are strenuous, but she survives them, passing potions and charms with flying colors. so much so that siobhan is actually recommended to take alchemy.
1868 — 1870: with a schedule of five classes upon her plate, including alchemy, siobhan begins the end of her journey towards adulthood. but one thing gives her pause. during defense against the dark arts class in her seventh year, siobhan casts a corporeal patronus.

to capture a predator, you can't remain the prey
1870 - 1873
may 1870: siobhan debuts into society.
1872: after an unsuccessful season, siobhan is alone with her older sister, out too late one night in early january. that’s when she meets him. she recognizes him for a vampire on sight, but the scent of peppermint and blood on the air is unmistakable. he is handsome, almost too handsome. and he owns a business, or so he claims, here in london. the two begin corresponding, meeting in her parlor, and learning more about one another. he explains that he is registered with the ministry, and has been for years.
february 1873: after over a year of courtship, vincent proposes marriage. siobhan’s father protests at first — at least until siobhan herself asks him to allow it. she insists that vincent is her only real chance at happiness. only then does he allow the engagement to move forward.

you have to become an equal in every way
1873 - 1887
july 1873: the wedding happens at night, much to the officiant’s dismay — but when he sees the groom, he understands. the groom’s nature and the wedding’s time aside, siobhan keeps to as many traditions as she can.
1874: siobhan gives birth to her first child, a daughter she names gabrielle.
1877: a firstborn son arrives, and he is named elijah. in the chaos of the year, the couple takes refuge in magical london. they know that their family will never be accepted well in a secluded magical community, and so they remain in london.
1880: a second son is born, and he is named josiah.
1885: gabrielle begins her lessons at hogwarts.
1886: gabrielle returns home from school after her first year in tears. a girl from her own house, another half-vampire girl like herself, will be unable to attend school going forward because her family is poor, and has more children than they can afford to send to school. after a short deliberation, siobhan and vincent decide to bring the girl on as a maid, sending the maid the currens had lent back into their service.

so look in the mirror and tell me, who do you see?
1887 - present
1887: siobhan and vincent’s surprising happiness is uprooted when, in the worst possible twist, their marriage is essentially dissolved and their children rendered bastards by the ministry. worse still, their children are banned from attending hogwarts! the family keeps their displeasure largely quiet, only expressing their anger among friends.
1888: the ban on half-breed children attending hogwarts is fully lifted, and siobhan is somewhat contented, especially as it marks her son elijah’s first year at the school. though gabrielle’s education is interrupted by a year, and that leaves siobhan with anger. but what can one woman do?
1891: josiah begins his hogwarts education.
1893: it’s been six years since the ban went into effect, and nothing, nothing has been done. siobhan is, to say the very least, confused and alarmed at the nature of magical society. in her opinion, it’s time for something to be done.
weaknesses: too generous, stubborn, overcommitted, nosy, obsessive, impatient
likes: keeping busy, helping others when she can, caring for her family
dislikes: the marriage ban, purists, bigots, idleness, those who don’t care for others
fears: being separated from her husband and children, being attacked
goals: building a legacy, doing the right thing, righting wrongs
habits: nervous lip-biting, toe-tapping to music
hobbies: sewing, piano, watercolors, dancing, experimental charms
01. fluent in french, understands enough latin to create her own spells
02. a skilled pianist, talented with watercolors
03. capable with household charms
04. trained and skilled in apparition
amortentia: to siobhan, the potion smells of fresh blood and peppermint — which is the smell of her husband’s breath, more often than not.
school clubs: art, charms
electives: alchemy, ghoul studies
patronus: black bear
religion: agnostic
romantic orientation: heteroromantic
sexual orientation: heterosexual
zodiac sign: pisces
class | owl | newt |
Alchemy | — | E |
Astronomy | A | — |
Charms | O | O |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | O | E |
Ghoul Studies | E | E |
Herbology | A | — |
History of Magic | A | — |
Potions | O | O |
Transfiguration | E | — |
Age: 29
Contact: Discord, PM
![[Image: siobhan-signature.png]](

#4 is on the way