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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Edric Umbridge
Full Name:Edric Oswald Umbridge
Nicknames: Eddie, but only if you've: (1) known him since childhood, (2) shared a living space with him, or (3) almost died with him. Anyone else is likely to be met with a nasty scowl.
Birthdate: September 08, 1851
Current Age: Thirty-Six Years
Occupation: Auror
Reputation: 9
His family was rattled with scandal in the mid-1850s after his mother, feeling unvolved by her husband, ran off with another lover who promised her the world.
Residence: London, England
Hogwarts House: Slytherin Alumnus ('70)
Wand: Blackthorn, 10 inches, Kneazle whisker, Inflexible
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle Class. While their wealth can rival that of some members of the upper class, Edric's father (who brought the family wealth) was never inclined to forge social connections beyond his business partners, nor did the family ever raise their standards of living beyond what they'd always been.
Oswald Umbridge, Father [1812]
    An industrious man with an eye for business, Edric's father built an manufacturing empire — both in muggle and magical products — throughout his life. Even more so, he's refused to retire and still manages his own accounts, not trusting the hands of an accountant to keep his finances in check. While admirable to outsiders, his workaholic nature turned his marriage into a stack of divorce papers.
Ella Umbridge (née -----), Mother [1828]
    A dreamer with hopes of a fairy tale ending, she thought she was doing herself well by marrying a man wealthier than she was. However, she fell into depression after her husband admitted his job would forever be his true love, and later abandoned her family to run off with another lover. Edric has not seen her since his childhood, and has made no attempts to change that.
"Dashing" has always been a word Edric has used to describe himself, standing at a tall (but not abnormally tall) five feet, nine inches tall. Years of an active career and healthy diet have left him with a sculpted build, yet his modest clothing choices do little to put it on display. He has medium-length brown hair, grey eyes, and a tidy beard that he personally thinks makes him look older and more suave. Being an auror he's learned to carry himself with a commanding presence, and always faces the door while inside an establishment. While trained to use his wand with both hands, he prefers his right for regular spell-casting.

1851 | Less than two years after their marriage, Oswald and Ella Umbridge welcome the child that would prove their first and only: Edric Oswald Umbridge. A difficult child prone to nonstop tantrums as an infant, Edric cycles through a number of nurses and nannies before his mother resigns to caring for him herself!

1853 | The months leading up to his second birthday bring scandal that Edric is fortunate not to remember in his adult life. After an argument between his parents leaves their relationship shattered, Edric's mother runs off with another gentleman he's always presumed she was already seeing. Edric's father, while shocked and upset, doesn't seem to accept it immediately, believing she'll come running back eventually. However, that never happens and Oswald Umbridge is left with his toddler-aged son.

1854 | Edric's father finally accepts that his wife his never returning and files for divorce on the grounds of abandonment. As Edric's mother isn't around to challenge the claim, it goes through without much difficulty. The sudden loss of his mother subsequently results in a number of tantrums and insecurities that would later manifest into abandonment issues. It doesn't help that Edric's father adamantly refuses to marry; he blames his own inattentiveness for his wife's decision to run away, and he has no desire to watch history repeat itself.

1857 | Edric begins his childhood education, but is decidedly unteachable in the eyes of some tutors. He is standoffish, uncooperative, and incredibly distrusting of the tutors that attempt to show him warmth and kindness; as such, he cycles through a number of teachers throughout his youth.

1858 | A first sign of magic appears at the age of eight. After his father introduces him at dinner to a woman Edric assumes is set to become his step-mother, he starts a riot... with silverware as the main participants. It turns out the woman was just the wife of a business partner, but whatever.

1863 | Edric begins Hogwarts a week shy of his twelfth birthday. While the hat teeters between Gryffindor and Slytherin, it ultimately chooses Slytherin as the best house for him. He takes to his classes fairly well, though has a difficult time socializing with the other children. While by no means a bully, he lacks adequate social skills and finds himself labeled an unfriendly loner by his more sociable classmates.

1865 | Edric begins his third year by adding Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, and Muggle Studies to his class schedule. None are particularly entertaining, and for a while he resents having to take electives at all. On the bright side, this is the year he branches outside his dorm-mates and makes friends with other students. Perhaps all he needed was a little confidence boost in the form of a lower-pitched voice and growth spurt!

1868 | His fifth year goes by smoothly, and in May he sits for his OWL examinations. He departs from school feeling confident in his efforts, and is by no means disappointed when he receives his grades in July. (Though, his father's lack of interest — under the guise that "no matter what, you'll one day inherit my business" — bothers him for the duration of the summer). With high OWL scores, he pursues six NEWT-level classes: Alchemy, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration.

1870 | Graduation comes, and instead of immediately applying for a seat in the auror training program, he chooses to learn the ropes of his father's business for a year. While a strong sense of business sense seems to run in the family, patience does not; his father, though claiming to want Edric involved in business matters, exerts as much control as he can over the tasks he assigns his son. Edric soon grows frustrated and informs his father he plans on pursuing a Ministry career for the time being.

1871 | Edric applies for and is granted access into the auror training program. Training goes smoothly, though Edric admittedly has difficulties getting along with certain members of the program at certain points. He learns to control his temper, though in doing so, only finds less healthy methods of coping with his anger.

1874 | Edric becomes a full auror at the age of twenty-three. The real situations they deal with, while similar to their practice scenarios, invoke much more adrenaline — even  to the point where the lack of action in his home life makes the world around him seem dull! He takes to the habit of accompanying his friends to brothels on the weekend, though that promptly comes to an end the moment a prostitute privately claims he's the father of her child. No more risky hobbies for him!

1877 | The muggles riot, prompting a large portion of the magical population to go into hiding. While the auror office does their best to assist with the situation, there's really only so much they can do. Edric's father, the owner of many muggle and magical factories, attempts to hire experts on magical-muggle tensions to ensure his "lineage" is never discovered. Luckily for them, no angry muggles come knocking on their door.

1881 | You'd think that the magical world going through turmoil four years prior would lead the population to be a tad more cautious, but they forgo using any sense of logical and reasoning by electing a child as their Minister for Magic. Even as a seemingly self-assured, thirty year old auror, Edric doesn't even consider himself mature enough for the position.

1884 | Minister Potter goes and gets himself murdered, and Balthazar Urquart takes his place. He would have spent more time contemplating the outcome, but suddenly everyone in Hogsmeade is dying and the village is burning (which he presumes to be a poor omen). Luckily for him, his only family member is his father, and he's not even sure his father's ever been to Hogsmeade.

1885 | Yup, definitely a poor omen. There's an explosion as the Ministry, and while Edric does find himself stuck within the government's wall, he doesn't suffer any injuries other than a few cuts and bruises.

1886 | His father brings up the topic of marriage, which both makes him nervous and secretly excited. If his (utterly aloof) father took the time to point out that he was still unmarried, what was society thinking at the time? On the brighter side, his father was actually thinking about him for once, which he concludes means more to him than society gossip.

1887 | What doesn't happen in 1887? Half-breed bans, reconciliation, werewolf scandals, elections — it's like the plot of a really shitty adventure novel, but it's real. Justin Ross becomes Minister for Magic, which is decidedly a good thing, he decides.

Burning wood, which is reminiscent of the fireplace in his father's study where he used to play as a child while his father did paperwork; the smell of bread, presumably from the bakery that sits nearby the public entrance to the Ministry; and leather, like the armchairs that sit around the Umbridge household.


His father's tombstone. Rather than merely representing a fear of losing his only parental figure, it also represents his fear of being left alone in the world.


A crane.


Apparition is an essential part of his career, and over the years he's nearly perfected his technique. However, he still views portkeys as the best option for international travel, the floo for traveling across the country, and a broomstick for the hell of it when the opportunity arises.


Edric is heterosexual, though most who know him — particularly other gentleman — have likely wondered if he had any sexual or romantic preferences at all. His romantic life is characterized by the fear of being left as his father was, and as such he distances himself from any woman he finds himself thinking about too often.

Skills & Misc. Info

Edric struggles to make friends, mostly because he fears abandonment above anything else. He's much better at maintaining his existing friendships, though, and as such most of his friend group is made up of coworkers and people from his youth.

Edric is a skilled duelist, though prefers to use stealth to swiftly arrest criminal so the use of force isn't necessary. He's tried to voice this on occasions, but has likely be greeted with some insinuation that he's afraid. He's not.

He still lives with his father, because why not?
Name: Bree
Age: 19 shhh he's my birthday present
Contact: PM for Skype/Discord
Other Characters: All of them.
How did you hear about us?: I migrated with the flock.

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