20 March 1889 — Hogwarts, Ravenclaw Tower, Fifth Year

If there was one thing on this big blue planet that Poppy hated most, it was spiders… They had too many legs, too many eyeballs, and way too much fuzz to be natural. They had gangly limbs that twisted in a tortured looking way when they ran and with those pinchers? There was no way she could get anything done when one was around. Unfortunately, today - in the Ravenclaw common room - there just happened to be one such unfortunate.
Poppy Dashwood was petrified in place. Neither she nor the creature, massive as it was, dared to move. They both waited with baited breath to see what the other would do. Would she reached her wand and stun it long enough to crush it with a text? Would she place a teacup over it and wait for it to suffocate and die miserably? Would she burst into tears and wait, rooted in place until someone happened along to save her? Poppy figured her most likely option was the latter; she had a debilitating fear of spiders and today's terror was just not helping their case any.
It was a black lace-weaver spider; common in this part of England she knew and potentially dangerous. The bite could cause swelling, localized pain and even nausea for three days even if they weren’t particularly aggressive. Still, Poppy wasn’t going to take any chances. She knew she had to do something before the thing decided to make a run for it and get lost in the common room couch forever. There would be no studying in here if that happened! With a terrible wince and a deep, deep breath, Poppy snatched a water goblet (the closest thing at hand) and covered the spider with a shriek. Fortunately, or perhaps rather unfortunately, the Ravenclaw common room was deserted.
Poppy had to admit, she was surprised. She had only ever known the common room to be this truly empty on one other occasion and that had been during a Quidditch match! Biting her lip she looked around and decided she simply couldn’t live like this, with that thing in here still. Making a split second decision, Poppy vacated the room and peeked out into the hall leading away from their tower and up to the Astronomy classroom. Also empty. Frustrated, she traipsed down the spiral staircase and finally spotted someone at the very bottom. “Oh, you there!” She called, desperation hinging in her tone. “Please, can you hep me?!”
Before he could answer, Poppy reached and grabbed the young man by the hand, completely unaware of his visage or if she even knew him, and tugged him towards Ravenclaw tower. She yanked him up the spiral staircase urgently and rambled out soft apologies. “I am truly sorry about this but it’s urgent! Please!”

© Fox