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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

This is — Lowri

Lowri Dempsey
55 | uchb
rep » 7 | married
poet & dempsey family matriarch

— A B O U T —

ENTER: the matriarch of the ever-eclectic Dempsey family

FRIENDS: Lowri at school was a much different picture than the one she now - classmates back then will remember a pretty rebellious dark haired girl hellbent on pulling pranks and giving her professors quite a hard time managing her. If they know her children now, close friends would likely not hesitate to remind Lowri of her youth when she complains how stubborn and ridiculous her children can be. Or they might not, if they wish to not have the nearest object chucked at their head.

FAMILY: YO, CHILDREN. A little snippet of Lowri's thoughts on each of her children is located under her profile but I want to know what THEY think of her! Give me all the deets - I would also like to hear what they think of Lowri's assistant, Millie (description located in the same family section as the children). Lowri as a mother is fiercely protective of her children, but not a day goes by when she isn't tempted to strangle at least one of them. When it comes to reason, she is fairly level-headed, but often at the end of the day she can be found relaxing in her greenhouse (beware of entering unannounced, there's a rather protective vine hanging over the doorway that grabs intruders and hangs them upside down if they come in uninvited)

[Image: pMKpkah.jpg]
Hola madre <3

I have two little bits of canon/headcanon about Lowri, but feel free to disavow them if it doesn't fit your conception of her: that she has impressive lilies in their garden and that reading her poetry makes Oz uncomfortable. Anyway, Ozymandias respects the hell out of her (you can tell because he pointed out the lilies to Sina) and cares very deeply about what she thinks about things (he probably still reads her poetry but like, in secret), but he goes very much out of his way not to be obvious about either of those things and seem aloof. She can probably still tell.

MJ is the light of my life <3
I think Lowri 'gets' Chris at present. She has pretty extreme artistic anxiety, she doesn't trust her art the way Porphyria does and although she does write mysteries, she is definitely more political than her siblings. I would probably say she also has a deep desire to impress her parents, or maybe live up t0 the more standard social expectations and is becoming increasingly anxious about her lack of marriage prospects, and while I don't think she will make a stupid decision it's not off the cards for her. Her previous heartbreak is something that she isn't entirely over and trying to match her own expectations, societies expectations and what she thinks her parents expectations are for her.

So lost soul is 100% the right vibe for her! I think she tries to present a cool, calm and collected vibe, like she is fine with her life right now and everything that's going on but isn't and is panicing.
[Image: eye-twitch-luisa.gif]
Her mum could be well aware of this and trying to help or oblivious.

I am my mother's savage daughter, The one who runs barefoot cursing sharp stones
[Image: x2GW7DK.png]
I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice
MJ made glory

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