January 25th, 1891 — Ari & Dionisia's Bartonburg Home
In speaking to Zelda she had promised to do the right thing and tell Ari the truth, except two nights had passed and Dionisia had not been able to find the opportunity nor the words to confess to her wrongdoings. In truth, there was part of her that feared Ari would be inconsolable rather than angry; she had never disappointed him before and she knew what an impact it would have on her to see tears in his eyes that she'd caused. She was, however, still terrified that he might yell at her, or divorce her, and possibly take Elliott with him. No, he wouldn't. He couldn't. He wasn't that type of man, and she knew that... and yet, the fears persisted.
Thursdays was the one day she only spent half a day at work, so she'd spent entire afternoon and early evening preparing for him to return home. She'd cooked dinner (not to butter him up but rather to keep busy) and spent the last hour of daylight managing their herb garden, and had finally sat down on the loveseat once Elliott had gone to bed for the evening. It was nearly 9 o'clock by the time she heard the familiar sound of Ari's footsteps growing louder as he neared the sitting room.
She did not even give him a moment to greet her before she cut him off.
"I need to talk to you about something." Her voice was stiff and hoarse, probably from going half the afternoon without a tip of tea or water from the anxiety.