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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Parisian Delights
"I am," He assured her with a bit of a groan as he removed the throw pillow under his back, to allow a bit more comfort. Instead he tucked it behind his neck and that proved to make it a little more bearable. Eventually he'd just wind up on the floor or sober up enough to be able to transfigure himself a better situation.

"It's not that, I'll be fine." Really, he wasn't worried about that. He should be worried about her reputation, though they had signed into the inn as a married couple, but realistically, with this much booze flowing through his system, he was keeping himself out of arm's length and that was for the better.

Nemo passed her what he hoped was a reassuring smile over the back of the couch, before settling in again.

Penny took another sip of the wine. Nemo was the single most person she trusted in the universe, so she truly didn't see or understand why he was so adamantly remaining on the couch. It wasn't as though they had checked into some inn in London, or worse: The Three Broomsticks. The inn keeper here, like every other person in the viciity had no cause to doubt his lie, so her reputation was far from her thoughts. "Don't blame me when —"

Just then, fireworks began outside the inn, causing Penny to scramble out of bed to the window, stumbling all the way. She'd always been fascinated by the explosions of color, but knew better than to experiment with them anywhere near her home. Cassandra would be less than tolerate of any house fires because Penny thought herself understanding of the workings of fireworks.

She sat carelessly on the arm of the couch, her attention still drawn towards the now open curtains. "They're beautiful. And to think we might've missed it!"

He'd closed his eyes to see if it would help the room to stop spinning and then the next thing he knew, she was sitting on the arm of the sofa in nothing but her chemise. In his surprise, he nearly fell off the sofa, but managed to sit up without making a bigger fool out of himself.

The fireworks were unexpected, but he supposed they shouldn't have been. It was New Year's in the city, but in his panic hadn't even bothered to realize the hour. Out of intrigue he scooted close just to glance out the window, but it really wasn't the display outside that captured his attention. Nemo found himself in awe of her, not for the first time today, but couldn't help but to stare as she sat there watching the fireworks out the window.

Any response he could have come up with wouldn't have done the situation any justice, so he simply didn't say anything.

She watched the sparkling explosions in awe. Hogsmeade didn't put on a show quite as spectacular as this, if they put on any show at all. There were some shows she saw in London that might've compared, but those were all so long ago they hardly mattered now. With a grin plastered across her face and flushed cheeks to match, Penny looked towards Nemo and said, "happy New Year, Nemo."

Some women might've dreamt of a kiss to welcome in the new year. Others might've expected a proposal or an otherwise excited announcement. Penny wished for neither, for she couldn't dream of a better day spent than the one they'd just had today. "This trip was the best idea."

It took a moment after she looked at him for Nemo to mentally slap himself back into reality. If she looked into the expression on his face, it was going to get even more awkward. "Happy New Year, Pen." His smile softened into something more of a normal look for him (or so he hoped).

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He was, even if he was having an internal panic attack over the end of it, that she had enjoyed herself. That had been the goal after all, a nice day out without work, without anything else, just them enjoying the day and the company. Thankfully the ongoing fireworks gave him a distraction to look away and watch while he tried to wrap his head around what could possibly happen next.

Had he not been so awfully uncomfortable just a few minutes prior, and were she in just a few more layers, Penelope would have allowed herself the passing joy of falling back to lean against him. None of this would matter come morning, Merlin knew she'd be lucky to remember it at all. But for a minute or two indulging in what could've been had they taken the step they danced around for so many years would be nice.

If only.

She remained firmly on the arm of the sofa but reached down to lightly brush her hand over his hair. Ever since graduation any casual touch between the two was a rarity. Before graduation maybe even. Penny couldn't remember when they had crossed the line of being permitted to jest with one another to having to consider every move. What she would give to go back for just five minutes.

Outside the window, the fireworks show hit its climax. Their room was lit up with all the bright colors of the fireworks. A strange, fuzzy feeling took over her then. One she might've remembered as a crush were she sober enough to consider such feelings.

Though he had been distracted by the fireworks for a moment (and they were spectacular) he was still mesmerized by her. He held his breath as she reached out toward him, the movement catching him off guard. They weren't allowed to do that anymore. Sure as kids at school they'd been able to get away with easy nudges and casual touches, but it was like that anymore.

Gently he caught her by the wrist, looking up at her uncertainly. They were edging into uncharted waters and Nemo was waiting to see what ledge they were about to fall off. "Pen," He started, stopped, wholly uncertain about what he could possibly say right now that wouldn't give away his inner turmoil. This was supposed to be the end of a fun day, something easy and carefree, and it had the chance to change into something else, but only if she wanted it to.

The warmth of his hand on her wrist caused the fuzzy feeling to explode into a swarm of butterflies. Outside the window, the show exploded in dizzying arrays of color, bathing the pair in an almost perfect glow. "Nemo," she echoed his name, blinking through the haze that had crept over them. The swarm continued to flutter about until ...

She pulled the hand that was trapped in his touch from him and clasped it over her mouth. Forgetting all about the fireworks, the uncomfortable couch, Nemo, Penny made a mad dash to the nearest waste bin and curled herself over it. Only once the entirety of her stomach contents coated the inside of the bin did she sag down against the wall. Bloody hell.

Perhaps she shouldn't have indulged so heavily in the wine.

And there it went. The moment come and gone as soon as she moved away, but it wasn't for what he'd originally thought.

Nemo was up right behind her, sober in an instant, wincing as she got sick in the nearest bin. Ah shit, now he felt bad. Crouching down in front of her as she slid down the wall, he sighed. "You alright?" He smiled softly at her. Though he was nowhere near getting sick, he had in the past, and he knew that he often felt better afterwards.

Carefully he reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Anything I can get for you?"

She wouldn't go as far as to claim she was sober, but the vomiting certainly left her more coherent of the situation than she was even two minutes prior. Penny smiled dimly at Nemo and shook her head. "I'm alright." In a minute or two when she was certain there was nothing left to heave into the basket, Penny would go and find some water somewhere. And maybe wash her mouth out a bit.

"Sorry we missed the end of the show." The fireworks had been beautiful from what she saw. Then, they'd gotten distracted looking at one another and - fuck.

What would that moment have been? Bloody hell, she was being so careless in her inebriated state. Those feelings had long since subsided, or so she thought, as years had gone by without any sign other than friendship from him. And she was okay with that, really. So long as their friendship remained Penny could live with never acting upon her long suppressed feelings.

Merlin, she was far drunker than she thought.

His hand near her cheek did little to help matters. She was entirely too exposed, sitting in nothing but her chemise. Merlin, were the light any brighter he likely could even see through the fabric! "Maybe no more wine, though." She laughed in an useless effort to diffuse the tension.

Nemo grimaced for her, shaking his head. If he were to admit he hadn't even been watching the show, it would have been indrecibly awkward. Better to just move past it.

eHe held out his hands toward her, astonished at how fast his body could dispel the drunk feeling when she had gotten ill over the wine. "No more wine. I'll find you some water and maybe something to eat?" Soak up whatever was left in there. There had to be some bread or something.

"I'll try the desk." Though he hadn't any idea if anyone would be up, he could certainly find something even if he had to wander back outside. "Why don't you climb into bed and I'll be right back." He stood, pulling her with him, waiting to see if she was woozy or anything before letting go again. Once she was good, he moved to grab his coat just in case.

The very thought of eating made Penny wish to return her head to the bucket. She felt better than she had a few minutes ago, but not by much. "Just water, I think," she said. Tomorrow she would regret not eating the bread, but this was tonight and she was already embarrassed enough.

Penny swayed on her feet, leaning heavily on Nemo's grip to remain standing. "Don't leave, please. We'll just go to sleep." She would be alright, truly. They were in a strange city, though, and the thought of him out there alone was frightening. (That Nemo was a fully capable man did little to comfort her. Accidents happened every day, didn't they? And then what, she would be left in this hotel room wondering what happened come morning?) "We'll build a pillow wall and sleep."

The one of her voice had him pausing. He hadn't made it more than two steps, but she was able to stop him dead in his tracks. He was sober enough now to successfully transfigure something. The mention of the pillow had him chuckling.

Pulling his wand from the sleeve of his overcoat, Nemo grabbed the wine glasses that had come with the bottle and charmed some water into them. "Small sips." Nemo had nursed far too many of his brothers through too much drinking to know how it was supposed to work.

"Are you sure about the bed?" Tentatively he took a seat in the edge of it. Something in the way she spoke had him rethinking the sofa, if only because he doubted she would actually ever let it happen now that they were both a little sobered up.

Taking the glass from him, Penny did as instructed. The water cleared some of the vile taste in her mouth, but also left her wanting to sleep more by the second. Slowly, Penny settled herself back onto the edge of the bed, the glass held loosely in her grip. If not for the absolute certainty that Nemo would subject himself to such an awful night's sleep on the couch, she would have fallen over and crashed right then.

"A terrible night's sleep is an awful way to end the perfect day," she insisted. To further prove her point, Penny pulled the pillow behind her and shoved it towards what she presumed to be the middle of the bed. "You'll stay on that side, I'll be on this side. We'll sleep and go home in the morning. Maybe after some crepes."

Nemo wasn't going to fight with her on it anymore. Drunk him would have, but now he wanted to keep a close eye on her in case she was still feeling ill. Plus she'd gotten him with the perfect day comment.

"Alright, if you're sure." He moved around the bed, setting his water on the nightstand on the side nearest the door and pulled the covers down. With the spare pillows he constructed her pillow wall before extinguishing the lights. Even though he doubted need be sleeping any time soon, he whispered, "Goodnight Penny." Over the pillows anyway.


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