March 24th, 1890 - Podmore Zoological Aviary
Not a bit of good they do
Emilia had gotten to work early and left early so she could come here; the zoo was still open, although barely. The sun was starting to set. She walked past the bulk of the exhibits without pausing, until finally she got to the aviary. She could have easily looked at the birds - EJ liked birds - but was instead looking for a flash of red hair, and ducked around a child when she spot it.
She touched her hand to her niece's elbow before she spoke. "Eavan," Emilia said. "I missed you."
Although she was largely indifferent to the father, Emilia was fond of her North American niece - a girl who looked like Nola, (but with the red hair,) who was whip-smart and honest and outgoing. Coming to see her had been an easy decision, and maybe, if she was lucky, EJ would get to know why she had left.
She touched her hand to her niece's elbow before she spoke. "Eavan," Emilia said. "I missed you."
Although she was largely indifferent to the father, Emilia was fond of her North American niece - a girl who looked like Nola, (but with the red hair,) who was whip-smart and honest and outgoing. Coming to see her had been an easy decision, and maybe, if she was lucky, EJ would get to know why she had left.