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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Briar Figg
Full Name: Briar Figg
Nicknames: Bri
Birthdate: April, 2nd, 1870
Current Age: 20 years
Occupation: Domestic Service
Reputation: 8
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: Squib
Social Class: Working
Family: Wilmer Figg - Pure Blood - Father - circ 50 years old
Preudence Figg - Pure Blood - Mother - circ 40 years old
Rosalind Figg - Pure Blood - Sister - circ 18 years old
Appearance: Briar Figg has always considered herself plain- long faced with an dusty golden toned complexion, Briar stands a 5ft 5 inches and due to her years in domestic service, has a some what lean athletic body type though does tend to be on the skinner side. Broad shouldered and flat chested, in her childhood Briar was often told she had a boyish frame- she does not have much shape to her but no longer tries to hide this fact with the clothing she wears. With long dark hair, that turns slightly golden in the summer months, Briar can often be found wearing her hair back in a plait or a tight bun at the nape of her neck. She dresses plainly, in muted colours and earthy tones, as not to draw attention to herself. 
History: April 2nd 1870 A year after their marriage, Wilmer Figg and Preudence Figg welcome Briar Figg into the world! Both mother and child are healthy though Wilmer Figg is less than please at the birth of a daughter.
December 8th 1872- Two years after the birth of their daughter, they welcome Rosalind. Both Preudence and the babe are taken ill shortly after birth, and while both pull through, Preudence is informed by the Doctor that she cannot bear anymore children- much to the disappointment of Wilmer Figg who was much hoping for a boy.
April 29th 1873- Both Mr and Mrs Figg begin to grown increasingly worried that their daughter Briar has not yet shown any signs of magic, despite her sister Rosalind, already showing signs that she is magical.
June 1st 1877- The Figgs, growing increasingly frustrated with Briar's lack of magical abilities, make the decision to move to Hogsmeade to establish a life there in hopes that being surrounded by other Witches and Wizards would somehow get their daughters magic to blossom. It does not - Mrs Figg expresses her resentment towards Briar at a gathering.
September 7th 1877- Her parents send Briar to a small local muggle school about 10 miles from Hogsmede- their reasoning for this is so she can at least fend for herself once the time comes.
July 19th 1880- Briar Figg's last day of school, before she graduates with basic knowledge on how to read, write and do arithmatic.
April 2nd 1881- Briar Figgs 11th Birthday comes without much celebration.
August 5th 1881- Briar Figg's letter does not arrive to accept her to Hogwarts. Her parents are disappointed but not surprised.
June 8th 1983- Rosalind Figg receives her acceptence letter to Hogwarts, much to her parents delight. Tension grows between Briar's parents and herself.
September 2nd 1884- The day after her sister leaves for Hogwarts, Briar leaves her parents home in search of Domestic work in London. This is the last time she speaks to her parents, as her letters she send do not garner replies. She finds a place in a small household as a maid of all work.
September 6th 1985- Briar receives a single letter from her family informing her that they no longer want to recieve letters from her and that they no longer see her as their child.
May 20th 1890- After growing rumours and a small fire, Briar is dismissed from her household as a maid due to the rumour that she is a witch. Briar packs her bags and leaves in search of new work.
Personality: Headstrong, Obedient most of the time, Stubborn, Reserved.
Other: n/a
Sample Roleplay Post: Briar watched the iron hand of the clock move forward as she stood on the train platform. It was raining, a light drizzle but the bitter air that sunk into her bones that made the young woman consider if mother nature was reflecting her inner emotions. She had not shed a single tear after she had been dismissed, but that did not mean she had not felt the turmoil boiling beneath her skin. When the Mistress of the house had called her into her office, Briar had thought nothing of it and expected to be asked to add more logs to the fire- it was June and somehow there was a bitter cold in the air- but then she had told her she was ending her employment and she was to pack her bags and be gone by the end of the week. Yes, Briar had felt the stinging in her eyes as she had walked from the room but she had not given the woman the satisfaction of crying.
Name: Ali
Age: 25
Contact: Discord/PM
Other Characters: n/a
How did you hear about us?: Lady told me!

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— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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