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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Nothing But Blue Skies, Do I See
15th April 1890

Dearest Melody –

I hope this letter finds you and your husband in excellent health. I missed you so much and was so thrilled to see you at that opening in Hogsmeade, however disastrous the ending might have been. Remarkably, much has happened between these past few days and I wanted to write to you to tell you right away!

I was hoping to tell Tavie but I figure that she might have my hide if I don't tell her in person. But you understand, I absolutely had to tell someone right away, and I didn't want to impose on you and Mr. Crouch so early in your return to us.

I'm writing to tell you that Mr. William Abbot paid me a visit the other day. You see, he'd seen that a debutante was hurt in the debacle the other day and was absolutely beside himself until he'd seen that I was in full health. Of course everyone healed promptly, but I needn't tell him I had the maid burn those clothes covered in Ms. Gallivan's blood. I still shudder to think about it. In any case, after seeing that I was in good health, Mr. Abbott paid my father a visit yesterday and – what do you think! – asked if he might start courting me!

I'm so happy I just might burst, Melody, and I wanted to write you write away to tell you the news!! I feel such a silly schoolgirl for how giddy I feel! Do give my regards to your Mr. Crouch. I hope you two are quite settled in.

I remain faithfully your friend,

Post-Script – In my haste I forgot that I had a homecoming gift for you and Mr. Crouch! I do hope you enjoy them!*

*a new vase and some sweets and homemade lemon bars
Melody Crouch

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]
April 15th, 1890
Dearest Diana,
Oh my! Congratulations! I'm so blissfully happy for you. I know its only a courtship so far, but I remember how he used to gaze at you across the room. Do you think you'll be married by year's end? How lovely would that be! Both of us squared away in loving marriages (however unconventional mine might be). Oh, Diana. I'm so happy I feel my face will split from the force of my smile. You deserve every ounce of joy.

Thank you for the vase! I have already filled it with flowers and set it in the foyer. It's beautiful.

Reuben and I are doing well and are settling in nicely. He was talking the other day about a possible promotion at work even! If there's ever a moment for you to steal away I would love to see you and catch up properly.

I do have a favor to ask of you. As you know, Dorothy is set to debut come June. I know you'll be quite consumed with your blossoming relationship with Mr. Abbott, but might I call upon you to keep an eye on her? She took it upon herself to write to Mr. St.John-Black and I fear she will make similar irrational choices to myself. Obviously, I cannot do the job, much as I'd like to.
Faithfully Yours,

[Image: dqAG6wz.png]
beautiful set by mj
16th April 1890

Dearest Melody –

Between you and I, Melody he has certainly made it clear he intends to propose in the future! And when he does I will most certainly plan to accept! Oh but please keep that to yourself I should hate it to get out and cause unnecessary rumors! But just think, if it were to happen, we'd both be properly settled, you and I. Of course, I'd join Minnie Pendergast in being wedded later on in life, but I've quite resigned to that. I should be quite content if that is my lot in life.

Pass on my congratulations of his promotion at work! Well done, Mr. Crouch! How about you and I have some tea at my house this coming weekend? Mama and Papa are to be out staying with friends, so the staff will be a little more relaxed, and we can have tea in my sitting room.

That is quite troubling to hear about your sister and Mr. St. John-Black (heavens what a mouthful, are all American names so complex?). I, of course, gather her intentions were good, but as you and I both know, intentions matter little in society if they are not received well. I should be very delighted to look after her in society if that is what you wish. Her and Tavie are in the same house so I will ask Tavie for a hand if you've no objection.

Faithfully your friend,

[Image: sSM2r4E.jpg]

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