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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Handmaid's Tale FINALE YO
So spoilers. If you do not want spoilers, go away.

If you have not read the book, do so now.
If you have not watched the show, do so now.
I don't know how you'll do both at once, but you're awesome and can manage it.

I watched the S2 finale tonight.


I have a lot of feelings. In no particular order:
  • Eden was what all daughters of Gilead should be, and they killed her.
  • And when the wives were like, mmmm, maybe this instead, the men were all, MMM, MAYBE I CUT OFF YOUR FINGER, K?
  • Like what did Joseph actually tell the police about that situation?
  • I want to know more about Crazy Mrs. Joseph.
  • Emily's new commander is the best where was he first season?
  • All Marthas are wonderful.
  • I really like the ~vibe of normalcy that Gilead has reached. Like I know it's still not okay, but the fact that Rita called June Nick's "girlfriend", the handmaids all hanging out, etc. is proof of their resiliency and I love it.
  • Fuck you, Fred.
  • Omg Serena ily you underappreciated marvel.


I understand why they had June stay. Nichole had someone safe to go with, Hannah is a thing, resistance is a thing, and moving your central character out of the country is generally not ideal for storytelling. HOWEVER, I do believe that it would have been much more powerful to have her leave, have her reunite with Luke and Moira, and have her realize she has to go back in to do what needs doing. It would have spoken to a deeper strength, as well as sort of echo those slaves that did so back in the day (and a lot of the "smuggling people" thing already speaks to the Underground Railroad, so that would have been an awesome parallel to create).

Also I know Rita will be happy just knowing the baby is safe, but I kind of thought it spat in the face of all the people who worked so hard to get her out of there.

I echo pretty much all of these feelings. This show is so intense. I can't even handle it sometimes.

Even though it was devastating, I LOVED what they did with Eden's death. For Serena especially. Eden was who she was hoping her "daughter" would grow up to be, and those dreams were shattered with the terrible reality of the situation. The baby will grow up to be a 3rd class citizen. She won't be able to read. She won't have any rights, any future. She won't have love. That was a powerful bit of storytelling right there. Gosh, I hope Serena doesn't give up after her attempt at trying to allow women to read because I want her to tear Gilead apart from the inside. (And get that bastard Fred.) She's a ticking time bomb. A very, very intelligent one.

Aunt Lydia was so unexpected!! That actress, though. I think she's most underappreciated one on that show. She is a brilliant actress. Her micro expressions. Anyways.

Commander Lawrence. Man. You go, dude. You go, Mrs. Lawrence for guilt tripping your husband to make some things fricken right. I AM SO HAPPY EMILY GETS TO LEAVE.

Rita and the Marthas. <3

I agree. I think she should have gotten out. Add Emily into the mix with her, Luke, and Moira...they would have been a power team. Also, they could do a LOT from the outside. They would have two Handmaids speaking to the rest of the world about what is going on in Gilead. They could get Canada and other countries to help create change.

But, also. Where the hell is she going to go? Are they just going to catch her again? If so, how is that going to help Hannah?? She can't exactly just stroll up to Hannah's house and kidnap her. It just seems so ill advised to have NO plan in a place where she can't really hide. She's already pulled the "kidnapped" card multiple times. It's not going to work anymore. It wouldn't be fair to ask the Marthas to help again when they already risked everything.

Fred is so obsessed with her. I guess he might take her back. Then her and Serena can cause trouble together, but I think some things might even be out of his hands now.

[Image: tumblr_op2wq9Lduh1r9a32bo1_400.gif]

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[Image: gmun6e3.png]

MJ, yet again working her magic.  <3 <3 Thank you
(July 17, 2018 – 2:05 AM)Billie Farrow Wrote:  But, also.  Where the hell is she going to go?  Are they just going to catch her again?  If so, how is that going to help Hannah??   She can't exactly just stroll up to Hannah's house and kidnap her.  It just seems so ill advised to have NO plan in a place where she can't really hide.  She's already pulled the "kidnapped" card multiple times.  It's not going to work anymore.  It wouldn't be fair to ask the Marthas to help again when they already risked everything.  

Fred is so obsessed with her.  I guess he might take her back.  Then her and Serena can cause trouble together, but I think some things might even be out of his hands now.

[Image: tumblr_op2wq9Lduh1r9a32bo1_400.gif]

1) That gif is a delight

2) I HADN'T EVEN THOUGHT OF THAT. Like Fred clearly suspects she's abducted the baby, and wtf are the others going to say when she rocks up, sans baby, and is all "hi gang"?! Maybe she'll go hang out with Commander Lawrence and his weird household. Jam out to some music, joke about losing a finger for reading*, and plot to abduct another child #yolo

* $10 says that line was included in "Postpartum" to give context to Serena's actions in this episode xD

GORGEOUS set by Lady <3
She should have asked Commander Lawrence to give her a ride somewhere until she gets her shit together. haha I was also kind of hoping that she would have asked Serena to run away with them. I totally think she might have if it was a choice between her baby and Fred. Ugh, Fred.

Yeah, I agree, that had to have been for context.

[Image: gmun6e3.png]

MJ, yet again working her magic.  <3 <3 Thank you
Guys, I know it's been a while, but has anyone watched the latest season? Like, legit, I want to rant with y'all about this one.

Magic by Elaine!

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