Nicknames: Ro
Birthdate: 1st August 1860
Current Age: 29
Occupation: Painter for now but could slip back into the life with ease
Reputation: 3 – she is the single mother of 2 children
Residence: Windkirk Manor
Hogwarts House: n/a
Wand: Birch, 11", supple, Kelpie hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working Class
Family: Maternal Grandparents: Rosefinch Umbernauld, Cormorant Umbernauld
Parents: Tristram MacAllister (D), Redshank Umbernauld
Siblings: Shrike Umbernauld,
Peregrine Umbernauld,
Owl Umbernauld,
Firecrest Umbernauld,
Goldcrest Umbernauld, (D)
Swift Umbernauld
Children: Linnet Umbernauld, Jackdaw Umbernauld
Appearance: Beautiful and unobtainable looking. Despite her name Sparrow has a slumberous, cat like appearance, with high cheekbones and large dark almond eyes. She is 5ft 3 in, and left handed. She dresses in a way that suits her and could be considered ‘scandalous’, she doesn’t wear corsets and while in her own home can usually be found in some stage of undress, preferring loose flowing garments to traditional rigid clothing – comfort over propriety being her main concern.
Born into the Umbernaulds Sparrow was the first of the current generation of Umbernaulds and took to the life as a bird takes to flying. She stopped carriages as a weeping child left on the roadside, plaintive and sad face tugging the heart strings of the unwary to allow her into their lives. She showed magic at a young age like the rest of her family.
When she was 11 she got her invitation to Hogwarts, but per family tradition, she didn't go. She still has the wand she bought when she was thinking of begging her parents to allow her to attend, she barely uses it but what magic she knows was taught to her by her family.
She was 15 when she first got pregnant, and 16 when she gave birth to her first child, her little Linnet bird. In that moment she knew she would do just about anything to protect the little chick she had just hatched. Her whole world was her family, even more so a year later when she had Jackdaw, her chattering little bundle.
Their lives continued as expected – scandalous but happy until Goldcrest. Their brothers death shook the family to the very core and changed the nature of their business. And while she understood why, she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the change. The life was everything she knew, everything she was – in some respects. But always a survivor she has turned her hand to high class portraiture – she always had an exceptional artistic eye and her magical portraits are known for their flair and accuracy. If someone happens to want a forgery….well the client is always right.
Personality: Suspicious, Hard nosed, Loyal, consummate actress
Really only trusts her family – blood is thicker than water and all that. Despite being the oldest of her generation of children she is, like her namesake, a solitary creature. At best she is happy as part of the flock. The sparrow is associated with lust, sexual potency, commonness, and vulgarity – some of which apply to the real woman to varying degrees.
Other: [Any other information you want to include.]
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Contact: skype: Leapidra
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![[Image: 7vPQrfF.png]](
^Kit Made A Pretty!^
Sparrow has an Isle of Skye accent that I won't even try to write