April 10th, 1890 — Hospital Wing
Seneca had only felt this level of pain after being hit by various hexes during dueling competitions. She had known to expect such pain at those instances, though. This terrible pain to her lower part of her stomach had come unexpectedly that morning. To her dismay, she discovered blood in the area of her nightgown that covered her private area. She felt light-headed, fainted and woke up at the Hospital Wing, where a terrified housemate had brought her.
She had heard the nurse saying something about how interestingly one's period affected a metamorphmagus. Seneca transfigured a flower vase into a mirror and summoned it to her bed to see what the nurse had been talking about.
Oh dear!
Seneca's hair had turned blood red, her skin was terribly pale and she had dark circles. She looked like death!
Pain would manifest in such ways on her body before. Whenever she felt great pain, she'd look much paler than the average individual and her hair would become a toneless blonde. So it would make sense that whatever this sickness was would affect her.
The nurse told her that Slytherin's matron would come to visit her that afternoon. She herself was too busy to really pay attention to Seneca's plight because some Quidditch players had injured themselves during a practice. Apparently, Seneca's case wasn't so important!
With the afternoon came Miss Sykes.
She had heard the nurse saying something about how interestingly one's period affected a metamorphmagus. Seneca transfigured a flower vase into a mirror and summoned it to her bed to see what the nurse had been talking about.
Oh dear!
Seneca's hair had turned blood red, her skin was terribly pale and she had dark circles. She looked like death!
Pain would manifest in such ways on her body before. Whenever she felt great pain, she'd look much paler than the average individual and her hair would become a toneless blonde. So it would make sense that whatever this sickness was would affect her.
The nurse told her that Slytherin's matron would come to visit her that afternoon. She herself was too busy to really pay attention to Seneca's plight because some Quidditch players had injured themselves during a practice. Apparently, Seneca's case wasn't so important!
With the afternoon came Miss Sykes.
Constance Sykes Elladora Black