August 28, 2019 – 1:37 PM
Arven Fisk — Played by Willow
”I think you’re underestimating the size of the Earth”, Arven replied with a chuckle, surprised at Felicity’s disbelief. Despite having travelled all his adult life, it was not as if Arven had
conquered the Earth and now needed new worlds to explore. On the contrary, he would never be able to sample everything this world had to offer — not in a lifetime, not in a thousand lifetimes.
But it seemed Felicity was being more philosophical than that. She was looking up into the endless sky and saw it not as “more”, but as “
out”. He reached down and gently brushed a stray lock of dark hair from her face.
”Then perhaps you’re destined for a life beyond the Hearth. What do you dream of, Felicity?”
September 3, 2019 – 11:43 PM
Felicity Gallagher — Played by Renny
Her eyelids folded over momentarily at the tender caress as he moved the dark locks behind her ear, freeing her visage. "What do I dream?" She repeated with a sigh, "I dream of being able to walk down the street as myself, and not having every man within sight thinking of what's beneath me knickers." She said with a bit of a laugh but she wasn't joking. "I dream of traveling the world, me and my caravan giving as much of a show as the world is willing to give us." Felicity shook her head though, "But those are only dreams, and dreams are just for sleep." Reality hit in a wave she some how was none too prepared for, "But..." There was a sniffle, "Thanks for letting me believe it could be a reality for one night, oh bother look at me going all soft...It's the trees you know, damn Veela can't resist them." She said softly.
"Suppose that's the same for a half breed." Her feet gathered under herself and she began dusting herself off once she stood. Felicity always tried to put up a tough front and never show off her emotions, truth was she had them. She always would whether she shoved them in a bottle and denied them or confronted them. "I'm fine really, you know trees, pollen, I think who knows."
September 5, 2019 – 6:29 PM
Arven Fisk — Played by Willow
Arven might've pulled her into a comforting embrace, and indeed one long hand lifted from the grass only to fall back down again as Felicity started to get to her feet.
"You're talking to a man who fled for the jungles of Brazil at eighteen years old, barely a Sickle to my name", he reminded her.
"Dreams are for living."
September 15, 2019 – 10:30 PM
Felicity Gallagher — Played by Renny
Felicity sighed and turned back to him, her skirts giving way to a slight twirl. "Yes and no one for which you are responsible for. It was not so when I was 18 or even now. I have people who depend on me, rely on my differences where their's cannot be of aid. Do you know how many beings and half breeds are treated like third rate citizens. I dare say a house elf get's more respect!"
September 29, 2019 – 4:10 PM
Arven Fisk — Played by Willow
As they got to their feet, Arven towered above his petite friend — but he was in
her shadow, humbled, as she reminded him of his privileges.
"You are right", he agreed, offering a hand to wrap around hers.
"I have no idea what you're going through, no conception of the anchor weighing you down, for mine in comparison is feather-light. All I can offer is help where it's possible to give — and belief in your dreams. Because I do, Felicity. I do believe in your dreams. I believe in you."
October 19, 2019 – 4:33 PM
Felicity Gallagher — Played by Renny
Felicity looked to his offered hand and drank in his words of comfort and solidarity. Fingers folded over his palm and she brought the back of his hand up to her lips and planted them on his skin. He had soothed her tempermental breeze and now perhaps their would be smooth sailing. "You always know how to make a girl blush Arven." She flashed him a smile, "May I never loose such a friend." The gap was closed between them as her allure came into play and she deepened their intimacy when her lips met his. A moment later she withdrew, "Now, walk a girl to her room? Bit late to be by myself." She batted her pretty eyes at him, long lashes folding over, "And tell me, where do you plan to head next?" She moved to hug his arm chin on his shoulder.
Graphics by Lady <3
November 5, 2019 – 5:26 PM
Last modified: February 5, 2020 – 2:01 PM by Arven Fisk.
Arven Fisk — Played by Willow
It was fair to say Arven knew how to make a girl brush, as Felicity so observed, but that did not make this one any less special. He meant every word he said. But for a moment he forgot every word he’d ever uttered as he was drawn into another few minutes of intimacy. Then the seductress brought him back to reality with a smile.
Her arm in his, the tall wanderer led them back onto the path. They could disapparate in a flash, but for now he’d appreciate a roam through the park. They’d find their way back to Felicity’s place sooner or later…
”Where next you ask… well I fear if I muse too much I’ll up and away too soon. I plan to stay put for a little while. My sister and my niece… my family have asked me to linger, at least for a time. Doing so won’t keep me from adventure, of course”, he added with a twinkle.
And yet the adventure was done for tonight.
"Come", he said with a smile, rugged arm about Felicity's shoulders as he walked her home; the world would be waiting for their next whims and musings when the sun rose.
-fade out-