Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Narcissus Laurent
Full Name: Narcissus Adonis Laurent
Nicknames: Narci
Birthdate: February 15, 1873
Current Age: 16 Years
Occupation: Student
Reputation: 6; he's a half-veela and tends to be annoyingly vocal about equality.
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 10 inch, rigid, kelpie hair, ash
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Family: Mera Laurent, mother, deceased
Matthew Laurent, father, living
Appearance: Narcissus has hazel eyes, dark hair that has a tendency to curl and stands at five feet, ten inches. He has a subtly athletic build. His skin is naturally clear and unblemished thanks to his heritage. He is right handed.
History: 1872: Narcissus is born to a middle class man and his veela wife. Narci has never really interacted much with his mother who didn't really see the point when he was just a baby.

1877: Following the hoopla with muggles, the family settles in Hogsmeade.

1878: Narcissus shows his first signs of magic by elevating his toys.

1880: Narci's mother is murdered due to the fact that she is a veela. Narci has never been told the full details of the case but this event in his life was his starting point for wanting to bring about equality and safety for humanoid creatures trying to live in society and their offspring.

1882: Narcissus's father comes down with dragon pox but manages to survive the illness though is left weakened for some time.

1884: Narcissus began his first year and went off to Hogwarts. He is sorted into Slytherin.

1886: Narcissus's father had intentions to court a young middle class debutante but she backed out upon meeting Narci and realizing his half-breed status. It only fuels Narci's ire against those that discriminate against him when they don't even know him.

1887: The half-breed ban happens and Narcissus is enraged. He is unable to attend school for what should have been his fourth year and begins working for his fathers shop while he tried to figure out to do when he doesn't even have OWLs to his name. His goal had been to be a lawyer or something else in the Ministry for so long that he has a bit of an existential crisis.

1888: In January, Narcissus is able to go back to Hogwarts though he has to repeat the last half of his third year. Which is awkward but he is psyched and even more driven to achieve his goals of bringing about change for his kind. During the summer, a fog stops magic from working which causes shorter tempers than usual around the Laurent household. Needless to say, everyone is greatly relieved when the problem is resolved. That September, Narcissus gets to begin his fourth year.

1889: In what is now his fifth year that should have been his sixth year, the school year starts off uneventful enough but who knows how long that will last?

Personality: Vain. Confident. Temperamental. Passionate. Creative. Charming.
Other: Using my Against the Odds prize from 30K.

Name: Kit
Age: 31

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