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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Ernie Nuffer
Full Name: Ernest Silas Nuffer
Nicknames: Goes exclusively by "Ernie". Sometimes teased by his peers as "Mr. Niffler", which usually causes him to snap at them.
Birthdate: October 03, 1871
Current Age: Sixteen Years
Occupation: Fifth Year; Chaser
Reputation: 6
Not a known bastard, but a suspected one due to his resemblance to his "brother" and "grandparents". He also is known for being rather moody and snarky.
Residence: London, England
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Holly, 10 inches, Dragon heartstring, Swishy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working Class
Frederick Nuffer, "Father" [1815-1884]
Hildegarde Nuffer (née ------), "Mother" [1824]
His biological grandparents, but he's not currently aware of this.

Robert Nuffer, "Brother" [1849]
Amelia ------, Mother [18XX-1871]
His biological parents, but he's not currently aware of this either.
Fairly tall for a boy of his age at a solid 5'8" tall. Has a generally slim frame and toned—but not bulky—muscles. Even bone structure, straight nose, strong jawline, and clean-shaven most of the time. Short, medium brown hair and green eyes. Dresses in his school robes 98.5% of his time at Hogwarts, only if because they look far more put-together than the clothes his parents pack him with. Dresses simply while outside of school. Wields his wand with his right hand.
1871 | His mother, a known prostitute, gives birth to him. She passes from consumption shortly after recovering from childbirth, but not before giving the midwife, a personal friend of hers, instructions on how to find Ernie's biological father. When faced with the child, Ernie's father vehemently denies his involvement with the woman. However, Ernie's grandparents, noting the immediate resemblance between their own son and the child, agree to raise him as their own despite their own son's protests. No one is good society is positive about his parentage, but many suspect there were shady circumstances regarding his birth.

1874 | Ernie displays his first sign of magic. While his parents try to dress him in his ~nicer Sunday clothes, Ernie burns them while in tears.

1877 | Ernie's "brother" moves away and into a shared shack in Hogsmeade when the village is founded. It marks one of his earliest, poorest memories of his brother, as Robert made his animosity towards Ernie clearly known as he left.

1879 | Ernie learns that he is not the biological child of the Nuffers (or at least those Nuffers), which leads to much confusion and harbored resentment. His parents refuse to reveal who his biological parents were, and moreover, what came of them in the aftermath of his birth.

1883 | Ernie receives his acceptance letter to Hogwarts and goes off to the school in September. He is sorted into Slytherin—fitting for the boy who dreams of making a name for himself—and finds enjoyment in classes that involve less practical magic. He's a disastrous ~organized~ dueler, but does quickly learn a snappy jinx or two.

1884 | Ernie sees his "brother" for the first time in years, and during Christmas nonetheless. While Robert brings gifts for his parents, he pretends not to even notice the thirteen-year-old in the room. He leaves before much conversation is held, leaving Ernie confused and undeniably angry.

1885 | Ernie adds Ancient Studies, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes to his class schedule. He enjoys all of his electives, though finds some topics within them more interesting than others.

1887 | OWL preparations begin. Stress ensues. On a much more positive note, Ernie makes the Slytherin quidditch team as a chaser! It's probably not a future career move, but it is fun.

Notable elements of his/her personality:

Hardworking | Despite his pessimistic nature, Ernie adamantly believes that if he works hard (and perhaps with just a bit of luck), he can find success of his own one day. He doesn't believe that those in power will turn down someone truly useful (even it means he has to be a pawn for a little while) even if their life circumstances are less than idea.
☛ The likelihood that he'll ever cast a patronus (whether due to a lack of skill or simply lack of education in that subject area) is slim.

☛ Ernie is gay and is acutely aware of this, but doesn't put much of a focus on romance in his life. Nevertheless, he's prone to crushes he can't quite seem to shake, and does enjoy looking even if he can't touch.
Name: Bree
Age: 18
Contact: PM for Skype/Discord
Other Characters: All of them.
How did you hear about us?: I migrated with the flock.
using my last 2-for-1 application!

set by Stef <333
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We hope your time here is magical!

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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