Birthdate: November 12, 1854
Current Age: 33 years
Occupation: Owner of Wizzhard Books
Reputation: 8 He's a bachelor for the most part and doesn't super try to branch out.
Residence: Hogsmeade, above his shop
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Beech, 12", Slightly Bendy, Phoenix Feather
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Family: He is of no relation to Cuthbert Binns! It's just an awkward coincidence.
Meriwether Binns (1828) - Father
Agnes Binns (1832) - Mother
Hugo Binns (1850) - Brother
Rosie Binns (1852) - Sister-in-Law
Albin Binns (1872) - Nephew
Isolda Binns (1874) - Niece
Emma Binns (1876) - Niece
Juliana Binns (1862) - Sister
Appearance: Zachariah stands at about five feet and ten inches. He has long, slender fingers that are often blotted with ink. He has dark brown hair that he likes to keep neatly combed or else it tends to fly away. He has blue-green eyes that sometimes sit above eye bags if he finds himself up reading half the night again. He has a beard and generally tries to dress neatly, even though he ends up a bit dusty. His wand hand is his right. He wears spectacles for reading.
Early Binns History: The Binns family is originally from Northern England, but, the past four generations have resided in London. Zachariah's grandfather, a muggleborn, married the daughter of pureblood. They produced three children, Meriwether being the middle child, who all went on to be in Gryffindor during their school days. There, Zachariah's father met Agnes, and they married very soon after they left.
1850: Hugo is born. From a young age, he proved to be the bold, and adventurous type, always getting into some sort of mischief. His first act of magic was at the age of three.
1854: Zachariah is born.
1860: He displays his first act of magic by making chalk write on its own when his hands grew tired.
1861: Hugo heads off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor like his parents. Zachariah enjoys the relative quiet that is left when his brother is not at home.
1862: With a twelve year difference between her and Hugo, Juliana Binns is clearly an oopsi-baby. Zachariah doesn't seem to mind, and he spends hours reading to his new little sister. He starts to teach Juliana her letters before he is old enough to go away to school.
1866-1870: Zachariah goes to Hogwarts! He is sorted into Ravenclaw, breaking the family tradition of Gryffindor. He feels very at home in Ravenclaw and does very well academically. He helps out in the library during his spare time, helps out with Book Club, and casually plays gobstones to his heart's content.
1870-1873: He continues through to his 7th year, completing both his OWLs and his NEWTs.
Class | OWL | NEWT |
Astronomy | E | E |
Charms | E | E |
Defence Against the Dark Arts | E | - |
Herbology | A | - |
History of Magic | O | O |
Potions | A | A |
Transfiguration | E | E |
Ancient Studies | O | O |
Ancient Runes | E | - |
Gobbledegook | - | O |
1873: Juliana goes off to Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor!
1873-1877: Zachariah heads out into the real world and works at the museum for a few years doing research until he met an older man named Gregory Horton who ran a Whizzhard Books elsewhere in London. He apprenticed under Mr. Horton whom he grew very close to.
1878: After Hogsmeade is established, Whizzhard Books is moved there from London. Zachariah takes on a role almost akin to co-owner, but he doesn't formally possess the title. They run the shop as a team and host book clubs, author signings/visits, and other such activities.
1884: Mr. Horton passes away from the Laughing Plague. Whizzhard Books is left to Zachariah who takes full control of the business. The first year is tough as he is still grieving and getting his feet firmly underneath him.
1888: Currently, most of Zachariah's attention goes into running the shop and all the events that come along with it. He isn't currently courting anyone, but he hopes to one day marry and have a child of his own whom the book shop can be passed down to.
Personality: Zachariah is warm, friendly, and always hoping to trap engage others in conversations about books! He is both industrious and laid back. He puts his heart and soul into the book shop, but he can very easily fall prey to getting sucked into a book meant for leisure when he's actually meant to be working. One of his absolute favorite pastimes is finding the exact right book for someone. Oh, and gobstones. He loves gobstones. There's a corner of the shop dedicated to games, and he encourages his customers to take the time to play while they are visiting. Zachariah sometimes has a tendency to carry on and hold one-sided conversations, but he means well. Once someone points it out, he quickly corrects it. He also likes to loan out books to customers he thinks need a little extra push to get into the love of reading. When he's been up all night, he can be a little bit forgetful. He's generally just a very happy, book-obsessed, chocolate lover.
Other: Zachariah has quite a few cats who have taken up residence in the book shop. Well, they're not really his, per se. He just doesn't have the heart to turn them away when they wander in to take up residence on the comfy chairs or in front of the fireplace. Most of them have been given names by his customers. He pretends like they're a nuisance, but he'd be heartbroken if they were all to disappear. They add to the atmosphere, anyways. Zachariah also has a corgi named Ivan who basically thinks he is a cat and lounges with them. Ivan is his only intentional pet. He knows how to speak Gobbledegook!
Age: 28
Contact: PM or Skype
Other Characters: Billie, Leo, Archer, Fleur, Gilbert, Ava, Thomas
![[Image: xPlE4V4.png]](
Pretties thanks to Olive! <3