He hesitated and looked away towards the windows. They were still sitting on the table. His skin was rapidly cooling, and he felt like he was looking down on both of them from somewhere above. Her head was on his shoulder. Outside stood the tower in the dark. He thought about himself, up there. The version he had just begun to know of Themis lived there. She was calling him over to see her, so she might know him safe.
She knew, of course, in her way, that this offer would entice him, and that it would trouble him. She was going far outside of her own bounds of safety, and Samuel was not sure if she would have offered if she did not know that he was going away. Tonight she had relinquished her defenses for him, every step of the way, and yet she was still willing to go further. The courage of the offer called back up all his affection for her, and at the same time it settled on him that this woman was establishing her hold over him in a way that he did not know how to deal with. He leaned back a little to look at her. He wanted to say yes.
"Then I stay for tonight," he said finally. It looked like he wanted to say more, but he did not. He stood up and with that he drew away from her.
"Give me a few minutes to get more decent. I will come to you," he promised. They could not be seen going to the astronomy tower together, not looking like they did. It might be dark but it was not late. The dinner in the great hall would begin shortly, and the school was teeming with students and watchful portraits. They would have to get used to being very careful.
Themis was well established here but as a woman she was vulnerable to rumors. And Samuel, well—he was certain that being presented with a reason to fire him and to damage his reputation in one strike would be the only Christmas gift Headmaster Black would delight in with any genuine feeling.
She knew, of course, in her way, that this offer would entice him, and that it would trouble him. She was going far outside of her own bounds of safety, and Samuel was not sure if she would have offered if she did not know that he was going away. Tonight she had relinquished her defenses for him, every step of the way, and yet she was still willing to go further. The courage of the offer called back up all his affection for her, and at the same time it settled on him that this woman was establishing her hold over him in a way that he did not know how to deal with. He leaned back a little to look at her. He wanted to say yes.
"Then I stay for tonight," he said finally. It looked like he wanted to say more, but he did not. He stood up and with that he drew away from her.
"Give me a few minutes to get more decent. I will come to you," he promised. They could not be seen going to the astronomy tower together, not looking like they did. It might be dark but it was not late. The dinner in the great hall would begin shortly, and the school was teeming with students and watchful portraits. They would have to get used to being very careful.
Themis was well established here but as a woman she was vulnerable to rumors. And Samuel, well—he was certain that being presented with a reason to fire him and to damage his reputation in one strike would be the only Christmas gift Headmaster Black would delight in with any genuine feeling.