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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Demons On Our Doorsteps!
17 June, 1888
Dearest Tuni,

When the fog invaded Irvingly, I could hardly imagine that it would traverse through the forests and envelope Hogsmeade as well! Are you still at home? Safe, I presume?

I cannot put into words the amount of stress it's put on my fragile nerves; Mr. Diggory can hardly placate me with with the lack of visibility in the area—and no magic, too!

With love,
Cousin Dolly

Post Log
June 18th, 1888


Actually, I am not at home. I went to Hogsmeade the afternoon of the 16th to speak with the director at the museum about possibly becoming a curator. And, long story short, I'm now stuck in London. To say this is the beginning of a new adventure, I believe, would be an understatement!


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
18 June, 1888
Dearest Tuni,

You're beginning a career? In London? Oh, Tuni, you must tell me more! If I'm to be trapped here in Irvingly, I must at least be able to live vivaciously through your adventures!

With love,
Cousin Dolly

Post Log
June 19th, 1888


Well, my seasons haven't been the most productive as I'm sure you know and I struggle to sit idly. I had been freelancing for researchers and compiling their field notes into legible reading to be published for them but that wasn't as productive as I'd have liked. And so..I spoke with my father about getting a job at the museum. I'm certainly smart enough and I figure if I can't go on grand adventures to far away places, I can do it through the exhibits at the museum.

Of course, it was a bit of an argument at first but finally he saw my reasoning and allowed me to come to London to speak with them. It was meant to be a quick trip to simply see what they would offer by way of position. Only, the director was so excited and pleased with my resume he insisted on showing me around in a behind the scenes sort of tour and then he all but hired me on the spot. But by the time we were done, the fog must have spread over home and I was unable to return! Father has made some arrangements luckily, but now I'm stuck in London. I supposed I can start my job now!


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
20 June, 1888
Dearest Tuni,

Oh, but I loved History of Magic while at Hogwarts! You must tell me everything you see—and everyone you see! What if you meet your Prince Charming while on the job?

With love,
Cousin Dolly

Post Log
June 21st, 1888


I am officially a curator at the museum. I went back and was told I could start straight away. It's been quite enjoyable but I've also been very busy learning the ropes of everything..

And I'm quite certain I've found my Prince Charming though I certainly did not meet him at the museum.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
22 June, 1888
Dearest Tuni,

Do tell me everything, my dear! Who is he? What does he do for a living? Might Mr. Diggory know him from the Ministry? Oh, I bet he's as handsome as can be!

With love,
Cousin Dolly

Post Log
June 22nd, 1888


If I tell you, you must promise not to tell a soul. Not even your husband. We still have to speak with my father but the fog has thrown an awful kink in any plans. He was going to speak to my father a couple of weeks ago but wasn't able to and now we're stuck in London. I am, of course, staying in my own rooms thanks to my father though.

And it's unlikely he'd know him unless he works closely with Quidditch players. He plays for Puddlemere. And it's been a whirlwind of an adventure, I must admit, to us getting to the point we are. Hopefully this fog clears soon and we can meet for tea and I can tell you everything in person!


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
23 June, 1888
Dearest Tuni,

What do you mean he was going to speak with your father? Do you two plan to marry? Elope? Oh how romantic, Tuni!

There's obviously much better career paths your husband-to-be could be pursuing, but all quidditch stints come to an end. Is he very intelligent? I'm sure he could find a position within the Ministry — and outside Magical Games and Sports — with the proper skill-set!

I'm positive Mr. Diggory's connections could find him something (but only after you've officially gotten engaged and I can speak freely on the matter).

With love,
Cousin Dolly

Post Log
June 25th, 1888


Oh no, nothing that extreme! He was going to speak to my father about properly courting me. He is ever the gentleman despite the assumptions made of most Quidditch players. Clearly we'll do things by the book.

And I think he is quite intelligent but why wouldn't a career as a player be enough? I know it has been rough for Magnus but when it comes to love, shouldn't that be all that matters? And besides, I can get paid quite well as a curator. I have the intelligence and the confidence to curate truly magnificent exhibits. I would think that between that and his rather phenomenal career we would be just fine.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
26 June, 1888
Dearest Tuni,

Oh, Fortuna! You'd be silly to think a true gentleman would continue to pursue a career that would force his wife to work! What if you were to marry and have children?

And I hardly believe the museum director would be irresponsible enough to allow his employee to continue working while she is with child! While you know I would never encourage a woman to marry for status over love, neither would I encourage a woman to risk her stability for a gentleman. Your love may wither into resentment if you are unable to sustain a comfortable standard of living.

(Unless, of course, you desire to be a childless wife!)

With love,
Cousin Dolly

Post Log
June 30th, 1888


And if working is my choice? What then, Dolly? Perhaps I like working and would rather have a job of importance rather than the lax life of a wife dwindling away at home.

Regardless, marriage and certainly children are quite a ways off. When that time should come, perhaps things will be reconsidered but I hardly see the point in worrying about it right now. I like to work and I quite like my job so I shall remain here for the time being doing what I enjoy doing.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
01 July, 1888
Dearest Tuni,

I encourage you to work to your heart's content, but please do be mindful of decisions you make going forward. What you may love today might not be something you love next month, or even next year. I only worry for your well-being.

With love,
Cousin Dolly

Post Log
July 2nd, 1888


What I want to do is travel the world and see all the things I've only been able to read in books or see on display while at the museum. And since that can't happen without a rich husband or some grand inheritance, I'm forced to settle with what I can. And while I understand you only have concerns for my well being, I'm quite happy with what I am doing and know that it is exactly where I belong even if I don't find myself married to Mr. Bixby.


Another Glorious MJ Set!
[Image: xy6Q4W.png]
04 July, 1888
Dearest Tuni,

As long as you have no regrets in life, I can't say anything. I do love you, Tuni, and I only mean to express my worries out of concern for your happiness. Please take care of yourself while in London; I'm only an owl away if you need me.

With love,
Cousin Dolly

Post Log

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