June 30th, 1893 — Crouch Home, Swallowbury
Reuben Crouch
Reuben Crouch
The house — her house had grown dusty with misuse in Melody and Nora's extended absence. They returned periodically, of course, for the exchanges with Ben and to check in with Mrs. Hopper, but it'd been a month since Melody last slept in her own bed. She felt too uneasy alone in Irvingly, haunted by both memories and shadows. Living with Diana could never be a permanent solution (her best friend was bound to marry again at some point, as unimaginable as it seemed at present) but for now, while Melody navigated the immediate aftermath of living without her husband, it felt like the safest option.
She nearly told Ben that they ought to let the house go at every exchange, for what was the point in keeping a house that neither of them truly lived in anymore? It would be more economical in the long run, and would likely free up funds for Ben to move into a house of his own with adequate space for both him and Nora. Melody had long since shed any desire to live as she had growing up, so she didn't need more than a small cottage. They could find a solution somehow.
Only, giving up the house meant giving up. Every last shred of hope would be gone then and every memory, both good and bad, would be gone with it. Melody had faced Ben leaving with as much bravery as she could muster, but she didn't have quite that much courage yet.
She and Nora had returned from Diana's that morning to allow Nora time to settle before Ben came to pick her up. Only, the toddler was so elated to have returned to her home for the first time that week that it took nearly an hour and a half for her to finally go down for a nap.
By the time she made it downstairs, Ben was due to arrive any minute. This was perhaps the most frazzled he would have seen her since before he left, but without any time to fix herself up it was going to have to do. Not that it mattered much anyway. It wasn't as though he still cared for her beyond his obligations. It was as that thought was crossing her mind that the floo lit up behind her, forcing Melody to shove down any thoughts she might have had about the state of her marriage. "Hey. I'm sorry, she only just went down a little bit ago. She was too excited to sleep." Melody explained in a rush.
She nearly told Ben that they ought to let the house go at every exchange, for what was the point in keeping a house that neither of them truly lived in anymore? It would be more economical in the long run, and would likely free up funds for Ben to move into a house of his own with adequate space for both him and Nora. Melody had long since shed any desire to live as she had growing up, so she didn't need more than a small cottage. They could find a solution somehow.
Only, giving up the house meant giving up. Every last shred of hope would be gone then and every memory, both good and bad, would be gone with it. Melody had faced Ben leaving with as much bravery as she could muster, but she didn't have quite that much courage yet.
She and Nora had returned from Diana's that morning to allow Nora time to settle before Ben came to pick her up. Only, the toddler was so elated to have returned to her home for the first time that week that it took nearly an hour and a half for her to finally go down for a nap.
By the time she made it downstairs, Ben was due to arrive any minute. This was perhaps the most frazzled he would have seen her since before he left, but without any time to fix herself up it was going to have to do. Not that it mattered much anyway. It wasn't as though he still cared for her beyond his obligations. It was as that thought was crossing her mind that the floo lit up behind her, forcing Melody to shove down any thoughts she might have had about the state of her marriage. "Hey. I'm sorry, she only just went down a little bit ago. She was too excited to sleep." Melody explained in a rush.