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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tick tick Boom
Ideally for someone interested in currying favour with Frida or Gretchen! - but anyone at the ball can come chat

And with that Gretchen was out.

Another prefect, another headgirl and another debutant - presuming of course that Priam didn't want her to attend the Rose's. She couldn't understand why she would, Gretchen didnt seem to need it, but then with Frida still unattached, and showing no real inclination towards any particular partner, it was perhaps not a good idea to have too many of the lestrange ladies on the open market. Their value being somewhat in their scarcity.

A wonderful evening all around' Nel remarked politely, 'What do you think of the evening?' she buzzed excitedly to the person who had ended up beside her on the edge of the dance floor. Priam had moved off to talk to another member of the wizengemot who's niece was debuting this evening, leaving her alone on the edge of the dance floor.

[Image: 8nCLLpg.png]
Bee's made a beautiful thing!
It wasn't often Malcorvus bothered attending Hogwart's annual Coming out Ball, besides those his children were part of. Now that the Flint Institute of Advanced Magic was established he decided he should attend this years ball. It would give him a chance to see the newly graduated to see if any had interest in coming to the school and if they interested him to study directly under him. He had other motives as he was hoping to convince his eldest to marry soon and this gave him a chance to screen the upcoming batch of graduating debutants.

He talked with various friends and acquaintances who also attended, their own children, nieces or grandchildren debuting this day and expressed his congratulations as appropriate. Some he had not seen in awhile so made promises to call on them at later dates to catch up. Mostly he kept conversations short so he could observe the young ladies as they danced. He had no intention of adding his name to their dance card, he wasn't here to court for himself.

After his finished a conversation with one of the school's staff, Malcorvus scanned the crowd and spotted the wife of a fellow Wizengamot member. He wouldn't mind talking with Priam himself but the gentleman was busy with another colleague. Making his decision, Malcorvus strolled across the hall in a stately manner before coming up beside her.

"It is a wonderful evening," Malcorvus agreed, turning to glance at Nephele. "Is your eldest debuting today, Mrs. Lestrange?" He couldn't recall the exact age of Nephele's eldest daughter but felt she must be pretty close to debuting if she wasn't among the women dancing. Dealing with the loss of his wife and helping his son open the Flint Institute had caused him to lose track of time.

[Image: Flint-Siggie1-Sepia.png]
They were her girls in most of the ways that mattered to her, but there would certainly be those more concerned with lineage and connection that would care that Gretchen, like Frida before her were Oreste's Lestrange's children. 'My ward and niece Mister Flint,' she smiled warmly, 'My eldest only begins Hogwarts this year.' she explained, 'It's all gone so quickly, I cannot imagine how sad I shall be when it is Agape debuting.' she said with a fond smile and could feel the tightness across the bridge of her nose, that if she dwelled on it might result in some sentimental tears. 'Gretchen is Orestes Lestrange's daughter, her younger sister Meta is still a student.' Orestes' death at the ministry was not a secret, indeed the dramatic explosion had been hard to miss, although the fate of his children was a family decision and not one that many of the public would have been aware of.

'She was head girl this year, Frida last year, they've done very well. she smiled fondly, speaking to Mister Flint but glancing at where Gretchen was doing her thing as a newly minted deb. 'It is good to see you at an event again Mister Flint' she added kindly, with a small apologetic smile. He had been a notable missing member of society following his wifes death, she could not imagine how it would be if she lost Priam, but she imagined the pressure to return to society, for someone like Flint, must be considerable.

[Image: 8nCLLpg.png]
Bee's made a beautiful thing!
"Ahh, of course," Malcorvus responded. It had slipped his mind Orestes Lestrange had died in the explosion at the Ministry in 1885. It made perfect sense for Priam to take his nieces into his care. "Miss Lestrange is a beautiful young woman, I'm sure she won't have any trouble finding suitable suitors to ply for her hand."

He watched Gretchen as she acted the perfect young lady newly debuted. Malcorvus wondered what sort of young woman she was and if she would be the sort his eldest would find interesting. He was about his son's age when he found his Jocosta perhaps the bug will catch his son this season. Malcorvus didn't want to push his son into marriage but felt it was time for him to take his future more seriously.

"A very accomplished young woman," Malcorvus resounded, turning his attention back to Mrs. Lestrange. "Does your niece have any plans for her future besides finding a suitable husband?"

"It is good to be back," Malcorvus responded. He didn't want to talk about why he hadn't been in the public eye all that much in the last year or so.

[Image: Flint-Siggie1-Sepia.png]
The reality was Nel wasn't sure what Gretchen's plans were, she had been so caught up with Frida, and trying to get her to firm up some sort of idea of what she wanted in her future so that Nel and Priam could make that happen for her. Now that Gretchen was out in society it made the situation more difficult, more complex, more pressured. Nel didn't envy here and she felt ill equipped to guide her because her own path through to marriage had been set by her father and mother and she needed only to walk it and thank the lucky stars for a favorable result.

'I believe she is the jewell of the season' Nel answered diplomatically, 'it might be more appropriate for the gents to answer how they intend to prove themselves to be worthy of her' she smiled broadly. 'Is your son ready to give up his bachelor ways?' the sort of polite circling question appropriate to pureblood family leaders.

[Image: 8nCLLpg.png]
Bee's made a beautiful thing!
Malcorvus gave a soft chuckle as Nephele proclaimed the gentlemen suitors should be the ones to prove themselves worthy. It was no less than what he'll expect for his own daughters and his standards were pretty high.

"I haven't asked him directly about his plans," Malcorvus admitted. "He's about the same age I was when I married. Thaddeus is at a good point in his life to marry and raise a family and I believe he's aware of that as well."

Thaddeus was fully established as the head and chief administrator of the Flint Institute of Advanced Magic as well as other positions plus he was Malcorvus's heir. To Malcorvus's mind, now was as good a time as any for his son to turn his attention to finding a suitable wife.

"In the end I'm confident my son will do what is right for him," Malcorvus added. He would give a few hints and make a few suggestions but he wouldn't pressure his son into marriage if he wasn't ready for it.

Malcorvus was aware Nephele's question could have an ulterior motive, an implication her nieces would make suitable wives for his son. In truth he didn't disagree but he didn't want to imply he would encourage such a match without first consulting with his son. In the end he did want his son to be as happy in his marriage as he was.

"I'm hoping Thaddeus will make an appearance but I haven't see him yet." Malcorvus knew it would be prime time to check out Hogwarts graduates interested in applying at the Flint Institute but his son may have other plans for the evening. In truth Malcorvus hadn't been sure he'll make an appearance himself but in the end he decided to come.

[Image: Flint-Siggie1-Sepia.png]
Nel made a mental note of that, not the resounding statement of his sons position on the marriage market, he clearly wasn't dead set on making any decisions, but it appeared as though he might at least be open to it. Nel would need to discuss that with Priam, and perhaps sound out either girl on him as a prospect. From what she knew of the Flints, father and son, GRetchen's intensity might suit the family better, but it was far too early for that.

'How is the institute fairing in its establishment?' she asked, if she herself wasn't married it was the sort of venture which definetly appealed to her, but ultimetly there was no way that a woman in her social position could possibly partake in the organisation, not without perhaps a gaggle of the ladies signing up together - now that was an idea. Nel was a rare Selwyn Ravenclaw, and within certain circles Nel's interest in the more academic aspects of magic were well known.

[Image: 8nCLLpg.png]
Bee's made a beautiful thing!
"It's doing well," Malcorvus responded. It was still too soon to tell how well it'll flourish in the years to come. "Attendance is still low but we're hoping to have more students come fall. Hogwarts is a fine school but we do need a way to advance our learning and more and more people are recognizing the value of a local institute of advanced learning. As we have no maximim age a student could attend, the Institute is idea for those seeking to improve their education regardless of how far along in years they are."

"Have you ever considered expanding your magical knowledge Mrs. Lestrange?" Malcorvus inquired.

[Image: Flint-Siggie1-Sepia.png]
A prolific reader, and a former ravenclaw Nephele had an interest in expanding her magical horizons, although this was not the year to do it - at least not until the girls were stowed in marriage. She could just hear the accusation now - that she had dropped the ball or let down Oreste's girls by going back to education herself and leaving them to flounder instead of focusing her energy on their season, their prospects and assisting them in making advantageous marriages. 'Perhaps eventually sir' she explained, sure that in spite of his desire to populate his school he would almost certainly understand the pressures. 'I had always thought I should like to do more detailed study of divination or the metaphysics of magic.' she said, 'Perhaps once the girls complete the season I might take some time in that regard.' It was as much of a question as a statemnt of interest - gauging the institutes viability as a place of study.

[Image: 8nCLLpg.png]
Bee's made a beautiful thing!
Oddly enough Malcorvus had done his fair share of research into the art of Divination even if he personally found it a very subjective area of magic. True Seers were few and far between and the validity of what they prophesize very difficult to prove one way or the other. It was easy to dismiss it as a real area of magical study but he had seen too many incidents to completely disregard Divination as a real area of magic. The best he could explain it was the future by its very nature was difficult to pinpoint and prophecy needed very specific events to happen in order to be fulfilled. If there wasn't so many other areas of study where magic was concerned, he may dedicate more time on learning the secrets of Divination.

"I completely understand the need to prioritize ensuring your girls complete the season and are settled into marriage contracts before indulging your own personal interests." Malcorvus certainly was hoping to see his son engaged by the end of this season as well though it was less important than it would be to see daughters married.

"When the time comes feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to recommend you to the Institute or personal instruction with one of our professors." Malcorvus wasn't sure if any of their current instructors were well versed in Divination but that could change by the time classes resumed in the fall.

Nephele Lestrange

Nel's maternal duties during the season were manifold and as onerous as any gents full time job. Her time began early in the morning, went through out the day and into the long hours of the nights, to be repeated the next day - and without the gaurantee of a day of rest. It was truly exhausting and honestly if it wasn't for the girls needing to be part of society she would really rather have spent the summer in contemplation with her husband and younger girls in the country - enjoying this last summer before Agape went off to Hogwarts, missing this last time with her was a little saddening.

'I think I just might Mister Flint' she said with a bright smile, 'I shall need a distraction I think come the winter.' Nel laughed, aside from the usual lull of activity that followed the end of the season, having a focus to get in the long hours of the winter nights and distract her from agapes absence would be a good thing she was sure. 'I shall write to you before the season is fully over' she confirmed, and a lestranges word was their bond.


[Image: 8nCLLpg.png]
Bee's made a beautiful thing!
"Then I shall look forward to your letter," Malcorvus responded. Once he received that letter he will let his son know about it and he can handle the administration. For now, Malcorvus felt he had monopolized Mrs. Lestrange's time.

"I must take my leave, I spotted somebody I've been meaning to speak to now that I'm out in Society again. Good evening to you Mrs. Lestrange and give my regards to your husband." Malcorvus inclined his head before taking his leave.

ooc: and a warp :) it was interesting writing these two.

[Image: Flint-Siggie1-Sepia.png]

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