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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

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Inès Valentine
Full Name: Inès Valentine
Birthdate: August 3rd, 1862
Current Age: 26
Occupation: Prophetic Matchmaker
Reputation: 8
Her ‘profession’ is a bit airy-fairy, and also she’s foreign. Her impoverished origins are something she quite decidedly keeps to herself.
Residence: With a friend/former client in Swallowbury
Hogwarts House:
Wand: Laurel, 10¾ inches, with a siren’s hair core. Swishy. Her wand belonged to her late mother, and is really more for show than anything, as Inès never learned more than the most basic spells.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class
None she discusses at any particular length.

Hers is a lithe build, curve provided almost entirely by her attire. Standing at five feet, six inches, Inès is a tall woman who favours bolder, jewel tones, which stand out well against her copper complexion. Her dark hair forms natural ringlets, and she inherited her mother’s deep brown eyes and full lips. She is naturally right handed, but near ambidextrous by training.
Inès does not speak overmuch about her upbringing. She was born and brought up in Tangier. Her father did something in shipping and her mother was a seamstress, and she lost all but an elder sister and her father to sickness when she was young. Formal schooling was something that escaped her entirely due to funding. She was six when her instincts about those around her began to prove true, and ten when her father realized he could monetize this to his benefit. Valentine is not her real surname, rather, one she adopted once she started to truly sell her brand.

Inès worked in Tangier throughout her teenaged years, and became particularly noteworthy for her ability to make good romantic matches—though sometimes her predicted pairings had social or financial barriers that would make being with one another nearly impossible. Over time, she proved so popular in the right circles that she was able to finance a move to the middle class for herself and her father—the rest of her family having largely perished by then. In spite of her interest in finding The One for those around her, Inès herself would do little more than flirt with the men around her, believing that if she did not See herself with a particular gentleman, then he was not the right match.

In 1885, she befriended Miss ----- Bunting, daughter of a British diplomat. The two immediately hit it off, and their bond only deepened when Inès was able to match ----- with the man who proved to be the love of her life. Thus, Miss Bunting became Mrs. Abbott, and it was teary-eyed that Inès said goodbye to her best friend two years later. That same friend would, in 1888, arrange passage for the seer to Britain, just in time for the season.

The Sight: Inès is a genuine seer who occasionally makes prophecies and is particularly skillful at reading tarot cards and crystal balls, but finds all other methods of divination to be ridiculous at best. She has, however, been known to fudge details and stretch the truth when she deems it necessary.

Languages: Inès is fluent in Arabic and Portuguese because of her Moroccan upbringing. She is proficient in English, though speaks with a hefty accent and avoids ~deep conversation.

Hobbies & Skills: When not using her special skill, Inès has a lovely singing voice and enjoys playing cards.

Name: Kayte
Age: 27
Contact: PM Aldous Crouch

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