CYRILLE A. DUPONT30 | WCPB | Unattached | Beauxbaton Alumna | Rep: 7
Spirit Division Employee
Cyrille is a French charmer that works for the Spirit Division. Ams has a way of speaking without really saying anything of import at all and some people may get the feeling that the rumored rake keeps quite a bit close to their chest. They have exceedingly neutral-aligned morals and a chaotic and impish persona.
- Spirit Division Colleagues || Hey guys! Ams has been working for the Spirit Division since ‘87 so for about… 5-ish years! At 30, I think they’re one of the older members of the Division but don’t quote me on that! Anyway, they’re very comfortable and cozy with most of the other employees, even if the members themselves aren’t as comfortable with Ams lol
- Friends || Cyrille isn’t afraid to make friends – after all, friends are useful allies in the future and can be a great deal of fun (and “fun”) too! They’re the kind of friend who likes to push everyone’s comfort zones and drag friends off onto wild adventures. (Do note: Cyrille doesn’t have any really close friends; in fact,maybe some people are suspicious that Ams is hiding quite a bit about themself behind those coy smirks and slightly rakish jokes)
- Ministry Acquaintances || Ams isn’t afraid to chat with other Ministry employees as they run into them; they’re not shy and they won’t let someone else be either!
- Former Flings || Only some of those rumors of rakish behavior regarding dear Cyrille are true! …Okay, maybe more than some; if they feel a person is open-minded enough, they aren’t scared to get handsy somewhere out of sight. Unfortunately Cyrille is a heartbreaker, sometimes “the one that got away” – they believe in casual fun and probably have quite a few former flings around Hogsmeade from before 1884 (when they vanished mysteriously). They don’t really discriminate based on gender or sex, so their past flings really could be anyone!
- Romance || Since getting their job at the Ministry, Cyrille has been in a bit of a “dry spell” but that doesn’t mean they aren’t totally checking most everyone out. They’ve have a mild case of gamophobia (fear of commitment) but I am open to current and/or future flings – and, if you wanna test compatibility for possibly future (and/or forbidden) romance, I’d be open to testing the waters!

This is: Cyrille A. Dupont
February 24, 2022 – 11:47 PM
February 25, 2022 – 12:28 AM
Ford works with you! Slightly younger than Ams but has worked in the division longer so that's probably an odd dynamic. Ford is too proper to think rakish jokes are cool but too insecure to say anything about it, so if Ams was doing that sort of thing Ford would probably chuckle nervously and try to look busy doing something else to end the conversation. Also they have some features in common with Ford's ex boyfriend so... Ford may get caught doing a slight double-take when they walk around the corner lol.

Set by Lady!

Set by Lady!
February 25, 2022 – 1:02 AM
I'm always looking for former lovers of Felix Prewett - well and current hurls.
Also @"Percival Adlard Jr." Works in the Beast department so they likely know each other.
Also @"Percival Adlard Jr." Works in the Beast department so they likely know each other.
![[Image: UbV3zQi.png]](
February 25, 2022 – 2:02 AM
Desiderius Morgan is their boss, George Robins is their super shy colleague. I would be down for testing romance compatibility for either of them.
Desi is appreciative of rakish jokes and also appreciative of them in general. He thinks Cyrille is cool, basically and a breath of fresh air.
George is super shy to the point that he never really looks anyone directly in the eye unless shocked into doing so or something. He is basically a very shy Disney prince that tends to be surrounded by ghostly animals. They are both working class so they also have that in common!
Desi is appreciative of rakish jokes and also appreciative of them in general. He thinks Cyrille is cool, basically and a breath of fresh air.
George is super shy to the point that he never really looks anyone directly in the eye unless shocked into doing so or something. He is basically a very shy Disney prince that tends to be surrounded by ghostly animals. They are both working class so they also have that in common!
February 25, 2022 – 2:38 AM
Fortitude Greengrass - Don't let Ams catch you doing a double-take, Fortitude, they might turn their charm on you! lol
Alas, as a fellow member of the Spirit Division, Mr. Greengrass cannot escape socializing with Cyrille, who is (again) probably overly friendly and familiar with the poor younger wizard; maybe ruffling his hair and trying to make him pull that stick out of his bum?lord help Fortitude if Cyrille realizes he's got an fex out there and is down because of it (or, really, just the former would be enough), homie will be trying to set him up for a rebound
Felix Prewett - Oooooo
That depends on how well Felix can keep a secret -- underneath their NB identity and perceived male gender, Cyrille is still female in terms of sex (considering transitioning wasn't really possible in VE); if he could, then it is completely possible they had fling in the past -- either way, if they did or didn't have a past relationship, Ams will definitely be flirting with the Mr. Prewett when they could. (And Ams might be an interesting puzzle for your Felix!)
And Mr. Adlard Jr. – a good chap to sit and enjoy the quiet with; makes some interesting observations about others (when he cares to share) and isn’t a bigoted ass. A very good man, shame he’s engaged.
Desiderius Morgan - Oh, it’s the boss man! The best boss in the Ministry
Ams would definitely and casually flirt with Desi (that even be their thing, y’know?), but only because their boss is so chill and handsome. In fact, Cyrille might have to be careful about getting too comfortable with their boss… It would be interesting to see what their romance compatibility might be; though, expect troubled waters if anything gets too serious for Mr. Gamophobia!
George; sweet, precious little George – idk if Cyrille could flirt with the lad in good conscience; I mean, look at him. Look. At. The lad. Ams is a chaotic force with loose morals but even they might draw the line at corrupting such an innocent babu themselves; will that stop the Frenchmen from trying to help George get laid? Probably not (unless it really stressed George out, in that case just hide behind Cyrille and let them handle the fallout lol). Be prepared to be taken under their wing, Georgy-boi!
Also, have I mentioned Ams issometimes too familiar with others? Like, touchy-feely, “I’m gonna drape myself all over your shoulder as we chat” type of familiar? shhhh, don’t fight it–Cyrille doesn’t believe in personal space with friends
OOC/Narration: They/Them/Their
IC Perception: He/Him/His
Alas, as a fellow member of the Spirit Division, Mr. Greengrass cannot escape socializing with Cyrille, who is (again) probably overly friendly and familiar with the poor younger wizard; maybe ruffling his hair and trying to make him pull that stick out of his bum?
Felix Prewett - Oooooo

And Mr. Adlard Jr. – a good chap to sit and enjoy the quiet with; makes some interesting observations about others (when he cares to share) and isn’t a bigoted ass. A very good man, shame he’s engaged.
Desiderius Morgan - Oh, it’s the boss man! The best boss in the Ministry

George; sweet, precious little George – idk if Cyrille could flirt with the lad in good conscience; I mean, look at him. Look. At. The lad. Ams is a chaotic force with loose morals but even they might draw the line at corrupting such an innocent babu themselves; will that stop the Frenchmen from trying to help George get laid? Probably not (unless it really stressed George out, in that case just hide behind Cyrille and let them handle the fallout lol). Be prepared to be taken under their wing, Georgy-boi!
Also, have I mentioned Ams is
IC Perception: He/Him/His
February 25, 2022 – 2:55 AM
(February 25, 2022 – 2:38 AM)Cyrille Dupont Wrote: Fortitude Greengrass - Don't let Ams catch you doing a double-take, Fortitude, they might turn their charm on you! lol
Alas, as a fellow member of the Spirit Division, Mr. Greengrass cannot escape socializing with Cyrille, who is (again) probably overly friendly and familiar with the poor younger wizard; maybe ruffling his hair and trying to make him pull that stick out of his bum?lord help Fortitude if Cyrille realizes he's got an fex out there and is down because of it (or, really, just the former would be enough), homie will be trying to set him up for a rebound
The idea of sleeping with a flirtatious coworker and then having to continue working with them afterwards makes Ford aggressively uncomfortable... which means I'm here for it if things shake out that way, lmao. Thread them and see where it goes?

Set by Lady!
February 25, 2022 – 3:22 AM
Cyrille Dupont
I am all for this. >D Desi does not mind Cyrille draping themselves over him. George does but would feel rude about shaking them off and just be an awkward, stiff bean. xD Let me know which, both, whatever you want to get started with. :D
I am all for this. >D Desi does not mind Cyrille draping themselves over him. George does but would feel rude about shaking them off and just be an awkward, stiff bean. xD Let me know which, both, whatever you want to get started with. :D
February 25, 2022 – 8:42 AM
Bernard Prewett - seer of literally only bad luck. He is ministry man as well, so if you'd like a catastrophe forsawn or just someone to have a drink with - here is ol'Bernard! He's a good bit older but would 100% be the worst person to ask advice from.
Murdock Greyback -is also ministry - he is the head the DMLE- older as well but easy to get along with and possibly less classist than most. His first wife was french so if he wants a chat in french or about something particularly French, Murdock can oblige.
Rose Hart - Runs a gin hall in which girls and boys can be payed for good times - basically a Victorian strip joint
Murdock Greyback -is also ministry - he is the head the DMLE- older as well but easy to get along with and possibly less classist than most. His first wife was french so if he wants a chat in french or about something particularly French, Murdock can oblige.
Rose Hart - Runs a gin hall in which girls and boys can be payed for good times - basically a Victorian strip joint
February 25, 2022 – 11:43 PM
(February 25, 2022 – 2:55 AM)Fortitude Greengrass Wrote: The idea of sleeping with a flirtatious coworker and then having to continue working with them afterwards makes Ford aggressively uncomfortable... which means I'm here for it if things shake out that way, lmao. Thread them and see where it goes?
Sure! We could do something along the lines of Ams pestering Ford, the two could run into each other outside of work (maybe Ams runs into Ford when he’s heading to muggle séance and invites themself along?), or we could have a job-related thread! I’m game for whatever <3
(February 25, 2022 – 3:22 AM)Clarissa Cosgrove Wrote: I am all for this. >D Desi does not mind Cyrille draping themselves over him. George does but would feel rude about shaking them off and just be an awkward, stiff bean. xD Let me know which, both, whatever you want to get started with. :D
Yay <3 I would love to thread with both! We could split them starter-wise, if you’d like? Ams could drag poor George off to the Leaky Cauldron (oooor the Hog’s Head?) for some bonding and drinks (and maybe ogling the other patrons) :3c I give you free reign with Desi/Ams thread if you want to do the starter for that! Or we can do vice versa and maybe Ams takes Desi to Holyhead party cuz they're a big quidditch nerd? Just lemme know
(February 25, 2022 – 8:42 AM)Natsuko Mountbatton Wrote: Bernard Prewett - seer of literally only bad luck. He is ministry man as well, so if you'd like a catastrophe forsawn or just someone to have a drink with - here is ol'Bernard! He's a good bit older but would 100% be the worst person to ask advice from.
Murdock Greyback -is also ministry - he is the head the DMLE- older as well but easy to get along with and possibly less classist than most. His first wife was french so if he wants a chat in french or about something particularly French, Murdock can oblige.
Rose Hart - Runs a gin hall in which girls and boys can be payed for good times - basically a Victorian strip joint
I’d love for Ams to have a drinking buddy (or several… or just a in general lot lol) <3 so I hope Bernard is ready for nicknames from the Frenchmen lmao I’ll keep Ms. Hart’s place in mind; Cyrille might already know about it too! And they would be very excited to have someone who can speak French too, so as long as Mr. Greyback wasn't classist to their face, they might come around to pester him occasionally
IC Perception: He/Him/His
February 26, 2022 – 11:47 PM
(February 25, 2022 – 11:43 PM)Cyrille Dupont Wrote:(February 25, 2022 – 3:22 AM)Clarissa Cosgrove Wrote: I am all for this. >D Desi does not mind Cyrille draping themselves over him. George does but would feel rude about shaking them off and just be an awkward, stiff bean. xD Let me know which, both, whatever you want to get started with. :D
Yay <3 I would love to thread with both! We could split them starter-wise, if you’d like? Ams could drag poor George off to the Leaky Cauldron (oooor the Hog’s Head?) for some bonding and drinks (and maybe ogling the other patrons) :3c I give you free reign with Desi/Ams thread if you want to do the starter for that! Or we can do vice versa and maybe Ams takes Desi to Holyhead party cuz they're a big quidditch nerd? Just lemme know
George would not go to the Hogs Head but he would go to the Leaky or the Three Broomsticks! Amswould have made the invite though. As for the other thread, I can start something for Desi/Ams. Desi is an upper class man so probably got his own invite to that party so would not need someone else to take him to it XD But maybe they end up hanging out there?
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