April 17th, 1890 — Prof. Darrow's Office
Hermia's perma-smile was officially hurting her face. Thank Merlin for Fridays. If she could sneak the time, she needed to escape down to the lake for a rest. If she could have just fifteen minutes alone, it would be a blessing. She hated to show her housemates anything but her happiest moods, and anxiety was difficult to share with so many around her. And anxiety she had in spades.
Her OWLs were looming, but she felt ready which was frightening. This was supposed to be the second most terrifying part of her education, there was no way she could be ready, even though she was certainly ready. It was September that had her in knots. For better or worse, her required courses would be finished and she would have freedom to discard courses for the first time in her career. It was a bittersweet choice.
Knocking softly at the appointed time, Hermia ducked her head inside her Head of House and professor's office. "Professor Darrow? I'm here for my course counseling, sir." Hermia had made thorough notes on pros and cons, the courses she could bear to lose and the ones she could never set aside. She'd included all relevant course grades, including those two shameful A marks on essays in her second year Astronomy course, all club activity. She had data, but no answers. Hopefully, in his wisdom, Professor Darrow would have some insight.
"I am having difficulty choosing my courses for next term, professor. I know I want to drop Astronomy and, if I must, I could part with Earth Magic or Muggle Studies." Her face looked like she was burying a loved one at the thought. "I wish to take on Alchemy in the fall, and I would like to keep as many clubs as possible, but I know that I am limited to seven courses and I simply do not know what to lose." Which an uncharacteristic pout, Hermia's shoulders slumped slightly. "I need more hours in a day. There is too much to learn."
Her OWLs were looming, but she felt ready which was frightening. This was supposed to be the second most terrifying part of her education, there was no way she could be ready, even though she was certainly ready. It was September that had her in knots. For better or worse, her required courses would be finished and she would have freedom to discard courses for the first time in her career. It was a bittersweet choice.
Knocking softly at the appointed time, Hermia ducked her head inside her Head of House and professor's office. "Professor Darrow? I'm here for my course counseling, sir." Hermia had made thorough notes on pros and cons, the courses she could bear to lose and the ones she could never set aside. She'd included all relevant course grades, including those two shameful A marks on essays in her second year Astronomy course, all club activity. She had data, but no answers. Hopefully, in his wisdom, Professor Darrow would have some insight.
"I am having difficulty choosing my courses for next term, professor. I know I want to drop Astronomy and, if I must, I could part with Earth Magic or Muggle Studies." Her face looked like she was burying a loved one at the thought. "I wish to take on Alchemy in the fall, and I would like to keep as many clubs as possible, but I know that I am limited to seven courses and I simply do not know what to lose." Which an uncharacteristic pout, Hermia's shoulders slumped slightly. "I need more hours in a day. There is too much to learn."