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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Like I'm Running Out of Time
April 17th, 1890 — Prof. Darrow's Office
Hermia's perma-smile was officially hurting her face. Thank Merlin for Fridays. If she could sneak the time, she needed to escape down to the lake for a rest. If she could have just fifteen minutes alone, it would be a blessing. She hated to show her housemates anything but her happiest moods, and anxiety was difficult to share with so many around her. And anxiety she had in spades.

Her OWLs were looming, but she felt ready which was frightening. This was supposed to be the second most terrifying part of her education, there was no way she could be ready, even though she was certainly ready. It was September that had her in knots. For better or worse, her required courses would be finished and she would have freedom to discard courses for the first time in her career. It was a bittersweet choice.

Knocking softly at the appointed time, Hermia ducked her head inside her Head of House and professor's office. "Professor Darrow? I'm here for my course counseling, sir." Hermia had made thorough notes on pros and cons, the courses she could bear to lose and the ones she could never set aside. She'd included all relevant course grades, including those two shameful A marks on essays in her second year Astronomy course, all club activity. She had data, but no answers. Hopefully, in his wisdom, Professor Darrow would have some insight.

"I am having difficulty choosing my courses for next term, professor. I know I want to drop Astronomy and, if I must, I could part with Earth Magic or Muggle Studies." Her face looked like she was burying a loved one at the thought. "I wish to take on Alchemy in the fall, and I would like to keep as many clubs as possible, but I know that I am limited to seven courses and I simply do not know what to lose." Which an uncharacteristic pout, Hermia's shoulders slumped slightly. "I need more hours in a day. There is too much to learn."

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"Be careful, Miss Bonaccord," Hamish chided teasingly, "or I might insist you should be off to Ravenclaw instead."

Not that he would ever dream of letting Miss Bonaccord go—Hamish had long been fond of the young witch's nature.

"But you mustn't let yourself be overwhelmed by the possibilities. Think first of where you are most likely to find yourself in half a decade's time.
Hermia Bonaccord

set by the long-lost bex
"If I go to the Eagles, I will take my quidditch cups and house points with me. That only seems fair." Hermia volleyed back at her Head of House. She'd tasted three Quidditch Cups and two House Cups in her Hogwarts career and, while they were obviously the result of teamwork, Hermia allowed herself to feel the pride of work well done. Sadly, it looked impossible this year, but, if nothing else, Hermia could always be counted on to keep the faith.

Hermia didn't have the energy to stifle her laughter. "Professor, with all due respect, possibilities are more overwhelming than my impending O.W.L.s. There is so much more I want to know; too many things I know I need to learn." Hermia felt the familiar nagging in the back of her mind, the Nerves come a'calling.

"I don't know what happens next. There is the problem." In five years, Hermia would be nearing twenty and two, Silvius' age. Silvus was already happily settled into his position as a Healer and Charles went straight into research after his Grand Tour. Hermia, the only daughter, relying on her brothers to look away from their professions and to marriage, was still in limbo. Would her freedoms disappear with her debut? Would she find herself courting young? The idea made her want to squirm in her seat.

"If, for a moment, I can say what I wish? I want to keep learning, I would love to shadow my father as an ambassador, perhaps make my own place in International Relations." The very idea had butterflies blooming in her chest. "But where I would be most at ease? I would love to teach. What better fate is there than helping others learn to love knowledge?" Forever a sentimental dreamer, Hermia was still well acquainted with reality. "Unfortunately, I doubt those paths are even open for me to follow. That is why the next two years are crucial. I want all of the experience; all of the education I can reach. I don't want to lose a moment of it." In that at least, Hermia was certain.

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He remained quiet a moment longer to ensure Miss Bonaccord was finished before saying, gently, "My dear, you cannot keep every door open to you—but you can keep as many as possible propped, at least a bit, by ensuring you focus hard upon your studies. I can say that young ladies have more opportunity than they might think; my own daughters would have convinced me of that even had I not known it to be true."
Hermia Bonaccord

set by the long-lost bex
Professor Darrow had never belittled nor condemned Hermia's questions or whims, but it was still a relief to be taken seriously. That relief allowed her a moment to breath and reflect. "Professor, I can assure you, I will never neglect my studies. I only wish I could keep more subjects."

The mention of his daughters earned a smile. Hermia knew of Miss Maggie Darrow and her successes in Quidditch, even though they only overlapped a year in school. If anyone was to truly consider her dilemna, it would be her Head of House, the father and scholar. "If this is impertinent, please excuse me, but how did you know what you were meant to be? With your books and and travels, how did you know you were ready to teach?"

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"I worked in the Ministry of Magic, too," Hamish answered with a chuckle. "I do not think one ever truly knows in advance what is best for them—they must reach out towards the light, and hope it does not burn them."
Hermia Bonaccord

set by the long-lost bex
"But how to be enlightened without becoming Icarus." Hermia mused, partially to herself. Looking down at her notes and suggestions, and grades, she could only sigh. "Are you certain you didn't find anything in your studies that will allow for more courses? It seems horrible to be a Hufflepuff without Herbology." Hermia knew her wish was impossible, but she couldn't help but voice her little hope. It wasn't her fault Hogwarts was only seven years long.

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At that assertion, Hamish raised two bushy, grey eyebrows.

"Miss Bonaccord, I cannot fathom why you would think that," he answered her. "I myself eliminated herbology after my OWLs as it was of little interest to me. Do you think Headmaster Black ought to revoke my status as head of Hufflepuff?" Though his tone was in the vague proximity of seriousness, there was laughter in the wizard's eyes nonetheless.
Hermia Bonaccord

set by the long-lost bex
"Our common room is full of plants and I love to care for them." She offered in place of the equally true 'I will hardly have the opportunity to play in the soil once I've debuted.' No Herbology also meant she would never be a healer. It wasn't the profession she dreamed of for herself, but the option was enticing.

Hermia didn't catch her own laugh in time to appropriately smother the sound with her hands. "I think the headmaster would learn why Hufflepuffs are called badgers the instant the thought crossed his mind. It would be a most unsightly coup and I would prefer to avoid detention."

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A chuckle, and then, "My dear Miss Bonaccord, I assure you that—with or without Herbology—you will find yourself on the path that is best for you. It may not be what you expect now, for I certainly never envisioned myself a professor, but it will be the one that is right."
Hermia Bonaccord

set by the long-lost bex
While it still wasn't an answer to her questions - Hermia knew it was too much to hope her Head of House would just make her decisions for her - Hermia felt more at ease than she had when she started the meeting. There was only one last question she needed to be answered. "Professor, I know I must cut down courses after OWLs, but do you think it too ambitious to carry a full schedule of NEWT courses and still succeed? I would regret missing the opportunity to study further, but I would not want to disappoint." 'Excel' sounded far too boastful, but Hermia worked hard and tirelessly, it was the most blatantly Hufflepuff thing about her.

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Hamish put on the illusion of thinking for a moment, though he already knew what answer he would give when he did reply.

"A full course load is ambitious," he remarked, "for those who do not need it. That said, personal need is just as important is professional—if you believe that you will find a piece of your life lacking if you don't seek all the knowledge you can in your remaining years at Hogwarts, then I believe you have already found the answer to your question."
Hermia Bonaccord

set by the long-lost bex
Hermia found herself falling back into the chair cushions in relief, allowing herself a moment of relief before pulling herself back to the edge of the chair, cheeks brightening a bit at her moment of relieved slouching. Prefects, Bonaccords, did not slouch any more than she already had in Professor Darrow's presence. "I apologize, for being rude, Professor. This is all just a bit overwhelming. Thank you, for your assistance, Professor. This has been a great comfort to me." Tucking her notes and old essays away, she hadn't needed them after all, Hermia was on her feet as soon as she saw the clock on the wall. "Thank you for your time, Professor. If I can handle ten courses now, there is no reason I can't manage seven. I know I can." The smile without the strain is back, a weight lifted. "Truly, thank you."

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