January 23rd, 1890 — Outside Ministry of Magic Offices
Oh, Merlin please no.
All he wanted was to have a nice peaceful lunch, but the hot breath of huffed out air against his neck was just the ticket to admit him to a fearful break. The hand that was scanning the page of his book froze as he did his best to maintain absolute stillness as the large horse snuffled about his collar. Faustus could feel the heat of its breath on the back of his neck, and he resisted shutting his eyes and praying to Merlin it would be over.
Whose horse was this and why had it taken such a fascination with him? Was that its teeth at his collar? This was a new coat his mother had given him for Christmas. If it were between facing the horse or his mother, Faustus would much rather take the horse. He daren't attempt to perform magic to make it go away - they might be a fear of his, but he knew they had brains.
They could probably smell fear. With that in mind, the Head Auror of the Ministry of Magic closed his eyes, praying for the horse's owner to hurry along soon.