The beast (for lack of a better term; Fox had called it a beast, after all, even though Ernest was not at all convinced that it would be classified as such by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures) had been contained, and was no longer moving its 'legs' at all. It was still glowing, though, and Ernest had no doubt in his mind that it would begin crawling again if given the chance. It seemed to be on, in a certain sense, where it had been dormant previously — though what had caused it to switch, he couldn't say.
As for Fox — "Back into the hole he crawled out of, I'd wager," Ernest answered derisively. "His permit was a forgery. He may have been trying to smuggle this thing — or steal it," he ventured, nudging the edge of the containment spell with his toe to see whether the thing would react. "Though what it is remains to be seen."

As for Fox — "Back into the hole he crawled out of, I'd wager," Ernest answered derisively. "His permit was a forgery. He may have been trying to smuggle this thing — or steal it," he ventured, nudging the edge of the containment spell with his toe to see whether the thing would react. "Though what it is remains to be seen."