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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Gladys Hoddle
Full Name: Gladys Mary Hoddle
Name Meanings:
Nicknames: None (yet?)
Birthdate: October 28, 1874
Current Age: 14
Occupation: Student, third year
Reputation: 4
Residence: Hogsmeade Slums
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Beech, 10 3/4", Swishy, Unicorn hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Truman Hoddle - 47. Father. Trades Worker Dropped out of Hogwarts fifth year..
Norah Hoddle - 42. Mother. Welcome Witch. Dropped out of Hogwarts first year.
Chris Hoddle - 24. Brother. Married. Factory Worker. Dropped out of Hogwarts second year.
Felicia Hoddle - 23. Sister. Unmarried. Prostitute. Dropped out of Hogwarts first year.
Larkin Hoddle - 19. Brother. Unmarried. Factory Worker. Dropped out of Hogwarts third year.
Hillard Hoddle - 16. Brother. Unmarried. Student, fifth year.
With her bright feiry-red hair and shorter-than-average stature, Gladys tends to stand out in a line, though disappears when surrounded by larger students. Her round face is covered in freckles, most dense around her nose and cheeks, that stick out much more noticably when she blushes. Her hair itself falls naturally down to her mid-back in soft waves, but she usually keeps it up in a proper bun or tight braid and pinned up underneath a cap.

Gladys is visibly malnourished, with a too-thin frame with a late-developing body. She wears mostly hand-me-downs for clothes so her family can afford more important things like enough food for all the children. Her main dress is a faded brown cotton dress from her older sister Felicia with a simple apron, thick leather boots, dark gloves and a simple cap. Her Hogwarts robes are hand-me-downs as well, faded and patched up more than her classmates'. For formal wear, she wears a green dress (her only clothes that was bought specifically for her) with pink lace trim.

Strengths - Selfless, Intelligent, Caring
Weaknesses - Reckless, Absent-minded, Outspoken
Likes - Reading, Learning, Watching clouds, Charms class
Dislikes - Snobs, Arrogance, Bugs, Rats
Gladys is the youngest of five children, born to Norah and Truman Hoddle. Both Truman and Norah came from Working Class families, so poverty is nothing new to any of them. Hogwarts was a commonly difficult school for the Hoddle family to finish - the last person to properly graduate Hogwarts was Truman's father.

Since Gladys could remember, someone in her household was hungry. Usually it was her parents, as they wanted their children to have enough to eat over themselves. When the eldest child, Chris, turned eleven and began Hogwarts, the family saved up to buy him a new set of robes and books. Felicia joined the following year, but was given hand-me-downs from extended families or thrift shops.

When it was Gladys' turn to enter Hogwarts, she was given Felicia's old things. The robes were faded and patched in areas such as the elbows, and the books were falling apart. Before term began, Gladys actually spent a full day copying the contents of the book down into blank journals because the original books had more loose pages than not. She was determined to finish Hogwarts - Chris and Felicia both dropped out after their first years to work, and Larkin was considering dropping after his third year. Hillard, the second-youngest child, was in his second year but it was unsure whether he would continue or not. But Gladys refused to think about dropping. If she had to, she would work over summers to earn enough to pay tuition.

Closet Lesbian - Doesn't realize what she feels towards women is real love, and doesn't understand she has no interest in men.
Patronus - Can't cast one, but it would be a squirrel if it was.
Boggart - Disease
Religion - Protestant
Dominant Hand - Right
Languages Spoken - English, Gaelic
Sample Roleplay Post
Scarlet hadn't been to Wanderlust yet, though she heard plenty about it. Caerwyn had told her about it, and that she should come by to see what it was like. She had seen drag perfomances in the past, but it had been ages. It would be interesting to go again, she figured. She knew he was a queen who dressed up at the club, and wanted to support him, but she knew she wouldn't be prepared for when she saw him dressed up.

She and Caerywn met years ago on his radio show. He interviewed her before one of her big shows, a way to get the audience hyped. They seemed to click, and they interviewed more and began to meet up outside of the show. They were good friends, and when when she learned of his past... troubles, she made sure to support him and help him. When he suddenly contacted her around a year ago, panicked and asking her to use a special code when they met, she didn't question it. She made sure to remember it, in her heart.

She got to Wanderlust when it was already fairly packed. She got a couple stares and whispers, some asking for photographs and some asking for autographs. Especially since she was part of the LGBT+ community herself, it wasn't surprising to find a number of fans of hers at a drag club. She obliged, never wanting to ignore a fan, but also tried to find Caerwyn. She had no idea what he'd look like, but he had given her a heads up about how he'd look. Curly red hair. Classy purple dress.

Eventually she spotted someone who seemed to fit the look. She walked up to them, tapping them on the shoulder. "Caerwyn? Hey, it's me."

Name: Punk
Age: 21
Contact: discord - @punk_roar#6690
How did you hear about us?: word of mouth on another site

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— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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