May 26, 1889 — Hufflepuff Common Room
The school year was coming to a close and James was soon going to be thrust into the world of the Ministry. Probably. He still wasn't quite sure what to use his NEWTs level education for. He knew he was lucky to have it but he didn't know which options to narrow down to. But the Ministry was a good, respectable job as his parents liked to drill into his head. James was certainly not going to be a pro Quidditch player or some such nonsense - it would hurt his bad arm to play as much of a demanding schedule as being a pro would require and he had mainly done so for the attention of the girls.
Speaking of girls, he was loitering in the common room when his eyes caught sight of Miss Luce Fay-De Loncrey. Her surname was ridiculously long and she was a bit snobbish at times - but she was a vision in the common room lighting. "Good evening, Miss Fay De-Loncrey. Preparing for the Coming Out Ball?" Was she going to be a debutante or work? James always found it rather curious to see what girls chose to do what.
Speaking of girls, he was loitering in the common room when his eyes caught sight of Miss Luce Fay-De Loncrey. Her surname was ridiculously long and she was a bit snobbish at times - but she was a vision in the common room lighting. "Good evening, Miss Fay De-Loncrey. Preparing for the Coming Out Ball?" Was she going to be a debutante or work? James always found it rather curious to see what girls chose to do what.