Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Happiest of birthdays to you, my very dear friend. I wish I could see you, but as usual, I am lost in my own little world and made plans for tonight. I have however, enclosed a birthday present in hopes to show how much I appreciate everything you've done for me as of late.
Enjoy your day, I hope Mr. Bixby has something lovely planned.
Love, Febs
Included is a pretty pendant with Tuni's birthstone and a little bottle of the vanilla whiskey.
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and the pendant. I made sure to stash the whiskey for another girl's night though hopefully things are going better for you once again.
And, unfortunately, Rufus has been extremely busy since Quidditch has started back up. He did have time to send me an owl with a present though so I suppose I can't hold it against him all that much. My day was spent simply relaxing and enjoying a nice dinner with my family instead.