Nicknames: Kel, Useless One, Tagalong
Birthdate: December 15, 1865
Current Age: 29 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Floo Network Authority Employee ahem technician
Reputation: 8 if we are looking down on his occupation.
Residence: Excalibur, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Former Hufflepuff
Wand: Rather Bendy, Alder 9" Unicorn Hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Family: Mother, Father and at least one older brother who on default is called Ignatio Wildsmith His cousin is "sloth" . `

His appearance, like many of his fine qualities have been criticised by his family throughout his life. Kel had blonde hair in his youth that darkened to what is either called dishwater blonde, or light brown, pale blue eyes that his mother often will describe as watery and in a similar vein his face shape and mouth have also been criticised. He is not particularly tall (5'8"), not particularly muscular or strong looking - one could call him weedy actually, though he quite happy that he is fortunate to be right handed and that is not another apparent defect to be scolded for. Often attempting to blend in with his surroundings his clothing is professional but would not stand out in society unless he would visit the slums. His Upperclass mother choses to pick his outfits apart when he visits however another of equal standing would not find any fault. His self-esteem aint... the best but he continues to do the best he can with what he has. Others find his mothers criticism too harsh and that she really is making a mountain out of a mole hill and the deficiencies with both his personality and appearances aren't as bad as she has made him feel they are.
December 15, 1865 - Kelly is born.
1872 - Kelly shows his first signs of magic however, as his parents would later remind him, it would occur both far later and be far less impressive than his brothers magic.
Childhood In General
His childhood is spent being compared to and coming off second best to his brother with his only respite being at [Henrys] house though the comparisons to his cousin were not flattering either. His most dear memories are those spent with [Henry], and [Henry]'s friends who he knew he ought to call his own but is not confident enough to assume they see him as one, or as more than Henrys cousin
1877 — 1878: A December birthday sends him off to Hogwarts a year behind Cleon (who knows about the others), which he finds uncomfortable as his brilliant brothers legacy is already a heavy burden to bear along with his family's legacy and descent from Ignatia Wildsmith. His tries his best to strike out on his own though stumbles as he is not particularly gifted socially or academically. The food is nice though and it's nice not to hear comparisons about his elder brother in every conversation he has. His parents are less than impressed with his sorting into Hufflepuff and continue to undermine him and his abilities because only Ravenclaw or Slytherin would've been good enough for them.
1879 - He takes Ghoul Studies, Earth Magic and Arithmancy for his OWLs, though his choices are picked apart and for his NEWTS he takes Alchemy, Goobledgook, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration and Ghoul Studies. His attempts to tell his family of his pride in succeessfully having the marks to qualify for the NEWT subjects and being able to qualify for Alchemy were met with shrugs and suggestions that that was the bare minimum.
1884 - Kelly graduates though to little fanfare of his family. He made aware that he must earn a living and have his own employment as it unlikely that his parent would split the inheritance. It is clear that his parents are still not particularly proud of him. He finds himself illsuited to becoming a Healer, or an Auror - two occupations that he thought would've made his parents proud and winds up in the Ministry working in the Floo Network Authority. Dreaming that they wouldn't dare look down on the job that made their family their money, and Name... and it works in a way. They can't publicly mock him at least. He also recieves a weekly stipend to use in order to keep up appearances and support his lifestyle as well as housing at the club - which is much preferred for all as it means he is no longer located at his family home.
October 19, 1888 - Persy, Cleon's younger sister suggests a ritual to bring about luck and Kel, after another rather depressing dressing down and unflattering comparison to his brother agrees to take part. Luck is something he'd definately like. He should've known it would go pear shaped. His luck was never good. not like other peoples. It was probably his luck that ruined it all. Orwell disappeared and blood rained down from the sky from the mound you could not apparate from and the next day his body was found. mangled. To ensure the silence of himself and his companions he took an Unbreakable Vow that he would not disclose what happened that night outside the confines of the group. He is questioned however as [Henry], having already concocted a coverstory he merely had to repeat what was spoken and advise that he was with [Henry]. The Auror seem's suspicious however they would need more to hold a Wildsmith - one of the few incidences where Kel finds his family name working in his favour.
1889 - [Thomasin] dies and becomes a spirit and Kel finds the coincidence nerve wracking. He spends the next few years somewhat convinced that he may be next... however Death does not come to visit him and he begins to wonder if it weren't just a coincidence.
1893 - Having reached the courting age in recent years and thinking himself wealthy enough to secure a wife he tries to put himself forward, and on multiple occassions stumbles as it seems very few women are interested in a second son with no chances of inheritance. He suspects that his family are sabotaging his chances at happiness, or its the curse, however as he was never particularly good at socialising, small talk or dealing with most girls he could accept the fact that it may be just his lack of charisma, lack of wealth and general lack of everything continueing to be the story of his life. On the upside - work is great (though his parents do question why he hasn't made management yet)! He finds his job in Ministry rather calming - he knows what's expected of him, what he's supposed to do and enjoys the routine.
Personality: At heart Kel sees himself as Envious — a Follower & Easily Led — Insecure — and Sensitive though tries to put forward a different self to the world as he believes that nobody would want him like that. His public persona he likes to think has come about from attempting to imitate the best qualities of his male friends : happy, fun-loving, always willing to give anything a go, he's hardworking and a steadfast friend who will go out of his way to help anyone in need and tries to be responsible. He tries desperately to be everything his parents tell him a good Victorian man should be and often feels like he fails to meet their expectations. It's likely he's an introvert though attempts to force himself to be an extrovert as that is more acceptable and often finds himself regretting his inability to listen to his own judgement instead of following others.
Other: wantad info: He is Envy and "Sloths/Henry's" cousin and spent the summers of his childhood through school at the estate outside of Bridgerton. With at least one older brother and a less than impressive list of accomplishments, his relationship with his parents has always been a strained one; indeed, he regards his summers as the happiest times of his childhood.
Sample Roleplay Post:
Age: In Denial. But Old Enough.
Other Characters: Many
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