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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Hauke Marzell Bauer
Full Name: Hauke Marzell Bauer
Nicknames: Hawk, Professor Bauer
Birthdate: December 25th, 1864
Current Age: 29 Years
Gender: Female, perceived as Male
Occupation: Professor of Magical Theory
Reputation: 8 - Though Hauke is relatively unknown around magical London in any personal sense, his reputation is a good one. Word from the wealthy elite in Germany suggest he is friendly, generous, and dedicated– talented with magic, too. With little comment to make otherwise, his reputation is good. His family in the UK, however, are generally considered odd, which brings Hauke more under scrutiny– and the unusual addition of his maternal name is something of a talking point.
Residence: Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Alder, 11”, supple, with a phoenix tail feather core
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
  • Anastasia Arnost nee Bauer: Mother
  • Diether Arnost: Father
  • Gisela Bauer: Sister
  • Alix Arnost: Maternal Uncle
  • @’August Echelon-Arnost’: Maternal Cousin
  • Drusella Bauer nee Richter: Maternal Aunt by Marriage
  • Lothar Bauer: Maternal Uncle
  • Clemens Bauer: Male Cousin
  • Oswald Bauer: Male Cousin
  • Kaspar Bauer: Male Cousin
  • Sigmund Bauer: Male Cousin

  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Height: 5’7”
  • Hair: Brown, worn at mid-length and usually casually messy
  • Eyes: The color of patinaed bronze
  • Wand Hand: Left
  • Build and Bearing: Graceful in a leggy sort of way, Hauke manages to seem both uncoordinated and confident at the same time. He never seems to have a plan, a destination, in mind when he’s moving. He just drifts. Spins. Sometimes walks backwards and still manages not to collide with the world around him. He is a creature of intense, unwavering eyes and easy smiles, and gives off the impression of taking very little in life seriously. An impression reinforced by his apparently reluctance to settle on any one young woman in his search for a wife.
  • Attire: Hauke favors loose clothing and light fabrics– easy to move in and never too warm. He detests feeling constrained, and avoids rough or particularly fibrous fabrics wherever possible. Wool in particular makes his skin crawl, and so he would rather risk freezing– or, more likely, employ some minor spellwork to keep warm– than don a wool coat.
  • Play-By: Emma D’Arcy


The Bauers are descended from a long line of financiers– from Renaissance era bankers, to investors, shippers, merchants. The Bauer ability to acquire wealth is legendary– as is the family’s apparent inability to get along. Questions of inheritance and worth have plagued them for generations. Brother fighting brother, grudges passed to children, parents killed under mysterious circumstances. All of it, the family insists, exaggerated. Yet family tensions about enforcing a clean inheritance persist, and sometime over several hundred years began a chain of Unbreakable Oaths which mandated that the Bauer fortune could never be passed into hands of any not bearing the Bauer name. The family's vaults were sealed to ensure this, opening only for the proper mix of Bauer bloodline and name. The magics of Oath and enchantment are carefully intertwined, and thus the fortunes of youngsters as yet unsworn must be collected in the presence of another Bauer whose oath has already been made.

The last Bauer patriarch only had two children– one son, one daughter– and he held his wife's passing as a grudge against his daughter until the day of his death. He refused to leave any of his inheritance to Anastasia, unwilling to allow the wealth to pass out of his name, offering her only a stipend to survive on. She would receive no more until she was wed, and a son born under the Bauer name. As such, Anastasia’s relationship with her father was… tenuous at best. After a series of failed pregnancies and having delivered only her precious daughter, Gisela, the threat of destitution prompted Hauke’s parents to make a difficult decision. When at last their second daughter was born– a risky birth, unassisted, in the privacy of their own home– they named her Hauke Marcell Bauer, and pronounced her a son.

  • 1864: Hauke is born in the wee hours of the morning on Christmas Day.
  • 1873: The patriarch passes in his sleep. He leaves control of the family fortunes to his son, Lothar, who shares his father’s restrictive views on female inheritance. Lothar seizes upon the opportunity to increase the fortunes of his own brood of four sons, and determines that the bulk of the Bauer line’s inheritance should wait until young Hauke has a son of his own. To prevent Anastasia from spending it recklessly and ruining her own son’s future, of course.
  • 1876: Hauke begins his schooling at Durmstrang Institute.
  • 1877-1882: Embroiled in an academic environment, Hauke absolutely thrives. He excels in spellcraft, and even his rapidly worsening relationship with his hellion cousins cannot stop him immersing himself in a world of books and study. It does, however, make something of a mess for his family, as family functions frequently descend into bickering. Once or twice some hexes are thrown to accompany the insults. In time, Hauke’s family restrict their appearances only to Christmas dinners.
  • 1882-1883: Hauke graduates from Durmstrang Institute with flying colors, and embarks upon a– disappointingly scientific– career in the study and development of new core magics. He demonstrates little interest in beginning a family of his own.
  • 1885: Hauke publishes his first treatises on the core nature of magic, detailing theories about the limitations of human imagination, and what might be possible with the latent force which is magic if those limitations could be exceeded.
  • 1886-1890: Hauke publishes two more works, delving ever deeper into theories on the mechanics of magic and exploring new spells he has constructed.
  • 1891: Fed up with waiting, Uncle Lothar delivers an ultimatum to Hauke– that he will cease this endless dallying, find himself a wife, or Lothar’s own sons will inherit the entire family fortune and leave Hauke with nothing. With few alternatives, Hauke agrees.
  • 1892: Cousin August, a lawyer from England, comes to stay with Hauke’s family for a short while. They have a cordial– if not familiar– relationship, and prior to departing August extends an invitation for Hauke to visit should he ever come to London.
  • 1894: Under pressure to marry but, for obvious reasons, reluctant to put forward a good faith effort, Hauke applies to a position at Hogwarts and uses it as an opportunity to ‘pursue a wife’ far away from his family’s prying eyes. He travels to England to stay with his cousin August and spend the summer familiarizing himself with life there, before the school year begins.

  • Laid-back
  • Friendly
  • Patient
  • Generous
  • Diligent
  • Clever
  • Blunt
  • Private
  • Possessive
  • Stubborn
  • Unforgiving
  • Sarcastic

Hauke never seems to take anything seriously. Chronically casual, as comfortable in familiar company as among strangers, he has about him an easy humor and a sense of simple, unassuming honesty. His friends all agree that he can be trusted. Never one to gossip, never one to judge, if ever he has lost his temper it did not happen publicly. He speaks so easily about the little things that he appears easily and often known, what he does not address often goes unnoticed. Hauke discusses nothing in depth. Not his family, not his feelings, not his plans for the future, using a dedicated interest in asking questions to avoid answering them. What might seem considerate is actually a well-constructed defense.


  • Amortentia: Basil, burning cedar, coffee.
  • Patronus: A Great Dane
  • Boggart: A vaguely humanoid creature with no eyes– no real face– just many gaping mouths covering its body, all laughing.
  • Favorite Food: A full English breakfast.
  • Quirks:
    • As a Professor and in life, Hauke is easily bored by repetition. He will teach the expected curriculum, of course, but he will rarely teach it in the same way twice. Constantly twisting, constantly innovating, sometimes his classes seem more like a game than study.
    • Hauke is a chronic night-owl– which his love of coffee probably does not help. It is not remotely uncommon to find him still awake and reading, should something go wrong in the night.
    • Hauke’s relationship with his Bauer cousins is rancid. They will take any opportunity to pick at his nerves, and in truth Hauke is no better, planting more than his fair share of barbs in return. It is generally agreed they cannot be left together unattended, even as adults.
    • Hauke seems to have the soul and tongue of a true romantic, and is known to be charmed by the presence of a beautiful woman, but has never once embarked upon a courtship.
    • Do not get Hauke talking about the root nature of magic, nor about the limitations of human spellwork. He will never shut up.
  • Skills:
    • Wordless Magic: Extensive practice and a personal obsession with magic and its core nature has rendered Hauke talented with the silent casting of spells.
    • Wandless Magic: Though he is no expert in the art, Hauke has been practicing for many years to achieve reliable wandless magic and intends to continue to do so. Thus far, he can make a very pretty light show.
    • Dark Magic: Though it is not a skill Hauke makes much fuss about– indeed, unless asked, he will avoid mentioning it entirely– as a Durmstrang student he studied the Dark Arts. He considers it useful to know them, as understanding a thing is the greatest tool to combat it. He does not, however, continue to practice.
    • Spell Development: Given Hauke’s speciality is the development and expansion of magic, he dedicates a good portion of his free time to fiddling with the creation of new spells.
  • Education:
    • OWLS Equivalency: Having attended Durmstrang Institute, these represent what their equivalent Hogwarts grades would have been.
      • Ancient Runes: E
      • Arithmancy: E
      • Astronomy: A
      • Charms: O
      • Dark Arts: E
      • DADA: O
      • Divination: P
      • Herbology: A
      • History of Magic: A
      • Potions: E
      • Transfiguration: )
    • NEWTS Equivalency: Having attended Durmstrang Institute, these represent what their equivalent Hogwarts grades would have been.
      • Ancient Runes: E
      • Arithmancy: E
      • Charms: O
      • Dark Arts: O
      • DADA: O
      • Transfiguration: O

Name: Arcadia
Age: 29
Contact: Discord
Other Characters: @’Olive Norris’, @’Harriet Bythesea’, @’Julian Moore’, @’Prometheus Pomfrey’, @’Titania Applegate’, @’Teodora Flores’
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look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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