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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

See Inside
Love Like This
March 20th, 1894 - Potts/Grimstone Wedding

Phew. Ceremony over, things were going well and she was breathing a little easier. Her small wedding intentions had turned into this good-sized affair, but it was truly all people she wanted to be here and that was all that mattered. Narrowing it down to any less was impossible, so she had gotten over the discomfort of being the center of attention in in the end. Obviously it wasn't of consequence. It was only one day. Of course she'd been excited for it, had been looking forward to it since November, but it really was just the beginning; she was truly excited for everything that came after, that started with today's end.

She was sipping on a glass of champagne, looking around the barn she had decorated herself last night, sighing softly. It really wasn't a typical sort of set up but it was very her and she was proud of the work she'd done over the last couple of days. She tapped her ring subconsciously against the glass, still not quite used to its weight, but always happily reminded of its meaning when she caught herself thinking about it. Her hair was starting to escape the braid already, despite Ama's best efforts, but the curls that framed her face were normal and she tucked them behind her ear as best she could.

Dinner was next on the agenda as everyone enjoyed a drink and took in the barn. Daff had tried to make sure she visited with as many people as she could, but it seemed like she couldn't even keep up! She caught Elias' eye across the room and smiled at him, biting her lip to keep it contained as she realized somebody was talking to her. "Hmm? Sorry I was distracted." Daff chuckled, taking a sip of her champagne to hide the grin.

dress inspo (but VE obvs)
Open invitational to anyone at the wedding! However many we want!
2 posts/2 days please!

The following 2 users Like Daffodil Grimstone's post:
   Hope St.John-Black, Millie Potts

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Hope had hardly been able to contain her glee on her friends behalf. And perhaps a little on her own behalf as well - another of her friends was now also a wife! She had felt increasingly out of touch with her unwed friends, especially once she'd had the baby.

"Of course you are," Hope said with a knowing giggle as Daffy apologized. "I had only been saying that you did a marvelous job on the barn. Have you and and your husband" - it tickled her so to now be referring to her dearest friends beau as her husband! - "planned a Honeymoon?"

Daff echoed Hope's laugh. If anyone would understand, she supposed Hope would. "Thank you, I had a lot of fun with it." It had been a little bit of a vision and less of a plan, but she did think it had come out well. After spending the first week of the month working on Fortitude's wedding to the new Mrs. Greengrass, Daff had to finally come up with something for the barn and had nearly come up blank. Choosing a small color palette had been nearly impossible, which was why, in the end, she hadn't settled on any one strictly. It had come out better than she could have hoped for.

"Oh," Daff's cheeks flushed. "I don't know. He won't tell me." She had been in charge of the wedding, he had taken on planning the honeymoon, but refused to give away any details. "I think maybe off to the continent? Only for a couple weeks." She couldn't leave the shop for too long. The break would be nice, she was looking forward to it, immensely, but for practicality reasons it would be short.

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Hanna was not doing well. Wedding ceremonies were hard; weddings made her nervous, because she was worried that she was going to be a spinster. (She kept looking over at Zinnia Gallagher and feeling vaguely jealous.) Weddings also required a lot of sitting still, which was not Johanna's strong suit, so she always got fidgety by the end of the ceremonies. This was even harder, because she was incredibly nervous that Miss Hunniford was also in the room. Static felt like it was shimmering across her veins; she was holding her drink in both hands so she did not shake too much.

She was happy to find Mrs. St. John-Black and Daffy. "The continent!" Hanna echoed, happy to blunder into the conversation. "That would be exciting — and you look beautiful, Daff. Obviously you too —" she looked at Mrs. St. John-Black "— but Daff, you're so beautiful!" And so happy! Hanna had to get herself here.

(Was she talking too much? She was worried she was talking too much. Hanna took a sip of her drink.)

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   Daffodil Grimstone
This was why a small wedding was impossible; Daff couldn't have imagined not having her friends here today. Even if her family felt like it was half of town, she knew that in the long run she was happy everyone had been invited. Even Cliff was lurking around somewhere and hopefully behaving. The last thing she needed was for him to sass Betty or her mother. Merlin help them all.

"Thank you," Daff reached out to give Hanna's wrist a gentle squeeze. She knew how desperately Hanna wanted to settle down and it meant a lot that her friend had come today. "White is a test of how long can I go without staining it, but the seamstress said she could make it blue after the wedding." Daff let her hand fall to the gauzy skirt; the dress really was very fitting for her. It would look quite pretty in a soft blue as well and therefore would be something she could reuse in the future.

"I've never traveled anywhere aside to visit family in Ireland, so I'll be happy wherever we end up." It wasn't where anyway, they could go home for all she cared, as long as she got to go with Elias.

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
"It'll look just as pretty in blue," Hanna said brightly. She still worried that her yellow dress was too bright, too garish — what if Witch Weekly talked about her again? She glanced over her shoulder, just for a second, hoping to affirm whether or not Ezra was alright. She could not be sure. She reached for Daff's wrist and gave it a returning squeeze.

"You'll have to tell me all about it," she said, "I'm sure your husband has an excellent adventure in mind! With all the brooms, he has to have been places."

(Sure, she wasn't sure flying over the channel was a good idea — but surely he'd traveled.)

Daff thought the dress would look even better in blue, so she was pleased Hanna agreed. Looking between her friends, the questions about the honeymoon had her chuckling. "I do believe there were brooms packed." Daff chuckled. Her flying was getting better, she hadn't crashed and seriously injured herself at any rate. She was, and never would be, as talented as Elias or Calla, but she was slowly becoming passable at the skill. At least for leisurely flights.

As far as their destination, she had at least been told they wouldn't need a drastically different wardrobe, but that was all she really had to go on. The little traveling she had done was always enjoyable, so she was sincerely looking forward to it. She was typically the planner, but having been deep into the wedding planning itself, she had been happy to leave it up to him. "I left it in his very capable hands." Daff looked between her friends before searching for her husband in the crowd. "I'm sure it'll be lovely. It'll just be nice to get away for a little while and relax." Daff passed a more knowing smile to Hope; her very married friend would know what she meant. For them to be able to get away from the businesses and everything else for a couple of weeks would be a lovely way to get their marriage started off right.

The following 1 user Likes Daffodil Grimstone's post:
   Johanna Applegate

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Oh, a surprise destination! She wondered what Mister Grimstone had in store and whether she could get some hints if she cornered him enough. A couple week vacation was perfectly respectable, in Hopes estimation. After all both groom and bride held occupations. She smiled when Miss Applegate joined the conversation and she gave a small giggle as Miss Applegate mentioned her being beautiful too. Of course, Hope would not have disparaged her for focusing on the brides beauty entirely.

"I agree with Miss Applegate," she added to the conversation when Miss Applegate mentioned how pretty the dress would be in blue. Seven years at Hogwarts had long taught Hope that some girls had to refurbish old dresses or jazz up stock dresses so there was no judgement there from her.

"Has your flying improved since courting a broommaker?" She asked teasingly, knowing quite well that the new Mrs. Grimstone had not exactly been a habitual flyer during their school days. "It will be lovely and ample time for you both to become acquainted as husband and wife."

Hanna smiled playfully at Mrs. St.John-Black's comments — she could tell that Daff and the blonde woman were talking about married woman things, the sort of knowledge that Hanna had not yet been let in on. She was hoping to have better results this year — not getting married was not an option.

"It would be hard for her flying to get worse," Hanna said playfully.

She could only pass Hope a look but chose not to comment on the honeymoon activities.

Daff laughed outwardly at Hanna's comment on flying though, hardly able to contain the mirth. "Elias is a wonderful teacher— I can fly in a low, straight, slow line. It's fine." Daff had gotten better with his careful, patient instruction. She had practiced without any more injuries or major spills. It was a drastic improvement from her previous attempts. She supposed it mattered more now; he loved it so much, so she would too. Elias had already picked up so much about flowers, though she supposed she hadn't expected him to. It was a good sort of push and pull, a challenge, something worthwhile that they could do together. It was what you did for someone you loved, without question.

"There have been no injuries to report." She said, tipping her chin up in slight defiance.

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Hope laughed jovially in response to Miss Applegates words. Of course they were only playfully teasing and she figured Daffy knew it. "An excellent job then," she said truthfully when her friend mentioned she had not yet gotten injured in her flying. She was so happy for Daffy and she hoped fervently that Miss Applegate might soon know the happiness of a well made match herself.

"Yes, let's hope it stays that way." Daff would keep practicing, but neither she, nor Elias, had too high of expectations for her skills. She just wanted to be able to share in something that was so important to him, which was enough of a driving factor to get the basics, at the very least.

Fortunately she was saved from having to embarrass herself any further with the subject, by the announcement that dinner would soon be served. "I'm so glad you came," Daff gave both of her friends a meaningful look. "I'll check in after dinner." She assured them, thinking there was no way she would possibly get to everyone tonight, but she would try her best.

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]

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