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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Memory Fades
December 1st, 1893 - High Street

So far, even though she had only arrived last night, Hogsmeade was everything Sadie had hoped it would be. As soon as breakfast with her family was over, she had roped her lady’s maid into going into the town proper so that she could wander anywhere and everywhere.

So far she had gone to the bookstore and purchased a couple of novels; the sweetshop was something else entirely, magical and muggle treats side-by-side on the shelves; and even had ducked into the quidditch store, though she knew virtually nothing about the sport. She had never even seen a game, but there was something comforting about the store itself, maybe it was the smell of all of the leather and pine of the brooms.

Now she was wandering up the High Street even further. Sadie was dying to try the little pub that her auntie had mentioned. It was hardly the place for a young lady such as herself, but who could say no to fresh butterbeer, right from the source! If she kept it up, she’d have no pocket money left at all! It was worth it though, there was just so much to see! Tomorrow would be the park or some other section of town, but today she just wanted to aimlessly peruse the High Street and take her time seeing what the bustling little burg had to offer.

Sadie thought she had seen a sign for the pub somewhere, but had gotten turned around and her lady’s maid was nearly as confused as she was, but Sadie had never shied away from asking for help. Her memory was terrible after all. ”Excuse me, I’m looking for the Three Broomsticks?” She asked of the nearest passerby after getting their attention with a bright smile and a wave.

Open to anybody new to her, in any sense of the word!

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
The majority of the past few months had consisted of getting used to the entirety of Great Britain. The whole damned island, if a piece of land this large could be called such. Avery would have felt bad at the prospect of making this task her life’s mission given that Marigold came with her, but to her surprise, her daughter was rather enthusiastic at the idea of exploring new places. She’d delighted in walking around the Glen when Avery allowed her to tag along; London was almost too loud for the both of them; Hogsmeade, however, was a quaint little village and quite delightful with a large park where the four year old had already squealed at the idea of running around and playing in the grass.

Before that happened though, Avery was determined to find a place for a bite to eat. In wandering around a few shops she caught wind of a place called The Three Broomsticks; a darling name for what was supposed to be a good, reputable place where people could eat and even lay their feet to rest before being on their way. The trouble was, most of these people were….a bit hard to understand, and there was a spot behind Avery’s eyes that had begun to smart and it was only an hour into their exploring. She’d just been content to wander about until she could find the Godforsaken place when someone’s voice pulled her out of her mild frustration, grounding her in the middle of the crowd they had walked into.

Avery blinked, momentarily processing the question she’d been asked before giving herself a bit of a shake. “Ahh…I’m afraid you’ve asked the one person around that's new ‘round here.” She admitted, passing her gaze across the crowd of people before turning her attention back to the girl. “That’s actually what I was just searchin’ for myself.” She adjusted the grip of the hand that was holding Marigold’s and gave an apologetic smile. “I heard it was…somewhere down here, I think.” Avery gestured with her free hand to the general direction she'd been told to head in.

avery speaks with a mixed south appalachian drawl

Leave it to her to ask the one other person on the avenue who didn’t know either! Sadie smiled gently and waved it off with a gloved hand. ”Not a problem, I’m new around here as well.” She passed a little wave to the little girl standing beside the woman.

Looking in the direction the woman indicated, Sadie thought at least that was better than she’d known a moment ago. Surely between her and her lady’s maid they would be able to figure it out. Perhaps with the clue it would be even faster. The High Street couldn’t be that long, they could just wander up and down until they came upon it. ”That’s more than I had before I asked. Just wanted to warm up for a few minutes. I’ve heard it’s lovely.” Even if she wasn’t completely sure that she was supposed to be going into a pub at all. Sadie wanted to experience everything that Hogsmeade had to offer and at this point in her life, she was ready to ask for forgiveness before permission anyhow.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
Well, if they both couldn’t locate the Three Broomsticks, then perhaps they might be able to find it together. Lord knew Marigold was getting more hungry by the second, so Avery knew it was only a matter of time until she would be dealing with a cranky child. “I’d say welcome to the neighborhood, but this isn’t exactly where I live,” Avery quipped. “I’ve heard much the same, so it must be a good place.”

Continuing in the direction, Avery made sure to hold onto Marigold’s hand. “Did you just move here then?” She asked, her gaze still looking amongst the crowd for any sign that they were close.

avery speaks with a mixed south appalachian drawl

Well, that would make sense that the other woman didn't know where the pub was. "No, just visiting family. Never been before." That she could remember anyway. Surely something would job her memory if she had indeed been here before? Sadie wasn't entirely sure what to do about the strange sense of déjà vu she kept experiencing, but it happened far too often for her to truly think this place had some sort of meaning to her. Still, her grandmother had lived here for a while, surely she had visited as a child?

"Do you live far from here?" Were there other magical towns like this one? It felt like a whole new world was opening up (again?) to her. At least she was getting to experience it, hopefully this time she would not lose any of the memories. Sadie had a good feeling about this visit, for some inexplicable reason.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
That made them both strangers to the village. At least if Avery got lost she wouldn’t look like a fool. She adjusted her grip on her daughter before nodding. “My daughter and I, we just moved to a place up in Wales.” She prayed the young woman wouldn’t ask her where specifically; on top of being hard to find, Avery’s mastery of the surrounding places to reference left much to be desired. “I had heard about the village from some of my clients — I’m a creature healer — and I thought on my day off I might come down and see what the fuss was about.” She looked around, pleased that it hadn’t been over exaggerated. The town had a certain quaint charm to it that reminded her of one of the many smaller towns she had found herself in back in America.

“I think I remember someone tellin’ me it was just past the fountain in the plaza.” Avery reached up to point in the general direction. “I’m not sure which way though.”

avery speaks with a mixed south appalachian drawl

"Oh that's nice," Sadie passed the little girl a smile and a wave around her mother. The woman's accent certainly dictated that she wasn't from around here at all, but Sadie wasn't familiar enough to place it, nor bold enough to ask. "What an exciting job." Sadie had read about all manner of magical creatures, but had never really interacted with any. But she felt silly admitting that, so went with, "I've never been to Wales, I bet it's lovely." Some day, Sadie hoped to be afforded the chance to do some traveling.

"I feel like it does have so much to offer." Said said it wistfully. There was just something about Hogsmeade that made her feel welcome and it warmed her in a way she hadn't ever remembered feeling. "I'm sure there must be a sign for it somewhere." Sadie reasoned as they headed toward the fountain the woman mentioned. "I'm Sadie by the way," they were adventuring together, might as well get on a first name basis.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
“It’s quite lovely,” If you aren’t afraid of dragons or the like. It hadn’t struck Avery that bringing her daughter to a place where they handled dragons probably wasn’t the best idea until it was far too late. So far, she had no reasons to regret it, and she hoped it would stay that way. “I’m not used to places this cold though.” As if on cue, a shiver zipped its way up her spine and she gave herself a little shake. Her breath billowed out in front of her in clouds.

“Avery Davenport, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She gave a small nod before looking down at her daughter. “This here’s m’daughter Marigold.” In turn, Marigold raised her free hand to wave at the young woman as they trudged on. “I imagine you're used to the weather here bein' this cold.”

avery speaks with a mixed south appalachian drawl

"It's nice to meet you, and you too Marigold." Sadie smiled and looked around to wave at Marigold. She'd always enjoyed children, even if she rarely got to interact with them. "Oh, not this cold, nor do we get quite as much snow, but I am familiar with it." It didn't bother her in the slightest, the sting of a chilly wind on her cheeks or anything else about the wintertime. She still enjoyed her garden walks and riding, the same as she did in warmer seasons.

Sadie could see herself becoming very at home here in Hogsmeade. As they rounded the fountain, she looked at the new set of shops on offer and thought maybe she saw a sign. "Is that it?" She pointed, thinking it had broomsticks on it, but certainly there was a quidditch shop or a broommaker around here somewhere too.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
At the mention of her name, the child skittered her steps to line up with her mothers. Given that Avery’s strides were double that of her daughter’s Avery stumbled having to adjust her pace. With a slight laugh at Marigold’s reaction, she squeezed her hand in reassurance. “You remember your manners darlin’, you can say hi,” she encouraged before turning back to Miss Sadie. “I’m glad you’re familiar with it. It’s been a bit of an adjustment for both of us.” As if on cue, Marigold let out a loud sniffle; the cold air was making her nose run. Without thought, Avery reached for her pocket square and unfolded it before pausing to bend down and wipe her daughter’s nose.

At Miss Sadie’s inquiry, she glanced up to take in the storefront. Squinting at the sign briefly before turning back to Marigold, she mused, “It appears so, if my eyes aren’t mistakin’ me.” Her daughter’s runny nose taken care of, she straightened back up, stuffing the pocket square back in its place before tipping her chip up to better look at the sign. “Three Broomsticks, yes it appears we’ve found it. Good eye Miss Sadie.” She grinned at the younger woman.

avery speaks with a mixed south appalachian drawl

Sadie passed little Miss Marigold another smile, but didn't press for an interaction. Some children were just shy, she had been too, according to her aunt. But then again, having the history of illness and accident that she did, this wasn't a surprise. She had outgrown it, mostly. She tried to be outgoing and approachable these days, mostly because she was dying to meet new people, so there was that.

"Lovely," Sadie could indeed the trio of broomsticks on the sign as they approached the pub itself, bustling with activity and warmth. Nettie rushed ahead to open the door, though Sadie always thought that unnecessary. "Well that was a fun little adventure," she mused with a smile. Hogsmeade had proven to be such a friendly little burg that Sadie had no complaints as of yet, even if it was a little snowy. "Thank you for your companionship, I've only met such welcoming people here so far." It was a nice reprieve from the city where most couldn't be bothered.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
“My pleasure,” Avery returned, standing back up and tucking the kerchief into her coat pocket, watching the young woman’s chaperone hurry to usher her mistress in. “It was lovely to have the company of you two ladies.” Moving to the side to let the girl go ahead before them, Avery gave her and the other woman a nod of appreciation. “I hope y’all only meet more kindness on your way.” The South seemed to have much more of a warm atmosphere (both literally and in terms of its citizens’ demeanors) than England, but she hadn’t found people lacking in manners so far. Certainly Avery had to get used to not throwing a ‘good mornin’’ to every other person she passed and expecting a greeting in return. “And enjoy the rest of your afternoon!”

avery speaks with a mixed south appalachian drawl

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