Unamused by his brother’s laugh at his expense, Basil remembered why they had such a strained relationship to begin with. Luckily Atticus didn’t say anything else and instead aparated away, giving Basil the room to let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding in. The house was quiet as he moved back through it, only a few house elves still meandering about and a manservant by the door. Basil ignored all of them as he promptly made his way upstairs and peeked into his mother’s bedroom.
It was dark with the curtains drawn and evening upon them. The only light came from a small candle flickering by her nightstand. Basil smiled softly as he opened the door further and stepped into the room. Rose Foxwood was awake and she turned groggily at the noise as he entered.
“Hello mother,” the youngest greeted quietly.
She seemed pleased to see him and seeing her made something heavy in Basil’s heart fade into nothing as he approached her bedside and sank into the chair already positioned there. Even just the sound of her voice alleviated so much of the stress he felt weighing down over his shoulders these days. Taking her hand and conversing quietly about her health, the nurse, and later his hair (she made it quite clear he needed a haircut first thing in the morning), Basil felt some of his concern abate. Eventually, after supper, he drifted off in the chair there by her bedside with a book in his lap and didn’t rouse again until morning.
As the first trickle of light filtered in from the sun, Basil felt himself blink awake with an awful krink in his neck. Twisting uncomfortably, he stood and gave a small stretch. Mama Foxwood was still sleeping soundly, her breathing much more even than it had seemed the evening before. Pushing away from the chair, Basil placed the text carefully on his mother’s night-table. He would fetch it later, in case it held any interest for her when she awoke. Then, turning to sneak carefully out of the room and down the hall to his own unfamiliar chamber, Basil dropped backwards into his own bed - exhausted.
He stared unblinkingly up at the ceiling for a good minute, still fully clothed. Perhaps he ought to work on some of the grading he’d brought with him… sleep was likely not going to come to him now. Decided, Basil changed into something a little more comfortable and a little fresher (leaving his waistcoat to the wayside altogether, imagine that!) and settled into the ancient desk by the window.
A few hours later, Atticus re-appeared at his door with a knock and dragged Basil back from the world of N.E.W.T essays to the present. Blinking up at his brother, the brunette nodded drowsily.
“Sure,” he replied.
“Just give me a moment to wrap this up and I’ll be down.” He hadn’t realized he’d skipped breakfast and it was at that moment that Basil’s stomach decided to betray him, rumbling loudly. The youngest Foxwood frowned and set aside his quill.
“Or, I suppose, I could join you now.” He amended.
Pushing back from his desk, Basil ran a hand through his too-long hair (perhaps they were all right) and nodded towards Atticus. As the two of them made joint work of the hallway and down the spiral staircase, he turned towards his brother skeptically.
“You don’t still eat those hard-boiled eggs like an old man do you?” He asked. There was something too familiar in the question, something almost akin to brotherly teasing, but Basil was too tired to notice.