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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Baby Mamas
October 23rd, 1891 - Swallowbury
Melody Crouch

It had taken Febs a little longer than normal to pay Melody a visit, but Febs knew what it was like to be a new mom, the sheer sense of being overwhelmed by absolutely everything in your life changing that she had given an extra grace period. Febs wasn't exactly sure what her friend's marriage was like, but she worried as well and that too had to take a toll. Finding the balance had been a difficult line to walk, but Febs had finally thought it was time. Not to mention Poppy was capable of going longer periods without needing to latch on as she could be easily entertained with real food these days in addition, so Febs had found an opportunity to leave them with the nanny for a bit and head to see her friend.

Arranging a time had been fairly easy and Febs had gotten herself a portkey easily enough. It wasn't her favorite way to travel, but the distance was too great for anything preferable. With a basket of things for the baby, some flowers and sweets for Mel and absolutely nothing for Mr. Crouch, Febs knocked on the Crouch home eagerly, ready to get her hands on both a fresh baby and her friend.

"I come bearing everything you need." She announced as she was let into the sitting room with a wide smile. "Treats, toys and arms to hold that precious bundle." Febs chuckled passing the basket to Mel, sweeping in for a kiss on both cheeks. Taking a moment to appraise her friend critically, Febs decided she needed to hear how Mel was doing before she judged to much.

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With Eleanora now nearly six weeks old Melody had at long last settled into a seemingly perfect routine. Mornings were spent either visiting with friends or on a brief walk around the village in the pram, during which Eleanora was usually alert and smiling (smiling!) for, followed by quiet afternoons until Ben came home. The worst part of her day by far was whenever the night nurse arrived, as Melody despised handing over her daughter to another woman. But, it was what was done. Even if her breasts still hadn't adapted to the long stretches of not nursing.

Melody was a bundle of excited nerves as she awaited February's visit. The last time the two saw one another was some months ago during one of the rare 'good' weeks she had in her pregnancy, and even then the visit hadn't been entirely pleasant as Melody was emotional over the state of her marriage. February had been understanding enough, not that Melody divulged many of the details. There were enough rumors swirling about then without someone else knowing about the horrors of Paris and all the aftermath. (Or the near divorce Christmas of last year.) Truthfully, she wasn't sure how to explain the absolute turn of events to her friends. How did one justify going from struggling to remain civil to love in a few weeks' time without sounding insane? Melody liked to believe it was all the time spent during her labors — both false and not — that changed things between them. But, maybe, that time had only uncovered feelings which existed for years.

The housekeeper showed February in anx immediately Melody was on her feet to greet her friend. Taking the basket, Melody returned the kisses and smiled widely. "Your timing is excellent. She fed only a short while ago so she'll be awake for a bit still." Eleanora was resting in the cradle, her tiny hands reaching for the floating birds above. "How are your two darling flowers?"

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"Unholy terrors the both of them," Febs chuckled with a wink. They weren't that bad, more like strong-willed. Well, not so much Poppy, she was proving to be a much easier baby than Violet ever had, but her first born was truly a force to be reckoned with. The terrible twos was absolutely no joke. Whoever said that hadn't been lying. "But at last everybody sleeps through the night, so at least there's that." Febby had the luxury of being able to afford a nanny, thanks to Edric's position at the ministry, in addition to Mrs. H. so she had always felt responsible for taking the babes at night, but thankfully everybody had settled into a nice routine.

"May I?" She leaned over the cradle, but looked at Melody to see if it was alright to hold her. Some babes didn't like it, some mothers were a little protective and Febby had both a daughter who preferred her parents and friends who were still adjusting to motherhood. She held no judgment any which way. February had long ago learned that anything she had thought she'd known about parenthood was a joke and the only thing you could do was to figure out what worked best for her, her babies and her family. "How are you??" This was what Febs was most interested in, considering, though she felt like she only the knew the tip of the iceberg, what she did know about the sometimes-rocky relationship Melody had with her husband. Hopefully it was better now, more settled.

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She chuckled, a smile creeping up on the edges of her lips. It was all too easy now to envision Eleanora (and any other future children she may one day have) causing a ruckus all throughout the house. Ben would chase after her, shrieks of laughter would echo around the rooms. Merlin, Melody couldn't wait for that.

"Sleeping through the night sounds like a dream." Melody answered. Despite having a night nurse she still awoke to every chirp Eleanora made throughout the night. Realistically, she ought to have resumed using the silencing charms around her room, but she wasn't quite there yet. What if something went wrong? Or the nurse had hidden nefarious intentions? Melody hadn't gone through a year of hell — nearly losing her life in the process — to lose her infant daughter.

She granted February's request with a small wave. While she didn't particularly enjoy others holding Eleanora, she understood the importance of her daughter being able to be around others without difficulty. Besides, the infant was almost certainly safer in February's arms than the nurse's. "I'm well," she replied brightly. "The illness disappeared almost immediately after birth." Her cheeks were still more sunken in than they were prior to pregnancy, and her waist was as small as it had been the day she debuted. But, she was well and life was wonderful. "She has been the greatest blessing."

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beautiful set by mj
Giddy with excitement, Febs gently lifted the squirming babe from the bassinet and snuggled her close, breathing in that fresh baby scent. "Oh, I love this." She sighed as she sat down, bringing Eleanora close to her bosom as if she were her own. Febs knew she was not done having children, she and Edric enjoyed their nighttime pursuits far too much to believe otherwise, but she did enjoy being a mother far more than she had ever thought possible.

"Well I'm glad to hear things have improved." She passed Melody a smile, but still wasn't entirely sure she believed her friend. "How's Mr. Crouch adjusting." Febs had subconsciously started rocking the babe because that's what one did when their arms were weighed down by a baby. "Oh she is quite lovely isn't she?" She hummed out as she ran a finger down the babe's cheek.

"And don't worry, the sleeping, it comes back, until you have another." And another, and another. She passed Melody a cheeky smile.

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"He's absolutely taken by her, as is everyone who meets her," Melody chuckled. Fatherhood suited Ben far more than marriage ever had. In fact, seeing him as a father provided her with hope that they may one day have more regardless of how ill pregnancy made her. It was all worth it if the ending was as incredible as Eleanora was.

Despite February's ease with the baby, Melody itched to rock her own daughter. Eventually, for now she'd try to take comfort in the time to herself. "Maybe someday there will be more," she replied with a smile of her own. While Ben and she were on wonderful terms now Melody wasn't sure whether or not they would ever add intimacy back into their relationship. Eleanora's existence was a fluke, after all. A one off that could have just as easily ended without a pregnancy.

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beautiful set by mj
Febby begrudgingly gave Mr. Crouch a point for that. AT least things had settled for Melody then. Febs always wondered how babies changed other relationships. It had been easy, natural for her and Edric, a near painless (ha!) transition. Adding the girls had only made them better, but she knew it could absolutely ruin some.

"Maybe someday," Febs echoed with a smile toward her friend, one hand gently patting the baby's bum without realizing it. It had been Poppy's favorite method of soothing and so it seemed like second nature. Maybe she was just in the mode constantly, it seemed hard to turn it off these days. "I'm happy for your, Mel," she really was. As long as Melody seemed to be alright, that was all that mattered really.

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"Thank you," she replied with a smile. February undoubtedly knew some of the details of her marriage that Melody now felt ashamed to have shared. Ben and she were simply out of sync for the first year and a half of their marriage. She shouldn't have discounted that so quickly.

"How is Mr. Umbridge? Has he settled into life at the ministry again?" Melody then asked as she sent a quick summon for tea to be brought in.

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"Oh yes, he's good." Edric had settled in Accidents and Catastrophes and Febs was still unsure if this really was any better than the auror's office, but certainly had to be marginally safer? He did seemed to be in the office most of the time, so there was that. "He wouldn't know what to do with himself if he wasn't working." Never mind that he could be running a company instead, but she knew that wasn't where his heart was at. The family business was not something that interested him and she could respect that. "Still comes home and plays with the girls, gives me a bit of a break, it's better than I think I could have envisioned married life ever being, really." Truthfully Febby hadn't even thought she would get married, had been seriously considering an occupation, even in the fledgling stage of her... entanglement with Edric, but now she couldn't imagine it any other way. Her girls were her everything and though they certainly kept her on her toes, this family life was exactly the stability she needed.

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"Mr. Crouch either." Melody commented with a brief chuckle. Although, if she thought of it for more than a passing second she might have disagreed with herself. Ben had never been the sort to remain idle professionally, but his career path jumped so dramatically for all those years that she almost wondered whether or not he was working only to find a sense of enjoyment from somewhere. Had she stolen that from him too when they eloped? Would he have moved on from distributing alcohol by now if not for her involvement? She didn't know.

She nodded knowingly as February continued. Ben, for all his misgivings, truly was an amazing and hands on father. Just then, the housekeeper poked her head in to inform them their lunch was ready. "I suppose we should leave her to nap," Melody sighed. She despised leaving Eleanora for any reason, but they both had to become accustomed to it. "Shall we?"

[Image: dqAG6wz.png]
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