30th April, 1891
Professor Vorona,
I thought carefully on whether or not it was prudent to reach out, given our limited acquaintance. Plainly, I have elected the former, and I hope that you will not find this presumptuous.
While I am not the sort to put any measure of stock in the scribblings of Witch Weekly, I am given to believe that they have speculated as to your being the so-called "Meredith Watchword" who has commented upon not only my brother, but other figures of society, quite disparagingly and quite personally.
I write to you today not with accusation, but with concern, as someone who has seen firsthand the damage that Witch Weekly can do. I hope that you are well and that you remain well, for I judge you to be an intelligent and sensible woman who does not deserve such slander. If, however, it should turn out that you are Meredith Watchward, I would urge you to remedy the situation as swiftly as you are able, for your own benefit as well as the health of our society.
Mr. A. Crouch
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