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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

January 3, 1891
It has been too long since we spoke last. The ties of class do keep us apart, don't they?

I am unsure if you've heard, but I am expecting my first child with Mr. Ruskin. And I am absolutely terrified. His elder children are nearly all grown, and I swear the eldest two are at least trying to hate me. I am doing my utmost to be kind and caring and give them no reason, but I fear that simply by existing I have already given them one.

Yet I am joyful. This makes little sense, and yet, it makes perfect sense.

Titania Allaway

[Image: agr8A1.jpg]
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
3 January 1891
My dear Sophie,

Your owl is most welcome. I truly hope that my new position at Hogsmeade Hospital will allow us to see more of one another. My conversations with your Mr. Ruskin were so limited, it wasn't mentioned. I offer you many congratulations! I know how dear your children are to you and your husband must be thrilled.

I am sure your newest children will adjust with time. From what you have shared with me and what I know of their public plight, they have been through much with their birth mother. It will take time for them to fully trust your wonderful heart.

You should be joyful. You found a love match with a worthy man. You both deserve happiness and this new chapter together.

Yours sincerely,

[Image: 6FdDBqK.png]
MJ revealed this beauty
January 3, 1891
Consider this a standing invitation to tea when you have a free hour. I fear I may go stir-crazy; I've little reason to leave the house now, with the holidays past. I likely should have just sent along a maid for my holiday shopping, as well, but I couldn't leave my gifts to the chance of the maid making an error. Besides, Martin's gift was a custom quill — certainly nothing one would leave in the hand of a maid.

They did indeed not have an easy youth. I can only hope I've not made things worse for the younger ones. Ariel has seemed to adapt the best. Gazardiel is young yet, but Malachai will be starting Hogwarts this September. I worry for him.

Is it typical, for an expectant woman to be so happy all the time? If past experiences are anything to judge by, I was always so exceptionally mercurial. Save with Gazardiel, with whom I spent much of my time crying in my late husband's study.

Titania Allaway

[Image: agr8A1.jpg]
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
4 January 1891

I am grateful for the invitation and will join you soon; you have my word. This season has been most strange in ways I am afraid to voice, it all seems so incredible to me still. I am afraid to hope for such a thing, but it seems rather possible I will have news of my own to share soon, Merlin willing.

How can it be that your Malachai is Hogwarts bound already? My eldest niece will be off for her first year as well. I am convinced there is some other magic at play; I will swear it was yesterday I first held Phillipa. How can she be off to her own Hogwarts career? I am certain your son will be well and find his way, just as we did.

If my beloved sister-in-law is any indication, there is not a feeling, whim, or state of mind that is atypical in your situation. Isobel has five beautiful children and each of them introduced us to a new aspect of her personality. I confess, I enjoyed witnessing my brother repeatedly fail to adapt. If I am not mistaken, our home may experience this myriad of emotions again soon. I am convinced Isobel is waiting until the last possible moment to reveal her news to me if only to see me anxious for answers. I hope I am correct as I miss having a newborn in the house. In year's time, please remind me of this statement when the Allaway House is desperately lacking sleep. 


[Image: 6FdDBqK.png]
MJ revealed this beauty
January 5, 1891
I eagerly await every last detail when you are available to share them. I have always hoped you would find happiness in whatever avenue you sought, and was always just a little jealous of your accomplishment. You, my new family — I am veritably surrounded by healers.

Phillipa will be attending this year as well? How time passes. It seems to fly by when one is a parent, or closely connected to one. I like it not at all and somewhat dread the day Ariel gets her letter. I am not ready to have so many children at Hogwarts.

I shall endeavor to remember to remind you, though I myself will soon be facing that same lack of sleep, yet again.


Titania Allaway

[Image: agr8A1.jpg]
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
4 January 1891

I hesitate to share what I have kept so close to my heart for so many months. The truth is this past August, Mister Murdock Greyback and I began a courtship. A word I never anticipated applying to myself, certainly, but it has happened. I share this in confidence as you know we are both quite private and I would never wish to bring more attention to so personal a matter, but I feel I deceive you by keeping the matter to myself.

I know Phillipa is so eager to go, but I helped bring her into this world, and I cannot believe she is to be off learning magic. I do hope Phillipa and Malachai will get along, I could not imagine another possibility. Filly, as I will know her to my grave, is a force unto herself, but she is always eager to befriend someone new. Perhaps I am projecting my own affections onto the next generation.


[Image: 6FdDBqK.png]
MJ revealed this beauty

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