Nicknames: Lissy
Birthdate: August 13, 1867
Current Age: 20
Occupation: Matchmaking Terror
Reputation: 9
She's been engaged for two years with no actual date set and is starting to raise questions.Residence: North Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Maple, 9", supple, unicorn tail
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Father, Percival J. Adlard Senior | [1815] father, retired Ministry ManAppearance: Felicity boasts a rather willowy and tall frame, standing above average at an even five foot five. Her curves are nearly non existent, even with a good and tight corset. She does what she can with her wardrobe to try and hide the fact she’s rather lacking in feminine curves but there’s really only so much that can be done. Her hair is long, mousy brown, and pin straight. It doesn’t hold much curl so is rarely seen in any style other than with intricate braids and put up nicely. Her eyes are a light blue in hue but she’s been known to have a rather piercing gaze when needed. She deems her lips her most favorable attribute as they’re quite plump and with a rather defined cupid’s bow for her top lip. She’s learned well over the years, as the youngest and as her father’s favorite child, how to perfect the perfect pout to get what she wants or needs. She wields her wand with her right hand though has proven to be ambidextrous thanks to her talents as a pianist.
Constance M. Adlard, nee Merriston | [1838-1880] mother, deceased
Percival James Adlard, Jr. | [1857] brother, Beast Division Employee
Catherine M. Smith, nee Adlard | [1861] sister, widow
Timothy J. Smith | [1854-1884] brother-in-law, died in Plague of ‘84
Alfred T. Smith | [1882], nephew
Constance F. Smith | [1884], niece
Play-by: Inga Dezhina
1867: Felicity Jane Adlard is born, the final Adlard child. She’s a bright and sweet little girl who seems quite fond of her father from the start.Personality: Sweet. Kind. Vibrant. Bright. Determined. Confident. Stubborn. Charming.
1872: During a temper tantrum of absurd proportions after Catherine takes a dolly she was playing with, Felicity’s first sign of magic is shown by turning her sister’s hair a rather vibrant shade of orange. It takes weeks to fade and Felicity can’t help but to smirk each times she sees her sister distressing over the awful hair color.
1877: Felicity’s father moves the family to Hogsmeade, selling the small family manor in the country due to the unrest of the muggles finding out about their world.
1878: Even though she’s just begun to adjust to the change in scenery, Felicity soon finds herself relocating all over again but this time to Hogwarts! She befriends three other girls on the boat ride over to the castle and even though none of them end up sorted into the same house, they remain friends. She finds herself making Ravenclaw Tower her new home for the school year!
1880: Constance dies of pneumonia, leaving the Adlard family visibly shaken.
1881: Catherine marries a nice enough gentleman.
1882: A nephew is born! Felicity quite likes the little boy, Alfred, and follows in her brothers footsteps of doting on him when not at school.
1884: Tragedy strikes and the plague hits. She sees the loss of her brother in law and the quickly failing health of her father. It is a rough year and the only bright spot of the year is the birth of Felicity’s niece, Constance.
1885: Felicity debuts at the Hogwarts Coming Out Ball and seems to take to the social scene like a duck to water. It ends up as a success of a season and Felicity meets a rather respectable (and eligible!) young man. She’s instantly taken with him and the two enjoy each other’s company. A courtship is started with the two finding they’re actually quite similar.
1886: Mr. Beau proposes! Not really expecting it, even though the two had started up a courtship, she simply blurts out yes though isn’t quite sure she wants to marry him. He’s kind enough and she does enjoy his company but she can’t help her hopeless love she feels of one of her brother’s friends, Quincy Honeyduke. Her father also seems to take another turn for the worse and so Felicity spends the majority of the offseason taking care of him so an actual wedding date isn’t decided upon.
1888: Felicity is still unmarried though engaged. She continues to put off the wedding under the pretence that her father is simply not well enough to withstand a wedding and she simply can’t leave her father’s household while he is so ill. Mr. Beau clearly isn’t enthused by it but despite how sweet Felicity is, she’s as stubborn as they come and won’t let up on holding off the marriage until her father is either well again.or deadThough when she isn’t tending to her ailing father, she’s forcing her brother out as a chaperone to parties and events in an attempt to see him happily wed.
Sample Roleplay Post:
Age: 29
Contact: PM for Skype & Discord
BEE-utiful Set!
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