May 29, 1889 - Hospital Wing
It was all Claire could do not to continue to sob. Her eyes were still puffy, and she surely was miserable. How could Cele do this? Plan such a big prank without even talking to her? What would the potion have even done?
Didn't matter now. Now her twin was just... gone. How could she do anything now? It was as if they had almost always done everything together. But now Claire sat alone, miserable. Well... not alone it seemed. As someone approached her. She gave them a shy look. Was she even up for talking?
Didn't matter now. Now her twin was just... gone. How could she do anything now? It was as if they had almost always done everything together. But now Claire sat alone, miserable. Well... not alone it seemed. As someone approached her. She gave them a shy look. Was she even up for talking?

French is mixed into her accent due to French parents and household staff